Turbo Fire at my door!!

I just recieved my Turbo fire today and I am super excited to start!! Monday will be my start day and I will be following the schedule they have included. So my question is how has everyone been doing on turbo fire and what kind of results have you had, I am excited to hear your stories and have a idea of what I can expect. Hoping to have good results as I am fairly overweight at 182lbs and only 5' 3" (I'm a shorty :blushing: )


  • elloradannon
    Turbo Fire Kickboxing? I take a turbo kickboxing class with turbo jam and it's been AMAZING! It's the best workout I get all week. LOTS of jumping and lunges, etc.
  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    I LOVE turbo fire. It IS intense though.
    I actually have it, and started it, but I was in the middle of ChaLEAN Extreme, so I want to finish that first.
    elloradannon - Turbo fire is chalene's newest workout. Turbo Jam is the dvd version of the gym class, turbo kick (which I am getting certified to teach on Sunday :)...but Turbo FIre is HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) and a higher level of intensity than Turbo Jam.

    Tricia82 - you will love it. My sponsor coach is actually IN the Turbo Fire dvds :) she said filming it was the most exhausting thing she has ever experienced...doing those fire drills over and over and over again....LOL
  • elloradannon
    Oh thanks for clarifying. I would LOVE to get certified to teach Turbo kick eventually. Will you let me know how it goes and what the training class is like? THanks
  • Tricia82
    I sure hope I have the endurance to beable to keep up with the program! I have a 7 month old and we don't have a very good schedule due to my mom having cancer and her treatments and dr app. so it will be interesting if I can keep up and hopefully get rid of all this extra weight and some stress release too!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    I just recieved my Turbo fire today and I am super excited to start!! Monday will be my start day and I will be following the schedule they have included. So my question is how has everyone been doing on turbo fire and what kind of results have you had, I am excited to hear your stories and have a idea of what I can expect. Hoping to have good results as I am fairly overweight at 182lbs and only 5' 3" (I'm a shorty :blushing: )

    I got mine last week (but I have a few weeks before I officially start) and did the Core 20 and Fire 30 workouts and they are AWESOME! You are going to have a great time doing this - the workouts are FUN! And there are modifiers for pretty much everything, so just work at a level that's good for you. I bet you are going to have great results!
  • Tricia82
    Thanks I hope I have great results too! I had a c- section 7 months ago and I am still battling my skin on my tummy issues if that makes sense. Hopefully all works out and I will feel great in the near future. When I start on monday that will bring me right to x-mas to finish the 12 week program.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Tricia,
    I just got mine too and am starting tomorrow!!! I am also a heavy 195 and 5ft 5in - i have a ways to go but glad to be on the journey!
    There is another Turbo Fire Hybrid thread that we're on. The folks are way ahead of me in terms of doing TF but they can answer lots of questions and are very motivating.
    You're welcome to join in on the fun!! Wld be nice to have someone close to where I am - we can cheer each other on!!:drinker:

    Have a great weekend,
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    I've had it since it came out in June but due to a military move, really didn't start until August! I have lost about 10lbs since then but that also includes Zumba workouts. I have noticed that my waist is about 2 inches smaller in the last month of really kicking it up too! It is so much fun and motivating to have so many to choose from. I'm not following her exact diet or the exact schedule but I do it at least 5 days a week. I love that it includes strength and cardio. There is even a CE/TF Hybrid schedule that I might do. Good luck and it is intense but you will burn all sorts of calories and have a blast!
  • Tricia82
    Hi Tricia,
    I just got mine too and am starting tomorrow!!! I am also a heavy 195 and 5ft 5in - i have a ways to go but glad to be on the journey!
    There is another Turbo Fire Hybrid thread that we're on. The folks are way ahead of me in terms of doing TF but they can answer lots of questions and are very motivating.
    You're welcome to join in on the fun!! Wld be nice to have someone close to where I am - we can cheer each other on!!:drinker:

    Have a great weekend,

    wow you have already done an incredible job I can obviously use your advice! I am for surely up for the cheering each other on sounds great and very motivating thanks
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Tricia and Janet....I'm only on week 4 and I've lost 5lbs and 5 3/4 inches!!! I did p90x and didn't get these results due to not following the diet well. Now, I'm following the diet and seeing wonderful results!!

    There's a lot of people here that are more than willing to help you as much as you need!!
  • Tricia82
    itsbella - Thanks I am so excited to start, I was going to start today I thought I just couldn't wait til monday but due to my mom being ill and my high school reunion I figured I better wait and have a great fresh start monday. Congrats on your fabulous results that is great I have P90X too but never went more than a week I feel that I should do some cardio conditioning first then maybe do a mixture of the two programs.
  • Tricia82
    well today is the day that I will start Turbo Fire!! I am going to skip the 5 day inferno though and just get right to the program she has laid out. I did all my measurements last night and I was somewhat disappointed but it is what it is right! So if anyone is wanting to join me in my journey, we can do this together!! Can't wait til christmas and my after pictures!!:happy:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All You Firestarters !!
    I gave it a trial run over the weekend and here are my stats so far: - I had posted on the other TF thread copy and paste :laugh:

    I did my first TF workouts over the weekend ~ man how awesome - similar to TJ but waaay more intense. I did fire 30 on Sat and HIIT15/fire 30/ stretch 10 on Sunday. I did use the new to class option - which was really helpful. (still uncoordinated though can't imagine how tough it would have been had I not done TJ before)
    Cal burn for me looks like this: 47 yr old female 195 lbs

    Sat TF 30 new to class 336 cals avg hr :142 max hr :170
    Sun HIIT 15 150 cals avg hr: 144 max hr: 165
    Sun TF 30 new to class/ stretch 10 421 cals avg hr: 138 max hr: 171

    I didn't follow schedule and did the Fire30 again just because I wanted to burn more cals!! WOW is all i can say - an outstanding workout that is fun and goes by quickly!! Hopefully my burn will go up as I learn the routines. Today is supposed to be a rest day but I think I am going for Fire30/stretch 10 when I get home which would start the schedule on Monday like it says - i just couldn't wait to check it out.
    Tricia, if you start today we'll be at exactly the same place and we can cheer each other on!! It will be cool to have folks at the same skill and workout level - the other thread is a bit more advanced!

    Hope all had a great weekend and are looking forward to an outstanding week!

    ps : my DH ordered an anniversary cake which I was alone with all day yesyerday... all i did was taste some of the icing, i did not cut it!
  • Tricia82
    Way to go, thats sounds awesome I would love to do this with someone to help cheer me on keep me motivated and accountable its so much easier to make excuses for myself were as if I am doing it with friends it should be harder to make up excuses!! Dragonfly11 - We are on our way!! 12 weeks takes us to Christmas hope I am looking fantastic for the holidays!!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Awesome Tricia and Janet!! I'm almost done with week 4!!
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Got off track but I started back up on Monday as well. Just finished week one and I burned sooo many calories this week!!! i LOVE turbo fire! :)
  • carlyrenee1
    First of all I am really sorry to hear that you mom has cancer. I am starting Turbo Fire in a month or so! I am doing Chalean extreme right now. Too bad you guys already are starting : ( I started a thread for those who might want to start it with me in a month. Good luck with it and let me know how it goes. I might join you guys later!

  • Tricia82
    Thanks carlyrenee1. By all means please join us whenever you are ready!
    Bthack I love my turbo fire too although I am alittle uncoordinated yet lol but it will come with time. Glad you joined us and started up again.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Gang,
    over weekend did Fire 55 EZ and I burned 575 cals using the new to class option - i really liked it and it kicked my @$$!!
    Core 20 is no joke either - i think my resistance bands are tighter than the ones she uses but i really feel it in my core!!
    Schedule has me for Fire 45 today so after work it's on!! I've lost 2 lbs since last weeks and my eating was not "clean"
    I feel like i'm on my way and I hope you all do too!

    I love the comment 12 weeks til Xmas - if we keep at it we will look amazing for the holidays ~ i really like that idea.
    Amazing inside and outside!!!!

    Make it a geat day,
  • candymandy
    anyone selling a copy of turbo fire??