Looking for friends in their 40s



  • annakdavis
    annakdavis Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 47. Been on MFP for a little bit, but only just venturing into forums - haven't met anyone here yet, just used the diary and tracker. I think I have the same issue with 1200 calories assigned by MFP - not sure if it's right. There might be adjustments.

    But I can't do anything alone or quietly - I need company for motivation! Please add me, I'm not quite sure yet how this all works... :smile:

    P.S. I think my ticker isn't working...
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    Just turned 38 but feel like I'm 40. Does that count? :wink:
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    42 here. I've lost almost 60 lbs since January and am heading towards the dreaded last 20. I was following MFP's caloric suggestions and having great success...and then my hair started falling out. So, I did the TDEE calculations and increased my calories slightly. Can't say if it's been working or not (yet), as summer was a food & boozefest, putting me significantly over my calories every week, even with lots of exercise. Good news is: I know I can maintain as I did it over the summer. Bad news: I maintained over the summer when I wanted to lose 15 lbs. I'm back on track now, and have refocused on achieving my goal and making the little decisions daily, which lead to great results. Plus, I *may* be eloping in November and I don't want to be fat in the pictures!

    I try to balance my love of food and drink with increased exercise, and smaller portions. I'm not into any special diets: just try to eat as unprocessed as I can. Oh, and I'm a total cheese addict. I could give up chocolate easier than I could give up cheese. But the beauty of it is: I don't have to give up either, so long as I earn those calories through exercise.

    I try to exercise daily: hockey 2-4X a week, am re-doing the C25K program, swim, bike (until it snows), walk, etc. I also completed my first mini-triathlon a couple weeks ago. It's amazing what I've accomplished this year since I made the decision to change my lifestyle. Anybody can feel free to add me! Just reference this thread in your comment so I know where you came from! :)
  • I'm 44 and need all the help I can get so looking for friends for support
  • I am looking for support and encouragement too. Shy away a little from over competitiveness but really enjoy sharing goals, failures and successes with others my age. I am 46, completely committed to my goal of 150 and maintenance. Add me if you want.
  • Lol
  • Crweb29
    Crweb29 Posts: 18 Member
    Still 41 for a few months more, new to MFP and would love to have people providing me encouragement to continue on to my goal.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    40.6 here :)
    7 months into weight loss journey.