Hey, would like to make some friends :D



  • PeaceVegan
    PeaceVegan Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! Welcome to the site! Feel free to add me, if you would like.
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    Anyone can add me as well! Always looking for new friends
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends too! Feel free to add me!!
  • on a weight loss website is the best place too
  • tmmorris33
    I'm fairly new as well (just re-started) and am sticking to it this time! The more friends and support the better! Feel free to add me too!:smile:
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    on a weight loss website is the best place too

    Wow! Nice first two posts you got going there Luda! :noway:
  • lilmsmisses
    Feel free to add me =-) .... new friends are always good!
  • Hello - Feel free to add me :)
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi!!! I've been on MFP for a little over a year, and feel free to add me :-)
  • Phoenyx01
    Phoenyx01 Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on your new Journey! I just recently got back on track myself. Everyone feel free to add me as well, all my old friends have stopped using MFP :-/ Together we will succeed!
  • KT193
    KT193 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi i'm from the Uk too and started around two weeks ago. I joined this the same time as I started doing the 3O Day shred. I wasn't sure if I would really go on this site much but I am finding that it not only helps me keep track of my calories but keeps me motivated as logging in everyday seeing that I haven't gone over my calories limit is like actually seeing your achievement and I know I would feel like I have let myself down if I go over. And I am actually starting to ENJOY EXERCISING! Have sent you FR
  • Thionna
    Hello:smile: thanks for the friend request .I have always worked so hard by myself:cry: that i never thought this would be easier with friends. :happy: Now Im new to MFP . What i mean is that I never used the program after i signed up. But im going to do better this time around.
  • JamericanBoy
    JamericanBoy Posts: 484 Member
    Feel free to ad me as well. I am told that I am very supportive.