Encouraging running stories?

This happened to me today.

I went for a run the first time this week and decided to go downtown. After trying to get my attention, an older man yelled "*kitten*" loudly even though I thought I was decently dressed for exercise. I've never been named to that effect before in my life.... but I didn't want it to ruin my run, so I kept running hoping to get past it.

I left the downtown area and headed into the park. 5 mins later I passed some cross country team girls my age, they were all smiling in the way runners are encouraging others on when they run past and one girl was saying how she could never run barefoot, like she seemed impressed.. It really made my day to just have that support from people I've never met and I felt a lot better and was able to really dig into my run the rest of the way.

It was something I truly needed after a hard week at school--not that it's gotten easier, but I needed this to help me keep working to catch up. My legs are sore but it's one of the best feelings in the world right now...don't know why I ever stopped running. I feel like a lot of problems in life could be solved by running more.

The thing I learned here is to encourage your fellow runners when you run past, because you don't know what's going on in their lives at the moment. Heck, why not just be nice to everyone.


  • RaluKitty
    RaluKitty Posts: 62 Member
    Wow, that must be a nasty downtown - but there are crazies in every downtown, so never ever pay attention to what they say :)

    I love to wave, smile and nod at any runners I pass, and when I get a response, I suddenly get more energy and run faster for a little it :) Interestingly, I don't get responses in all cases - maybe 70%. But I keep doing it, because it makes me feel better :)

    I also love reading running blogs - those are always always inspiring; my favorites are (just google/bing these): Runner's Hi (get it?? say Hi!!!), Marathon Lar and Shut Up + Run, but there are many more. I'm also their fan on Facebook (when applicable) and I love seeing their updates.

    I also "Like" many running-related pages on Facebook, as I find them incredibly motivating - Runner's World, Distant Runners, I <3 to run, and the Facebook pages of many many local running groups and organizations, as well as certain marathons or half marathons (I love getting the updates in French from the Montreal marathon :) or the ones from my home city in Europe). After seeing several of these posts a day, no weirdo will phase me out on my run :)
  • margoanton
    margoanton Posts: 13 Member
    I still fondly remember the day while running when I ran past an outdoor fitness class who was warming up. The instructor stopped counting reps to say, "holy crap girl, you're in good shape!" That not only kept me going all that week, but still keeps me going to this day.
  • 13words
    13words Posts: 12 Member
    I remember a few months ago when I was around 100kg (162cm), I was running laps at a local reserve, and a personal trainer guy in his little shorts was there training a young girl. Each time I ran past them, he'd give me a thumbs up, or a high five, and smiled away! It really made my day!
    Sure I've had the odd car load of knobs yell out at me, or toot, but the nice encouraging things people say tend to outweigh the bad!
  • 13words
    13words Posts: 12 Member
    And don't forget, whatever they say about you, actually says more about them, then about you :)