Hello, feeling doubtful

Hello. My name Sharon. I'm 48 and have 3 children. I have gained about 20 pounds in my forties. The scale creeps up every year. I have my doubts about doing this because I have never, ever had any success with any kind of diet plan or fitness plan. As soon as I get on one I get thoroughly obsessed with eating and can't think about anything else but food until I'm so miserable I give up. In the last few years I have found that I am able to use all the good eating advice (like asking myself if I'm actually hungry, paying attention when I eat, paying attention to when I'm full, etc.) for about 2 - 2.5 weeks of the month. I even lose some weight. Then I get the dreaded hormone shift and start consuming about 800 or more extra calories a day so I gain back anything I have lost that month and more. This is why the scale keeps creeping up. I have recently been diagnosed with PMDD. So I'm trying to sort that out, and I'm starting with this program (got it on my laptop and phone) but I wish I could say I felt enthusiastic and optimistic.


  • jaberntson
    jaberntson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sharon-I know the feeling. I am 47 almost 48 and have gained weighed as well. My body ain't what it used to me. I am here for you. We can do this together. We just have to remind ourselves that this is a lifestyle change and we have to stick together to make it work. :laugh:
  • if you really want to do this you can.... no one else can make that decision for you. I just turned 50 in July, have been here 175 days as of today( march) and I never thought I could do this either, but iam and its working..... I am making a lifestyle change and enjoying every bit of it! good luck with to you!!!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'm 49 and a mother of 2. Stop thinking of it as a diet and instead focus on this as a way of life. I have my calorie goal set to the very teensiest deficit, so I still lose weight, very slowly, but I also get to enjoy food. For me, this is all about keeping track. I'm in charge of what I eat and how much of it, when I exercise, etc. I can choose to sit on my butt and eat less, or I can choose to work out and then feed my body to fuel it for that. Sometimes I go over on calories, by choice, too. Using MFP to track calories in and out helps me be in charge and make those decisions so I don't feel like I am depriving myself or following anyone's orders except my own.

    You can do this!
  • Thank you for the encouragement. My biggest obstacle is PMDD. I actually do very well with conscious eating and portion management for 2 -3 weeks of the month. Then I get PMDD symptoms and overeat by about 800 calories a day. I gain anything I've lost and then some. This is the main reason the scale keeps creeping up. One step forward, 2 steps backward.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Perhaps try setting your calorie goal for maintenance to see if you can keep to that during that difficult part of the month. If you get into the habit of logging regularly it really helps to develop the self-discipline to say, "Nope! I'm out of calories for today and I don't want to go over."
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Hey, Sharon - I totally understand - I'm 'there' too. I'm 47 and have gained about 15 lbs (even though I work out like a crazy person every night)! We CAN do this - we just have to be serious about it. My problem was late -night snacking - which I've eliminated. We just have to stay positive, and keep going! I'm going to send you a friend request - feel free to accept! I think it IS more difficult at our age - I'm going through menopause as well - I used to have NO problem dropping 3+ lbs in a week - that's not happening anymore. So - we have to stay focused, and continue to eat right, and exercise. I'm here for support if you'd like some!
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    You can do this! Maybe a suggestion is to find alternatives for the 800 extra calories you take during that time. There are plenty of lists of 100 calorie snacks out there that will allow you have to have good things without getting too far gone. I turned 40 this year and have lost 26 pounds with another 30 to go. It just takes the commitment. Sent you a friend request!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    might I suggest vigorous exercise instead of 800 calorie moments? I have found (and been successful thus far) that my stress/frustration/emotional irritation/anger/etc etc are managed by putting all the feelings into a run. If running isn't your thing then do whatever it is (weights, zumba, walking, etc) that you like and put that focused energy/feelings from PMS/D into that.....maybe won't solve everything but is worth a shot.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I agree that you need to find lower calorie snacks for those days when you just can't help yourself.

    To satisfy my sweet tooth I like things like low fat jelly, sometimes I add fruit to make it more filling, a pack of 6 low fat melba toasts with chocolate philidelphia (under 200cals), weight watchers chocolate eclairs (83cals) or a low cal chocolate covered bar.
    Eating an apple half an hour before I eat the naughty foods also helps me keep my cravings under control as apples are surprisingly filling.

    Some days I eat all of this plus my meals and manage to stay within my limits.

    Could you also try to busy yourself more those days so you don't have the time to pick or workout more so you have more cals to play with?

    I'm sure you can do this if you want it enough, good luck!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    we should not have kids.
    we gain the weight
    they are nothing but problems!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    we should not have kids.
    we gain the weight
    they are nothing but problems!

    LOL - THIS!!!

    I'm getting a tee shirt that says 'I gave birth to you, and all I got was an extra 10 lbs of FAT hanging around my gut'!

    PS - my daughter is almost 15 years old.............!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Perhaps try setting your calorie goal for maintenance to see if you can keep to that during that difficult part of the month. If you get into the habit of logging regularly it really helps to develop the self-discipline to say, "Nope! I'm out of calories for today and I don't want to go over."

    I totally agree with the logging. It has been one of the most beneficial things I have done. It has really helped me see that I was eating way over-sized portions. Weighing and measuring have been very helpful as well. The other thing I would say is to not necessarily cut foods out of you diet, but modify the portions. For example, I love ice cream and refuse to give it up, but I measure out just a half a cup and eat only that amount. Good Luck! Keep us posted and feel free to add me as a friend if you want. :smile:
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    You can do this, Sharon. I really think you'll be successful if you're consistent with the MFP logging (even on bad days) and MFP community. Add some friends (feel free to add me!) and it'll help you feel more accountable and motivated throughout the whole process. Best of luck to you! :)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    we should not have kids.
    we gain the weight
    they are nothing but problems!

    LOL - THIS!!!

    I'm getting a tee shirt that says 'I gave birth to you, and all I got was an extra 10 lbs of FAT hanging around my gut'!

    PS - my daughter is almost 15 years old.............!

    Haha my 5 drive me absolutely potty but I can't imagine life without them. Actually, although they helped wrecked my body I honestly think they saved my life and gave me reason to live :o)
  • vlland
    vlland Posts: 55 Member
    I feel ur pain - I feel like im in the same boat. Im 48 and I can't seem to lose 20 lbs. it doesn't seem like such a difficult feat . I do well for awhile (losing about a pound a week) and then I go crazy eating about a week or so before my period. my periods are starting to be very unpredictable so the crazy eating can go on longer if my period is late and my hormones are out of whack. my only advice is to turn to exercise when ur hormones are acting out of control. I don't always "remember" to follow my own advice tho.
  • Friends are everything! I think that it helps to be accountable to people who are in this with you. We all have issues I'm sure and it is a great thing to connect and together we move forward. You can do it!!!