New Here, looking for support

Hello All, My name is Sarah, this is my first time using myfitnesspal, I will say I do love it.
I can't seem to find the sweet spot to lose weight, I am walking 30-45 min a day with no sucess. I seem to lose weight one week and gain the next, it gets really discouraging, but I am really enjoying the walking and feeling better about myself. I have tired so many "diets" in the past and have lost weight and gained it back afterwards.
I would really like ideas and people to talk to that can help with my weight loss journey, I have turned a new leaf in my life and would like my body to reflect that.


  • udamom
    udamom Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Sarah, I was a "walker" for any years and still gained a lot of weight. I think walking is great but you may have to add another forms of exercising (I started riding my bike) to jump start your metabolism.
    Don't think of this as a has to be a lifestyle change for it to work. Are you logging all you eat?
    Sending you a friend request
  • Hi Trish
    I am logging all I eat, which helps a lot. I am buying a treadmill for the winter, hope that helps.
    This is a total lifestyle change, I have never been this serious, I am doing this for me, no one else.
  • Im new here too and have been logging my food at myfitnesspal on and off for a few months. I have been faithful to logging my food for a week now and lost 3 pounds, so I know it works. Would like to make some buddies and get inspired so I can lose my baby weight!
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    I started on here in July. I have found that I have to mix up different kinds of exercise to see any results. I have some health issues so I have to only do certain exercises. I have been trying to log everything. I have also been trying to really limit the sugars and anything with wheat in it.
  • Hi Sarah

    I am new here's not just about the exercise it is your food consumption as well...yes exercise is good to help maintain the weight loss but food is a big part of it.

    I have been doing to a dietitian now for 4 months and I have lost 11 kilos which is about 24 pounds if you need some helpful hints I can share what I have been learning.

    I started off by eating the right foods first was then introduced to exercise...its a slow but rewarding progress.

    If I can help in anyway let me know because its making a mental decision to change.

    Add me if you want
  • Sarah, listen to Nickle. Watch the intake. Before MFP I exercised really hard and didn't lose weight. It was primarily because I didn't get feedback on all the horrible fatty foods I was still consuming. 1g of fat = 9 calories. If you reduce the fat grams in your intake, you will dramatically reduce your caloric intake. If you keep up insane levels of exercise, you will lose weight. But better yet, you don't have to kill your body with too much exercise, you can moderate it and still lose weight. Drop your fat gram intake to say 20% of your total, 25% max. Then keep tracking for a few weeks and tell me the result. The key is don't drop weight fast. Even though it's good for the ego, it's not sustainable. The real key is to lose weight s l o w l y. That way it becomes easier for you as a change in lifestyle. It makes it sustainable. How? Substitute good foods for fat burgers. We are literally surrounded by available foods that are horrible for our bodies. Learn to make smart choices. How? Program in MFP a double cheeseburger and a chicken breast sandwich. Then make your choice. This isn't rocket science. Please don't kill yourself to lose weight. Make your efforts eminently sustainable, otherwise you won't achieve a lasting result. The idea is to lose weight and keep it off. Not gain it all back. I lost all of my weight in the first six months and have successfully maintained since then. In fact I've had to up my caloric intake just to maintain and to not continue losing. So it can be done. I haven't had to sacrifice good taste or portion size. It's all occurred with good food substitutions. There is such a thing as healthy eating. So focus yourself mentally first on gradual weight loss with good food substitutions and don't get down on yourself when you have an occasional deviation, they happen. You really should be in this for the long term. Time is on your side. Stick with it and you can lose a dramatic amount of weight. I've gotten a whole new wardrobe out of the deal. You can too. Keep with it and all the best.
  • send you a request, anyone else feel free to add me!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Hey there - welcome to MFP! :bigsmile:
    I mix up my exercise all and it helps alot!
    Also; anyone feel free to add me. I am always willing to help motivate and support as well as chat when needed! :drinker: And good luck with your journey, it gets tough but it is worth it in the end.
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member

    i do all my walking at work i work in a factory always moving when i started out i was in a 52 pants now i am in a 46-48 all depends on who makes them

    feel free to add me and ask questions
  • I agree that the walking helps but diet choices are important too. I also make sure I do 2 sets of exercise a week with weights. Weight training helps build muscle strength, and muscles burn more (increase your basal metabolic rate) than fatty tissue. I had problems with my back, so a few years added the program found in the book "The Core Program " by Peggy Brill. That gave me core strength strength and did away with my back pain. Even with my walking (35 minutes -3days during the week; between 3 and 8 miles on weekends), I've upped the intensity. I'll have one session with a consistent pace, one where I alternate intense hard intervals. I use the Walkmeter app which lets me see my pace and makes sure I'm not just ambling along. I started my weight loss back in May 2012. It was a slow process, particularly the last 10 lbs, but I've kept my good habits. The other thing I have today that really helped me was a food scale. I thought I did a good job of estimating portions, but the scale showed me how wrong I was. I love cheese, but one ounce was a lot smaller than I'd estimated. The scale and diligent use of a measuring cup keep my calorie intake "honest." Good luck - you can do it.