Need some motivation please! Struggling with POCs

Hi everybody! I'm Sandra. I weighed 89 and now I weigh 83.7 Kg and I'm 172 cm. I have POCs and I have a hard time. I just turned eighteen and I need help losing weight. I love chocolate so much! I've been cutting down on chocolate and junk food but still nothing! Drinking cinnamon and ginger, they say it boosts up metabolism. Actually I've been having cidophage (same idea as Metformin) for 3 weeks now and I stopped it 4 days ago and I went from an 82.1 kg to 83.7 Kg I don't know if food has anything to do with it or only that I stopped the cidophage. I'm also going to University this fall so I'll be sitting most of the time. Please help? :) Thank you and Maybe suggest a regimen I could follow, a book/website I could go through!


  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    I've still got a while to go on my journey but here's my 2 cents: Don't buy in to fads or tricks. Hard work and eating at a calorie deficit is what works. I don't do a ton of cardio. Maybe 15-30min a day. But I don't stress if I miss a day either. Lifting weights is important too. More muscle burns more calories so the more muscle you can build the easier it is to burn the calories you eat. I'm sure there are other things too. Just keep your eyes and ears open for help.
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    Also, what's poc?
  • Hi sandra im elle.. ive had pcos since i was 11 and probably before, my mum also has it and it seems to run in the family...
    first thing...cut fruit and anything with natural fructose sends he sugar levels crazy and in most people with pcos it makes us gain weight!
    i find that low gi, gluten free works for me. im currently back on the band wagon of loosing weight as i blew a couple discs in my back and was unable to move.... ive only just managed to start re exercizing this week and because of that have lost 7% of my body fat.. i also wouldnt tend to look at the scales.
    yeh there great for keeping an eye on your weight loss but myself and most the other pcos girls i know we all tend to have a base weight.. that when we hit it we dont loose any more weight..... for example 2 yrs ago i was a small size 12 but i weighed 100kg.... crazy right.
    so i tend to look more at measurements and body fat percentages... plus its a lot more positive than the dreaded scales you can see and monitor all the small changes that arent massively obvious yet
    i hope this helps :)
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Ditto, that we need to address both food and fitness goals in a moderate way, rather than embracing fads and empty promises from a magazine cover. I also love chocolate and I have it every day: I put 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder in a tub of nonfat sugar-free yogurt, i.e. 100 healthy calories. This is a food that is actually both delicious an satisfying, unlike, say, a "Fiber One" type of processed store-bought bar that is about as healthy as a candy bar. And, a candy bar may be yummy but not at all satiating in keeping one's hunger at bay. I've eaten those snacky bars that are touted as "healthy" and they are three bites of nothing. As I eat one, I can only think of eating the next one, until the whole box is gone. Sorry for the rant, but these foods really bug me. I see so many of my younger MFP friends eat a lot of these and I can't help but feel they're self-sabotaging.

    Going off to university might provide you with a lot of opportunities for walking, which is good exercise; at many universities one has access to a gym. You will definitely have to watch out for cafeteria food and make healthy choices. It is all about calories in/calories out, but it is also about what type of calories one eats for long-term sustainability/satisfaction. You are smart to want to read books that will give you more info on good nutrition and fitness. I'm sure there are folks in the MFP community who have some they will suggest to you. Good luck!
  • Thank you all of replying! Really helped! :)