People who complains about

not being able to eat all their calories... give me a break... if this was even true then you wouldn't be overweight in the first place!

To me 1,200 calories is not enough for me. If I have more calories, I would not have any problem finding food to fill them. Come on, be honest, whos going to believe you.

~sorry, just needed to vent here. 2nd day on Daniel's fast... it's getting to me~


  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I also find it odd. Even eating super duper healthy it is hard to do it under 1200 cals.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    No worries we all need to vent sometime. I know what you mean about 1200 calories I've yet to hit that. I have that as my limit but I usually eat around 1400-1600 which is alright because I work it off and then some.
    Good luck with your fast.
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    Actually, that's a common misconception.

    I am overweight because of conservation/starvation mode. I had, prior to MFP, never eaten more than 1 meal a day. I was often told by the doctor and others that if I wanted to lose weight I had to start eating. I started gaining as a, very active, professional dancer who thought lunch was supposed to be a bottle of water and a cigarette! So it wasn't a sedentary lifestyle or overeating.

    When I first started MFP it was very difficult to eat my calories every day, not to mention the terrible idea of HAVING to eat breakfast. I had always eaten plenty of fresh produce and lean protein, I just failed to eat more than 1 meal. My calorie average was 700 a day, and never more than 1200.

    Now I eat three meals a day plus snacks and am, happily, losing. Yet, there are still days I have problems eating enough mostly because so much of my diet is produce. Those are the days I have a big, fresh smoothie!

    So, it's different for all of us. But that's why MFP is so great, there's someone here who relates to all our idiosyncracies.:flowerforyou:

    Sorry, I too have now had a vent session!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    :smile: I had to change my goals from 2 lb per week to 1.5 because I was dying on 1300 calories. On a good day, I'll stay under my 1600 goal and on a normal day I have to get in exercise to make up for my overages!!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Actually, that's a common misconception.

    I am overweight because of conservation/starvation mode. I had prior to MFP never eaten more than 1 meal a day. I was often told by the doctor and others that if I wanted to lose weight I had to start eating. I started gaining as a, very active, professional dancer who thought lunch was supposed to be a bottle of water and a cigarette! So it wasn't a sedentary lifestyle or overeating.

    When I first started MFP it was very difficult to eat my calories every day, not to mention the terrible idea of HAVING to eat breakfast. I had always eaten plenty of fresh produce and lean protein, I just failed to eat more than 1 meal. My calorie average was 700 a day, and never more than 1200.

    Now I eat three meals a day plus snacks and am, happily, losing. Yet, there are still days I have problems eating enough mostly because so much of my diet is produce. Those are the days I have a big, fresh smoothie!

    So, it's different for all of us. But that's why MFP is so great, there's someone here who relates to all our idiosyncracies.:flowerforyou

    Sorry, I too have now had a vent session!

    I agree! I had the same problem. When you don't eat a lot of carbs it truly is hard to get your calories. I try to eat more proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables rather than breads/crackers, etc.
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Sorry, but I'm one of "those" people. I find it difficult to eat 1200 calories and am always under my daily goal. I think part of it is because when you start eating foods that are healthier for you, you become full faster and stay that way longer. The empty calories found in junk food don't keep you full. Also, drinking so much more water than I ever had before also keeps me full.

    So, it is can be difficult to eat all of your 1200 calories for the day. And I must be doing something right -- I've lost 16 pounds in 7 weeks.
  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    I'm doing it now. There are days that I have less than 1200 calories and dont feel like i'm starving.
    I lost more than 60 LBS a couple of years ago having less than 1200 calories a day, something i only had 800 a day. it wasnt healthy but i had done it and i know it can be possible. I gained the weight eventually over a period of 5 years after i stopped taking care of myself and that is the reason why im here. But eating less than 1200 calories a day is very possible. plently of food out there that are low in calories.
  • ktyang04
    Sorry to be such a b!tch tonight. I started the 10 day Daniel Fast on Friday night. Can't eat anything but vegetable (no potatoe and kidney beans) and water.

    Yesterday I ate 200 calories. Today, I ate edamane so I am at 400 calories. I've been very grouchy today. And 8 more days to do... hopefully I'm better tomorrow.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I measure EVERYTHING I eat, and sometimes, especially when I first started out, I would have a claorie deficit of at least 200 without being hungry. It's not about telling the truth in some cases. I wouldn't be intolerant or not compassionate about this in the future as you don't know the circumstance that they are in calorie deficit that day. Maybe they are doing something wrong and you can give them some advice instead of saying "oh please, gimme a break" next time.

    Sorry, but that was my vent about people that don't take other people's point of view into account.
  • maggiemay20
    My mom taught me when you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all !!!!! IT'S TOUGH !!!!!
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry to jump in would you mind expl. that fasting thing ? what is it - and where did you get it from ? is that even healthy ?

    Never heard of it.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    I have a hard time eating my calories most days. I am sure it is because I am eating alot more bulk then I did before. In other words, eat a piece of cake for say 400 calories then eat 400 calories of vegetables.... HUGE DIFFERENCE! I was easily scarfing down 2500-3000 calories a day with processed, fat-filled food. Now I have a hard time eating 1200 cause I don't get "hungry" often.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I have a hard time eating my calories most days. I am sure it is because I am eating alot more bulk then I did before. In other words, eat a piece of cake for say 400 calories then eat 400 calories of vegetables.... HUGE DIFFERENCE! I was easily scarfing down 2500-3000 calories a day with processed, fat-filled food. Now I have a hard time eating 1200 cause I don't get "hungry" often.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i also agree with the above poster. at first, i had a tough time because i really stopped and thought about what i was going to eat. before i would just eat a bag of chips and not even worry about the calories. so, some days i would barely make 1100. now, i am doing much better with my calories and even gone over a day or two (darn those sugar cookies and pumpkin pie). i also think people may not be calculating their calories right, i know i didn't and sometimes i just have to guess. so maybe they are actually over and not under. congrats on your success so far!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Sometimes it is difficult to get all my calories without going over in total fats and/or sugar grams. This is the educational and most important part of MFP. We are not just dieting to lose -- or in some cases -- gain weight. We are learning how to balance everything. We are learning how to eat for nutrition as well as taste. It takes daily thought, planning and research to get everything in balance. I don't hit everything precisely each day. But I am getting closer.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    People that feel super comfortable on less than 1200 calories are not exercising. Diet alone will only slow down a person's metabolism, make their arms all giggly, and make their bones weak. But hey, anything for the sake of weight loss.
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member

    There are days I come in at 600 calories and I don't feel the hunger.

    It happens.

    My doctor believes me and so does my mom.

    Have a good day.
  • sara_bear85
    Me too. And the reason I gained weight was I gave birth lol. That stuff does't go away unless you do something about it. I usually eat about 750-800 calories a day so it's just enough that I'm not gaining but not losing either because my body is always in "starvation mode". I'm hoping with this it will hold me accountable to not just get in my calories but healthy calories and make me work out. I'm not an unhealthy weight, I'm just wanting to lose that last 15 lbs and tone up.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I don't have this problem. But I have noticed that when I eat healthy 3 meals and maybe 1 snack and no junk food what so ever, it's hard to get to 1200 calories. My problem is junk food, so I can easily get a cupcake and go over. When I started this change, one day I cooked a healthy dinner of chicken, rice (I need carbs) and veggies, the meal was under 350 calories and I was so full. So it just all depends on what kind of foods you eat. If my co-worker didn't have a big bowl of fun size candy bars on her desk, I wouldn't make it to 1200 calories on the weekdays. Working in an office sucks, almost everyday someone is bringing in donuts, candy, pizza, etc.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I struggle to eat my calories every day. I exercise a lot and I eat a lot of protein/vegetables and very little carbs. I don't moan about it because I know that the exercise I do is what keeps me under and the fact that I don't eat any processed food makes it harder to hit higher calories. Yes I am fat - that's why I am here but I'm a hell of a lot fitter than a lot of people I know.

    As someone posted before, if you haven't got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. This site is to support each other on our weightloss journey.
