Newbie here, two weeks in! Could use friends :)



  • Dieting can be frustrating. So let me say this, and I am not trying to be mean, but diets typically result in the old weight Yo-yo. If you want to take it off and keep it off, think of the changes you are making as a lifestyles change, and not a diet.
    Now trust me we all get frustrated from time to time, but remember where you started, and remember that you are not alone But also remember most of us did not put the weight on overnight, so unfortunately it normally does not come off overnight either. But if you set reasonable goals, and work at making changes it will happen!!!!!

    Amen man, amen!

    For me personally, what has both worked for me and been easier to do is to make a change ( a single change) and then hold onto that change until it's the new normal. Then , I make another change. rinse and repeat.

    So far, I've made lots of changes to my lifestyle, but spreading them out this way makes the entire process feel more natural. Also, when I have bad days, I can now say "that was the old habit, just a temporary fluke" and go right back to the new way of doing things.

    I've realized that it's not about focusing on the weight loss, for me it's about focusing on the way I live, and the weightloss happens naturally as a byproduct of the new way I'm living. When I change the way I live, my body changes shape, and the weight can't HELP but come off. It can't stay the same, it's simply not possible.
  • You guys are the best! :)
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    I'm just getting back in shape after surgery (in May). Feel free to add me! :)
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Having friends on here really makes the differece! Seeing others working hard gives you the motivation you need!!

    absolutely! I was reading some of the success stories on here and it is jist amazing! I hope I too will be writing about my amazing journey :)
    I know you will!!!
  • Feel free to add me too :happy: I fell off the tracking wagon a while back and have returned full speed ahead and could use a "Let's stay motivated!" buddy.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome aboard, I'm @ my goal, & you definetly need support to motivate your success!!????????sending you a request...good luck on your journey...????????I'm on here daily...
  • Having friends on here really makes the differece! Seeing others working hard gives you the motivation you need!!

    absolutely! I was reading some of the success stories on here and it is jist amazing! I hope I too will be writing about my amazing journey :)
    I know you will!!!

    and I will be wearing a bikini! ;D
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I am always open to more MFP friends...I try to be motivating and would love more motivating friends. Please, anyone....feel free to send a friend request my way!! :o)
  • diet8486
    diet8486 Posts: 12 Member
    FR sent
  • Hi, thats a great start - 6 lbs down, well done.. Please add me to your reinds list, I'll be more than happy to support you.. best of luck and take care...
  • i need to lose some pounds too! im new here too, please add me guys!
  • Hi
    I am happy to help you. This site , my mfp friends have helped me lose weight. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • nazish17
    nazish17 Posts: 61 Member
    hi my third week back after falling of the wagon for 5 months - depression&comfort eating = weight gain.

    feel free to add me x
  • I'm relatively new as well. (: Feel free to add me if you wish :flowerforyou:
  • 4melyn
    4melyn Posts: 11 Member
    feel free to add me :) welcome to MFP
  • sarverga
    sarverga Posts: 6 Member
    Ive used this app before and paired it with trips to the gym lost almost 60 lbs.. then fell off the wagon with life stress and put it all back on so i am here to DO it again!! Lets do this!!
  • New here too! Add me.
  • I believe I have added everyone... would be much easier with a multi add button! If I didnt send you a request feel free to send me one :)
  • Congrats on making the first step. This is a great place to start, lots of support and advice here. Sending a FR your way.