Looking for supportive friends

Im 24 and i just need some more friends to support me. Weight loss is hard enough without having people judge you all the time and want to compete with you. Hey dont get me wrong i like a little friendly compitition but this is my life and i was to do it right and healthy!

Anywho anyone want to be my friend and we can support each other?
I live in Winnipeg, MB so if there is anyone from here that would be great if not thats cool too! any support is better than no support :laugh:


  • krisconti
    Im in the same boat as you!!

    All of my friends are either naturally thin or dont work out at all. So im pretty much on my own here!! Ive changed my eating habits about a year ago and ive been losing ever since!!
  • phattothin
    Wow thats so awesome i too have changed my eating habits, im still trying to work in some exercise.