extra calories

I was wondering what to do about expended calories?? MFP tells me that I'm supposed to be eating a minimum of 1200 calories a day. But when I exercise (say 100 calories) do I have to eat that 100 calories? Or can I just reap the benefits of more weight loss. Some people tell me that if i eat below the minimum I'll gain weight. So do I have to have a net total of 1200, or do I just have to eat that much?????

I'm so confused, please help


  • flexflax
    its definatly not a concrete number. (your body can go into starvation mode, if it feels threatened)
    if you choose to be below, that should be fine, as long as you are still getting enough nutrition.
    (not to say you could go and eat bottled vitamins and nothing more, obviosly)
    but ultimatly weight loss is a calorie defacit, and if you feel that you are eating enough, then go ahead and reap the every desired rewards of better health and of course wieght loss!

    hope this helps :)
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    My calorie goal is also 1200 and I've noticed that I need to be averaging about 1200 cals over a 3 day period. If I drop too far below that (say by 100 - 200) for three days straight then I just don't feel as good as I should and it takes me a couple of days of eating over my cals to put things to rights again :ohwell: I do end up averaging out to 1200 a day over the course of the week but I'd rather avoid feeling bad in the first place :wink:

    As flexflax said, it is a personal thing and each body is different. See how you respond to not eating all your exercise cals back and make adjustments if you have to. Just remember, MFP has already calculated a deficit for you so don't feel bad if you do need to eat all your cals back :smile: