Thyroid problems ..



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    I too am hypothyroid. It does make it hard to lose weight but not impossible just slow. I have lost 115 lbs but it took me almost 3 yrs to do it eating 1200 cals a day and lots of exercise
  • wendyn1998
    wendyn1998 Posts: 41 Member
    I noticed that I could not lose weight about a year ago. My diet was very good and not at all unhealthy. My moods began to swing, I had dry skin and my hair was falling out. I researched on google and blogs and several medical sites. It sounded like my thyroid, so I asked my doctor to test me. She immediately agreed that it was very possible that my thyroid was underactive, or hypothyroidism. So my blood work came back and sure enough it was very low. She started me on the .5 mcg levothyroxin and wanted me back in 6 weeks. Again, my blood work came back still very low. She doubled the dosage and I've been steadily losing or maintaining my weight since July. Hopefully, when I go back in October, that my levels have evened out, but my doctor says I will have to remain on the meds for the rest of my life. I never realized that your thyroid affects so much.
  • sweetangel2013
    sweetangel2013 Posts: 24 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. I am on 75 mcg of levothyroxin. I guess I was really lucky that my dr found the magic dose the first time around. I feel so much better all the way around. And the weight is coming off quite easily too. Just want to say that you just have to be patient and work with your dr and you will be successful too.
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    I'm also hypo, but I think I'm not too serious case.

    I think that common mistake is to go on a "blind diet" (just calorie counting) and brute force exercise. That can even make things worse, because our body is already struggling to create energy for basic stuff like keeping body temperature. I think it may be the reason why it is in the "fat - collecting - mode". :)

    I think it's really important to find out what food to eat, and what kind of exercise to do. From what I've read until now (but that is constantly changing) is more or less this:

    - gluten according to some sources can cause autoimmune reaction that in some people means destroying thyroid tissue.

    - excessive exercise (specially long lasting cardio workout, long running etc.) can squeeze out thyroid even more

    - polyunsaturated fats - this is pretty much controversial, because all medical/health media will say that we should avoid saturated fats, and eat polyunsaturated. But there are some sources that I found logical stating that it has been only few decades that people are using unsaturated oils, and in that few decades obesity reached maximum.

    - and of course - not enough sleep & stress also has a big impact.

    I don't know how much is any of this true, but I'm going to try it myself next few months and see from the "first hand".

    P.S. sorry if I sound weird, English is not my native language :)
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    I have hyperT. Was diagnosed a year ago and still taking medication. While most of the people loosing their weight with hyperT, I gained 10 kg. I remember been always hungry and eating tons of food (mostly healthy). I've been on MFP since may trying to loose weight. It is sooo hard and so slow. I agree that removing/reducing gluten from the diet helps a lot. It make me feels so much better, even thought I don't have gluten allergy, Will be happy to friend with any other hyperT for support and motivation.
  • Siobhan3240
    I am hypo, and have been since 3 years ago. I take levothyroxine 50mcg. My doctor was able to get the medication right the first time and get my number back to normal. I have been able to lose weight but even though my number is in the normal range I still am always very tired, my hair falls out like crazy, and my nails are super soft.
  • missy2492
    missy2492 Posts: 54 Member
    I am hypothyroidism. Weight has been an issue for me trying to keep it off. I'm more tired as well. I'm on medication Levythyroxine (spelling off) 100mg. I'm hoping it will help soon. They just tweeked my dosage. It's no fun having this and wish my weight wasn't affected by it but it has. Good luck to you.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Those of you with hypo, did any of you feel discomfort in your throat? I have felt like my throat is swollen (kind of a strangling sensation) since April, I've been to ENT and he says besides post nasal drip that I don't have anything wrong. I gained 10lbs super fast in April/May and have only been able to loose 6 or 7 since then even though I am running 4 times a week and really watching calories. I'm tired, but I really have no other hypoT symptoms such as dry skin or hair loss. I get pain down the sides of my neck and up into my jaw also.
  • Siobhan3240
    I also had the strangling feeling. It was so bad I went to the doctor and they said they did not know what it was. They swore up and down that it was not my thyroid causing it. I also get the really dry skin and I get jaw pain as well. Been to the dentist for the jaw pain and they cant figure it out as well.
  • jgrandison
    jgrandison Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you for that advice, I will look into gluten free. I have been hypo for about 17 years now and it has been a struggle. My latest bout with my meds I gained a good 40lbs before we can slow it down and it took us switching med dosage to changing brands all together. I am pretty consistent with my weight however this was really scary I am feeling much better now and have more energy to work out so I pray that i can continue to bring it down again.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    I just got diagnosed with low thyroid. So far it has not, but I am concerned for the future.

    My symptoms so far were my hair was falling out, but it is so super thick and always shed to some degree that it didn't really bother me. I did get a little concerned as the amount did seem more than usual that was coming out. My skin was dry but I thought maybe that was an aging thing as I creep my way up to 30. I am cold all the time, but had moved from NC to northern NY. I did notice that my tongue and eyelids were noticeably puffy when I woke up. My voice has also been more hoarse when I wake up and frankly in general. My nails peel a lot. I have actually lost weight recently and was even underweight for the last month. I thought I ha to be gaining weight to be hypo.
  • KCW37
    KCW37 Posts: 48 Member
    i am hypo as well, is anyone on thyriod armour pill. i had my dr switch me to that i feel much better, as far weight loss i lost about 5lbs without trying im goingto get bck into my dieting today
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Yes--had autoimmunune euthyroid (normal thyroid levels with antibodies against the thyroid itself), known for about 4 years but in existance probably longer, that in January finally popped over to very mild hypothyroid. The two years prior to being diagnosed my weight slowly increased from 137 until I hit 166 in January. In Feb I saw endocrinologist who started me on Synthroid. I am now below 130, but that was after I started a low carb diet. In May/Jun I started to exercise, and stopped the low carb diet, went on 1200 kcal/day, then one month ago I was still stuck at same weight as June, so increased to 1363 calorie goal per day. Today, I finally dropped below 130.

    I don't think the thyroid problem has stopped my weight loss, since I am now on replacement.

    Keep working at it, and don't let the thyroid disorder keep you from your goals.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Im hypo as well long as my meds are level I lose weight fine ..if my meds are not ok then weight and everything else is out of can hinder I know I have to be diligent with workouts and calories but its for the best.
  • Starlightbella
    Starlightbella Posts: 77 Member
    Diagnosed with Hashimoto in January, just saw my Endo last week and she doubled my meds. I can definitely tell when it starts lagging besides plateauing and being hard to swallow my whole energy level is dramatically different when the meds are off.
  • fkwan
    fkwan Posts: 28 Member
    Hi guys!

    I wish I could help but I need support too!

    I have been hypothyroid for about 20 years. In that time I have gone from 142-95 pounds, gained back to 132, lost to 104. In the last six months I have gained 10 pounds from my new "ideal" of 105. I have been doing the same amount of exercise, Nordic pole walking 1 hour a day and bodyweight/Pilates/weights 30 minutes 3 x week. For the last six months I have been "bloated" as if I were premenstrual and I am totally POSTMENOPAUSAL. I had my lack of hormones measured. :) I drink about 2-3 L liquid a day (water, coffee, tea).

    My endo LOWERED my formerly ideal dose of T4 from 100 to 88 mcg and T3 from 15 mcg to 10 because of the dratted NUMBERS and he will not budge. Nor will the scale.

    I don't know what to do. I would like to lose the 10-11 pounds and get back to a baseline of 105 (height 5'0").

    In one month I will have an "official" metabolism testing with all the nifty gadgets at the UT fitness center. Until then according to all the calculators,

    Sex: female
    Weight: 115 pounds
    Wrist: 5.5 inches
    Waist: 24 inches
    Hip: 34 inches
    Forearm: 12 inches
    Based on this information, you have a lean body mass of 87.9 pounds. Your lean body mass includes everything in your body that's not fat. Now that we know your lean body mass, let's find out how much fat you're carrying around. We'll subtract your lean body mass from your weight and find you currently have 27.1 pounds of fat on your body.

    Your body fat percentage is 23.6%.

    You currently weigh 115 pounds with a body fat percentage of 24%. You would like to have a body fat percentage of 15%.

    Based on this information, your goal body weight should be:

    102 pounds1

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job)    1330
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)    1524

    my average TDEE is 1427 net calories (I'm using the lower values because of the hypo).

    I still don't understand why I'm GAINING weight and fluid. I had been undereating but I can't believe that makes thyroid production worse. It's the lack of thyroid production that causes the weight gain in the first place. Call me stupid!
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I am hypothyroid (well, euthyroid on the proper meds), and this is what I have to say ... Ye, all caps, why? BECAUSE IT'S THAT IMPORTANT!

  • sinoodle
    sinoodle Posts: 8 Member
    I'm hypo, in fact my body basically attacked my thyroid and destroyed it, this is better known as Hashimoto's disease. The last ultrasound I had, basically showed I had no thyroid left. In any case I take a daily Synthroid, and I have not really noticed any hindrances for weight loss.
  • spice1210
    I am too hypotyroid. I would be happy to support you. . . and I need motivation too a lot of the time!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Hypo thyroid for over 13 years. Weight loss is possible but can be really slow. I only take T4 so I try to eat 5 brazil nuts a day, the selenium helps change T4 to T3. I 'm not sure if it is working yet my next test is in a couple of months.