Going Vegetarian



  • won't you miss a nice juicy steak????

    I haven't had red meat in a very long time. I prefer chicken. I was also thinking of eating chicken maybe once a week if I have a need for it. I definitely need to eat more vegetables or as least a variety of them. Luckily a lot of my friends and coworkers are vegetarians and vegans as well. it helps when I'm hanging out with them
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    yes my monday - friday is usually all the same. its actually what I have always eaten the exact same thing (basically grilled chicken, rice, salad) every day for the last year. mostly cause I dont like to think about what to eat. I am not one to get tired of things.


    Maybe one way to add variety would be to vary the salad. At some point in the week you have to think about it a little bit, because you have to buy the veggies, and prep them, whether you do that for the whole week at once or every day. I realize it's a little extra thinking to come up with a few new Maybe you slowly build a repertoire of two, then three, then four, five, six different salads, hopefully with some protein in them (e.g., leafy greens with garden veggies like tomatoes, cukes, radishes, with a protein like chick peas or sliced hard-boiled eggs; spinach, strawberries and almonds or faux bacon with a low-fat sweet-vinegar slaw-style dressing; a whole-grain based salad with mushrooms and little avocado; legume-based salads, such as cold lentils with a vinaigrette and chopped peppers, onion, garlic; whole-grain pasta salads with cubed tofu, peppers, scallions, and sesame-tahini or peanut-butter or dressing; ). Once you've expanded your repertoire, you could purchase smaller amounts of the fresh ingredients for two or three of the recipes in your repertoire each week, and decide at the beginning of the week which ones you'll have which days. Make rotating weekly and daily schedules for your expanded repertoire and there you are, eating two or three different salads each week, maybe with two or three weekly schedules, and once you have the schedules, you really won't to think about it anymore than you do now. (If you get to this point, and feel up to an additional challenge, you could develop different schedules for different seasons, to take advantage of what's tastiest and cheapest at different times.)
  • feitian
    feitian Posts: 21 Member
    If going vegetarian means that you will increase your fiber intake and eat more veggies, then great! However, I've seen some pretty unhealthy vegetarians that eat a lot of carbs. I'm a vegetarian and my diary is open for those that want to look at what I eat! I've been able to lose weight once I gave up eating so much white rice and refined carbs!
  • susannakaysen
    susannakaysen Posts: 5 Member
    I was vegetarian for 5 years, carnivore for 5 years and have now been a pescetarian for 5 months. Fish in moderation is really good for you and allows you to get your protein without worrying about bad fats. I think if it's for health reasons you should maybe think about giving up red meat and sticking with chicken and fish and also making sure you're eating a lot of wholegrains and pulses instead of white carbs!
  • samanthawardle31
    samanthawardle31 Posts: 58 Member
    I have replaced a lot of meat with Quorn and it is delicous eg the burgers, lasagne etc.
  • floop1207
    floop1207 Posts: 194 Member

    Also, I wouldn't go vegetarian for weight loss. I've been a vegetarian for 20 years, and IMO there's no weight loss benefits that a reasonable balanced diet can't provide, and you're looking at headaches getting your protein without going overboard on carbs. If you have an ethical/moral motivation, I strongly support it, but if it's just for health/weightloss, I think you're making the process harder for yourself than it needs to be.

    ^^ this. i've been vegetarian for 25+ yrs and i'm here, trying to lose weight so.....:frown: i struggle a lot to get enough protein in my diet and even with logging everything, my diet is still really carb heavy in regards to protein and fat.
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    Hello fellow fitness pals,

    after thinking about it long and hard I have decided that it may be best to go vegetarian in order to hopefully lose another 10 pounds. Last year I went on a very specific, very basic diet (that I am currently on) and lost 45 pounds and kept it off. The last few months I have notice I have hit a weight plateau. So I ask you the people who have been or are now transitioning as well to a vegetarian lifestyle your opinions on my outlined diet plan. Anyone can answer as well. My ultimate goal is to get down to 190 I am currently at 200

    Mon - Fri

    Greek Yogurt, Branola Bar, Apple Juice

    Salad, Peanut butter and Celery, Apple or Orange

    Burrito (Tortilla, Beans, Rice, Lettuce, Some Salsa and Reduced fat Cheddar), Juice

    Saturday and Sunday are kind of a toss up of whatever I wanna eat. mostly omlettes cause I love omelettes

    also I take Protein after every workout (5x a week)

    your input is greatly appreciated.

    There's not a lot of calories here, especially for a guy. I eat a mostly vegan/plant based diet and have found that it can be a challenge to get in enough calories. There's a fine line between losing weight (or in my case maintaining), and not eating enough and starting to hurt your body.

    How many calories is the above menu? Beans and rice don't have a lot of calories and veggies like lettuce have almost none. It's a good start, but I'd do some tweaking-maybe have some almonds or seeds for a snack, add olive oil and flax seed to your salads etc.
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    I've been vegetarian for almost 4 years... I did lose some weight initially but you can still overeat as a vegetarian. You will have a hard time meeting your protein needs if you work out hard 4-5 times a week. You'll probably need a supplement.


    I go for long (20+ mile) bike rides about 4 times a week, with two weekend rides that are more like 30-40. I get around 35-50 grams of protein per day, making no specific effort to get "enough" protein.

    I don't understand why there is this fixation on this site with getting enough protein. How much do you think you need? Why? As a large adult male I am thriving on an amount that is far lower than what is often discussed. I question whether 100+ grams of protein per day are actually necessary.
    If going vegetarian means that you will increase your fiber intake and eat more veggies, then great! However, I've seen some pretty unhealthy vegetarians that eat a lot of carbs. I'm a vegetarian and my diary is open for those that want to look at what I eat! I've been able to lose weight once I gave up eating so much white rice and refined carbs!

    Why are carbohydrates so vilified here? I understand if you are eating a lot of wonder bread, white rice and other heavily processed grains, but there is nothing wrong with eating a lot of brown rice and whole wheat. I do it and I've lost a huge amount of weight.

    The unhealthy vegetarians that you mention are probably eating a lot of junk food like macaroni and cheese, for example. Foods that are highly processed with a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol.