


  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member

    Also concentrate really hard on how crap you feel after a binge and anchor that feeling by pinching your little finger.
    Repeat three times.
    Next time a binge is coming pinch your finger and you will reminded of how crap you will feel which should feel more painful than the desire for your "fix".

    Great one, will try. It's kinda the same way we trained our dog to poop in the right place, lol.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Have you ever heard of the HALT method? When you are about to eat something (whether it is a typical meal/snack time or before a potential binge) as yourself the question, "Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired?" If you say yes to anything other than hungry you are supposed to wait a while before you eat. Hope this helps a little!
  • Hscsusiq
    Hscsusiq Posts: 4 Member
    Great tips!
    Some more:
    Also, wear a rubber band on your wrist. Snap gently whenever inappropriate food/eating thoughts occur. They will gradually disappear, especially if you redirect your thoughts to other things.
    Really get in touch with your feelings. If binging occurs in connection with a particular situation, analyze "WHY?" I found that I had unresolved anger at the preceeding situation and was trying to resolved it through eating. Sometimes anxiety tips you over.
    Habits are hard to break, but each time you repeat the behavior you are reinforcing the habit. Reinforce your good habits. Not reinforcing the bad habits gradually reduces their power.
    PLAN for temptations. Write down your plan so you can read it later. Write a letter to your weakened self, LOL!
    Write notecards stating why you want to lose weight. What do you expect will occur. Read through these before you give in.
    Write down your food before you eat it. That tells you what you're doing.
    Slow down your binges, i.e. Lay out the food, weigh it, savor it with your eyes, figure up its calories, write them down, read over your notecards, figure how many days you will have to lower your future calories to make up for this binge. Ask yourself what would you do with this food if you didn't eat it. Could you fit it todays calories? Could you eat a hunk now and have some later?
    When you 'Give yourself permission' to binge, then YOU are in CONTROL! You aren't 'Knee-Jerking' to an emotional drive! You can even do this in front of Authority and justify your actions!

    Just writing this reinforces my dedication to my heather behavior. Thanks for the opportunity.:smile:
  • mitzi2013
    mitzi2013 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you all so much for the responses.