bad habits...

I've been working stupidly long hours these past two weeks, that combined with a night out has really hit my calorie intake hard.
I dont seem to want to eat during my working day (6 till 6) just because of being busy but I am drinking water.

Then right after work it hits me like a ton of bricks!! Soooo hungry!! then I just eat crap:
This week its been a HUGE burger king meal.
Indian take away.
Ready made pasta salad loaded with creamy dressing.
Indian microwave meal take away.
pizza & burgers in one night!
Mexican food complete with starters, ( and many cocktails..oops)

everyday i wake up and tell myself it wont happen today, but it does!!

Is anyone doing the same thing and still losing weight?

Any advice? I can't make time to have proper foods in work time and never have time for a proper breakfast, usually just a cup of tea :(

Im too scared for the scales to see the damages :(


  • racmac
    racmac Posts: 81
    Well if youwant to get into that size 12 dress with 5 weeks to go its not going to happen unless you control yourself!

    I know its hard but focus on that dress and how disappointed you are going to be in you have to wear your size 14.

    Focus on that everytime you want to eat junk.

    Good luck
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    I'm not sure how to help you. Maybe when you get home you can prepare some carrots or so"heathly" snacks for work the next day. I have to be to work at 5 am so i know where your coming from.

    Go to your local grocery store & see what they have in produce that you could take with you or have waiting at home. Or try to balance out the fast food with healthy foods.

    You also have to account for calories you might be burning during your longs days. But I don't think your going to reach your goal with your current game plan.

    I know they say veggies are better but I find that fruit is great for travel & doesn't need refrigeration like veggies do to eat them on the spot.

    High fiber foods might help with hunger because they will stay in your system longer so your not as hungry.

    I wish you luck.3
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think you must have a time management issue going on; there is always time for breakfast or you wake yourself up 10 minutes earlier so that you do have time. There is instant oatmeal, there is ready to go yogurt that you can add fresh walnuts or fresh blueberries too. Either of these make for a better start to your day than no breakfast. You can also scramble eggs in the microwave in 60 seconds.

    Lunches and snacks can be packed in the evening hours or on the weekends. Fresh vegetables and fruits abound in the grocery store, many of the prepackaged and washed. When I cook, I always cook a little extra and put in small containers to grab and go.

    You need to take control of your time and your days and just plan a little bit ahead. It really doesn't take as much effort as you think. And it is imperative that you eat throughout the day rather than stuffing in the evening. Weight loss is not gonna happen unless you make it happen through healthier choices.

    I feel your stress and pressure from working hard, long days, but I assure you if you will just take the time to do one good grocery shop with some forethought, you can have a well stocked refrigerator that will provide you with quick breakfasts, snacks, and lunch options.

    I wish you luck in making the changes necessary in your weight loss journey!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    One small thing that could help a little but you must take this weightloss thing serious and yes you cannot starve yourself is...when I eat crap I drink a protein powder with water with feel me up quicker so I don't so much crap.
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    Any advice? I can't make time to have proper foods in work time and never have time for a proper breakfast, usually just a cup of tea :(

    Im too scared for the scales to see the damages :(

    Well I think you just answered your own question. No matter what we say here you are going to tell us why that wont work. You have already told us you wont make time so nothing we say is gonna help. In the event you change your mind and want to make time, then a lot of the suggestions goven here will help. I work a 12 hour day and ahve a 2 hour commute, and I take my snacks as well as lunch and dinner to work and eat it all there. It can be done, you just have to want to. Hopefully you can look at the food journals of others and get some easy to travel ideas.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Time management is hard. I know. Those extra long hours seem to be the time I definitely don't want to go home and cook because I'm already hungry. Do you have a crock pot? Mine is a life-saver. There are so many healthy options you can throw in it in the morning and come home to a cooked meal. I cook roasts, ribs, chickens, soups, red beans, etc. in mine. Even if it's not really low cal, they are always healthier than fast food.

    Your company is required to give you lunch time and breaks. Take them and at least eat a snack. Buy some fruit or healthy snacks that you can eat quickly. Pack a turkey sandwich in a small cooler if need be. There are options, you just need to take a deep breath and take them.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    In the mornings you just have to make time for breakfast.

    My husband usually gets breakfast on the go because he presses the snooze button too many times and only has enough time to get ready. (This happens on the mornings where he gets go into work a little later - usually after I work out I start making breakfast for us when he comes home from PT - military)

    Making scrambled eggs takes about 5 - 8 mins =) or have instant oatmeal. I get the quacker packets and it takes less than a minute to boil some water. Than I have a fruit or yogurt with it
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Kashi makes a great line of healthy snacks - cereals, granola bars, snack mixes - easy to eat on the go and full of grains and healthy fats to keep you full - and it's relatively low calorie. If you can just get a little healthy food in you during the day I bet the other late night bad habits will be easier to change.
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    If you can't do it for yourself, WHO will? Please take take of yourself,can't starve the body all day.The body is like a machine, fuel in energy out....Can't starve yourself all day and not expect the body to fight to stay alive.[called salvation]
    The Lord made us very special with protectors to fight against enemies, [intuiation,gut feelings, hunger,etc]
    Make time for yourself and your body will reap the benefits!!:smile:
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    We eat the Kashi high fiber cookies,taste good and takes hunger away. Good reply!:drinker:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I agree with everyone else. No one can do this but you. It has to be something you really really want. I make my meals for work the day ahead. I work 12.5 hour night shifts and sleep all day. So if I don't have something prepared ahead of time it could be bad. I only bring my good food to work and no money so I can't hit the vending machines. Its a mental thing. You have to want this more then anything. It gets easier and easier. Really. Focus on the dress and what you want to be.
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    I've been working stupidly long hours these past two weeks, that combined with a night out has really hit my calorie intake hard.
    I dont seem to want to eat during my working day (6 till 6) just because of being busy but I am drinking water.

    Then right after work it hits me like a ton of bricks!! Soooo hungry!! then I just eat crap:
    This week its been a HUGE burger king meal.
    Indian take away.
    Ready made pasta salad loaded with creamy dressing.
    Indian microwave meal take away.
    pizza & burgers in one night!
    Mexican food complete with starters, ( and many cocktails..oops)

    everyday i wake up and tell myself it wont happen today, but it does!!

    Is anyone doing the same thing and still losing weight?

    Any advice? I can't make time to have proper foods in work time and never have time for a proper breakfast, usually just a cup of tea :(

    Im too scared for the scales to see the damages :(

    Sadly, in order to lose weight you really must make time to eat proper foods. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's true. You can do your best to make quick and healthy foods available to yourself or if you absolutely HAVE to order out, there are many healthier options to choose from--they will probably still be high in sodium though, so try to up your water intake throughout the day.

    I'd say keep something healthy and quick that you like with you all day... Not eating during the work day hours is probably your BIGGEST issue, seeing as if you're sooo hungry after work, you dont really care what you eat and will revert to the quickest and easiest solution to feed yourself.

    But on a slightly different note, your post was filled with a whole lot of you being really hard on yourself. Possibly, it might help if you don't put all that pressure on yourself in the morning. Be kind to yourself, after all, that's what eating healthily and exercising is, your mind needs to be kind to yourself too. Stop beating yourself up over anything you think is "incorrect". Forgive yourself, and love yourself and try doing as that old saying goes "Speak to yourself as you would your best friend."

    Because I pretty much promise that you wouldn't say even 1/2 the things you think about your eating habits to your friend. Go easy on yourself, FEED yourself during the day when you are using more calories and need it more and (also because it sounds like you are a busy busy person) remember to get rest!! :D Hope that helps some.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    What about using shakes? One for breakfast and one for lunch at work. You can drink them quickly so no time issue and it will mean your not so starving after work that you grab the first thing you see, and you have time to make somthing more healthy.

    I used 2 shakes a day in this fashion (combined with a proper meal and several snacks a day) for months and it really helped me to kick start my weight loss. I don't use them so often now because I missed real food, but I still take them to work the 3 days a week that I'm there because they are so convienient.

    Good luck!