Insanity Workout

Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has tried and completed this Insanity workout? If so can you fill me in on how it worked out for you. I would greatly appreciate it. I started it today and completed the fitness tested but never sweated so much in my life. I even found myself lying on my gym floor during the resting periods. Will this get easier or will I suffer this much through the whole thing? Don't get me wrong now I feel great already today and feel like I want to eat healthier. I even turned down my regular coke for a water with some Mio. Any ways any input would help! I hope you are all having a great success in your weight-loss ventures.


  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    Hi I'm 2 weeks away from finishing insanity, I'm still drenched in sweat and tired by the end of every workout, however my fitness has improved dramatically I have also started noticing now that my stomach is shrinking and ive also got stronger.

    You don't need to keep up with everyone in the video you do it your own pace and if you need a quick break take it, as you progress through you will find you are doing more and more of the workouts before you need a break.

    The point of the workout is to keep pushing yourself as much as possible all the way through so even when you get fitter you will still be tired after it because you have worked hard through it. In the first month my resting pulse went down from around 70 bpm to 62 bpm.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    It's a great cardio workout program...just pace yourself and take breaks when you need it. Over tme you will build up your endurance. :smile:
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Im half way through insanity and its a great workout. I love it :)

    The first 2-3 days your body will feel sore but after that the soreness goes away. Pay special attention to form and know your limits, you dont have to keep up with the people in the dvd, just go at your own pace. Also follow the nutrition plan as much as possible to get the best results and make sure your eating enough calories. Drink a protein shake after each workout that will help with the soreness and help your muscles to recover.

    Stay away from the scale, measure inches lost and take pics to track your progress. Most people see major results in month 2 so you have to be patient and complete the entire program.

    In month 1, I have lost 5lbs and 10.5 inches all over.

    Good luck and read other peoples success stories to help motivate you because its helped me.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I bought it, started it, stopped it. Loved it.

    Sadly my neighbour below (I live in a 1st floor apartment) complained that he thought I was about to come through the ceiling and land on him every time I did it.

    Pfft. I am a little overweight, not a baby elephant.

    GIve it a go, I think you will see some great results and hopefully enjoy it too! Just make sure you don't have neighbours below!
  • mrskatekline
    mrskatekline Posts: 11 Member
    I LOVE Insanity. It's my favorite Beachbody workout. I've done it 3 times. Like everyone else said, don't try to keep up with the people in the DVD...go at your own pace. You WILL get better and faster. Try to learn the correct form first.
  • frantny
    frantny Posts: 17 Member
    I battled fatigue from the workouts for the first 2-3 weeks, but that faded. I noticed a good increase in my core strength after finishing the first month.
  • oceanchica
    oceanchica Posts: 10 Member
    Love Insanity! I completed it last year and lost over 20" even though my weight didn't change much. You will sweat just as much at the end as you do at the start, because you'll be pushing yourself just as hard. It's true what the guy says during the fit test when Shaun T asks how he felt and he said 'the same as the first time'. You get stronger, fitter, faster, but still work just as hard :)
  • devonlewison
    devonlewison Posts: 1 Member

    I completed INSANITY about a month ago and have never been happier with results!! I lost inches and gained about 5lbs of muscle. It however does not get easier. This is because with a HIIT routine like this, when your stamina and endurance increase you continue to push yourself harder and harder. So, since you put all your effort into each workout, you will exhaust yourself. At some points, I had to modify exercises or take them at a slower pace. Sometimes I felt like giving up but I promise that if you get through it, it's the most amazing feeling and you won't be disappointed! I actually am going to start it again to tone up in about a month :)
  • I've done it twice and loved to hate it each time. :) I never lost pounds, so don't step on the scale. BUT never fear, I lost a ton of inches and my body CHANGED. My legs were more toned, my stomach smaller. I felt stronger, and it's an empowering feeling. But everyone is correct, it will never (should never) get easier, because you always push yourself harder. At the end of it you will think, "Whew...glad that's done...never putting myself thru that again" then a few months later you find yourself craving the feeling of vitality and empowerment it gives you to push yourself so hard and come out of it at the end stronger and better than you were before you started. Enjoy it......
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I love Insanity! I attempted it last year and made it through week 4 but quit because life got in the way. I started again and this time completed the entire 9 weeks, which was about 3 months ago. I am now on week 3 of my 3rd round.

    Sometimes it's really hard to push play but I am always glad that I do. It helped me lose the last several pounds and make goal (I just recently changed my goal to lose a few more) and I am definitely more toned, stronger and have a much better stamina. Like others said, don't think you have to keep up with everyone on the video - they even take breaks when needed! - and go at your own pace, making modifications where needed.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I started it on September 1st and I love it so far. It is definitely a tough workout, but I also find it a lot of fun. Even in the short time I've been doing it, I'm noticing some small changes in my body and my endurance is getting better.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone has tried and completed this Insanity workout? If so can you fill me in on how it worked out for you. I would greatly appreciate it. I started it today and completed the fitness tested but never sweated so much in my life. I even found myself lying on my gym floor during the resting periods. Will this get easier or will I suffer this much through the whole thing? Don't get me wrong now I feel great already today and feel like I want to eat healthier. I even turned down my regular coke for a water with some Mio. Any ways any input would help! I hope you are all having a great success in your weight-loss ventures.

    It will feel like it starts getting easier at around Day 28 and then boom Month 2 hits you hard!

    Just keep at it. I completed Insanity last year and it really brought my fitness to a new level
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I seem to lose focus very easy and give up on things when they are tough. I'm going to continue with Insanity and post pictures as I go to try and keep me motivated. Has anyone noticed or had big changes happen to their bodies from this program? The results I find on the internet almost looked Photoshopped so I feel discouraged by that. Feel free to post pics! Thanks Again
  • miss_deeana
    miss_deeana Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone I m looking for people who are doing insanity to add them as friends and keep us motivated on the MFP app . I'm on the last 3 weeks almost done with this week and since its these max intervals sometimes I just don't even want to play it but I do and I feel amazing after but I've gone so far don't want to stop now!
  • miss_deeana
    miss_deeana Posts: 6 Member
    Hi JCPM87 I did notice a big change and I saw someone else saying there is not a big drop in pounds but boy my body is transformed my legs are really toned even the cellulite is less stomach smaller and I lost 32 inches all over my body with 7 in waist since June when I had my first attempt on insanity I quit after 2 weeks and now I started and won't quit ! The results are amazing !
  • mikenelson20
    mikenelson20 Posts: 44 Member
    10 days left for me. Pretty much the same as what everyone else says. Not sure if you were active before or not, but if not take it SLOW. Learn the form, learn the form, did I say learn the form. Even have a Insanity prep week (workout, day off, workout, day off, etc). Do some stretching in between workouts. Nothing worse than working out then not being able to move for 5 days. Don't set yourself up for failure.
    As far a weight loss, I have had great success in that aspect. I was 285 lbs when I started and now 270 lbs. I think people that don't loose weight might not have as much to loose as I have. I also like the fact that I get to eat a lot more (I love those 1000 calories burn days).