I'm back and I'm starting over



  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    I've just come back from a similar length break and I am also wanting to loose the weight I have gained back. I lost 14lbs last year, but gained 6 back :( Add me for support :)
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I had lost weight the last time I was here. My pants were a little looser and it felt pretty good. I didn't see any progress in my stomach but I figure something is bound to happen there if I lose all my weight. I'm aiming at 1 pound a week. My caloric intake gets dangerously low if I go down any further. I don't want metabolic damage, as I might actually have it already after being forced to diet a few years ago. Instead of staying below my calorie goals, I cut out my normal junk food and instead aim to hit said goals.

    Yeah I'll add anyone here who wants meh. :P I've read each and every one of your posts so don't be afraid to stop by.
  • MsTT80
    MsTT80 Posts: 59 Member
    I am aiming at 1lb a week too. 1,420 cals per day based on 25 min work out 4 times per week. Last time I managed to loose on less exercise, but my job has changed and now I sit for 8 hours a day :(
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I am ridiculously sedentary so any kind of exercise is a step for me. :P
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    Hey fair play to you for starting back! :)...I joined this site over a year ago, i didn't have an awful lot of weight to loose (approx a stone) maybe more but a lot of that weight was on tummy, actually loosing the stone caused my tummy to go down a good bit but im now at the stage of body recomp - trying to tone up, make it look better. All I can say is common sense really, eat at a moderate deficit that suits you, for me that was tdee-20% going to minus 10% when i has the last 7-8 lbs to loose.
    Try to do some form of activity/exercise at least 3 times a week - it will stand to you. You mentioned being quite sedentary so even walking is a start, not many want to hear this but strength training will be very beneficial as you loose, the only strength training i had really was in Julian Michaels 30 day shred which is not a lot but I will say I did loose inches doing her workouts,..only now have I started going to strength classes and i'm starting to notice some change in my stomach area.

    However, in saying that and I notice a lot have said it on here it is primarily down to diet, 80/20 works really well...have your whole nutritious foods, try to meat your goals while also leaving room for treats in moderation :). This is for life so there will be times you will fall off the wagon as such but don't beat yourself up about it, there has been plenty of times i've ate more treats than i have nutritious foods for various reasons but the important thing is that you can get back into it and maintain a positive relationship with food, find your happy medium. :)

    For the belly area - I found cutting down on potato worked for me, its not for everyone (maybe you don't eat potato) but little changes in diet like that can make you feel more comfortable (less bloated) for me that was cutting on potatoes, adding more vegetables and watching my bread intake which used to be quite high. Now I try to hit protein goals more and get a better range of foods in my diet. I follow this clean eating blog and she posted not so long a list of 10 flat belly foods (foods that won't cause bloating as such)
    Raspberries, Kale, Oatmeal, Low-fat yoghurt, almonds, salmon, watermelon, garlic, avocado, quinoa,

    Best of luck with your weight loss :)
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Thank you for the info!
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    I am mid-weight loss journey. My belly was (and is) my "area" too. It was also, sadly, the last thing to start changing, and still the most stubborn. I would say just keep doing cardio along with everything else! :) Welcome back, we are all in this together.
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    That's gonna be so annoying. :P Tummies are evil.
  • LightersUp
    LightersUp Posts: 36 Member
    Same here! I had to start over again but so far I'm doing good. But just like the person mention above, you can't spot reduce. For example, I don't like my belly either, but when you lose weight, you lose weight everywhere, not just in 1 area. But that doesn't mean you can't lose the belly, just keep dieting and working out, stay focused and you'll see results! :)
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