Need some advice on where to start?

Cr3stOwl Posts: 21
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I need some advice on where to start losing the weight! I've been recording my normal intake and noticed that I eat a lot of grain such as bread and noodles, drink a lot of soda, and barely do anything. I eat sandwiches, ramen, anything that I can find in the fridge basically since I can't cook. My physical activity is pretty bad because I started college pretty recently, been studying nonstop and could ever know what do other than go on the computer reading blog posts while watching youtube videos all day. Could anyone give me some advice what to cut out first and something simple to make me a little more active with my life?


  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    get rid of the ramen noodles, way to many calories, cut out the pop, drink water instead, and start by just going for a walk, if you can do a 20 min walk daily to start, great, if not do what you can do, I think also adding some fruits and veggies to your diet also:)
    I think that would be a good start:) Plan on getting a scale, start measuring and weighing your food to get accurate calorie intake:) Congrats, just being here is a great start:)
  • i am also just starting..again..i noticed when I was active in classes at the ymca it was easier to get motivated..i love yoga..i also try to take my bike when I can and SWIM..Swimming is great exercise and its fun doesn't seem like exercise..small meals throughout the day is suppose to help and also throwing in healthy stuff in the mix works also..if u don't cook try to buy cans of soup instead of ramen or fresh fruits and veggies when they are on sale..even canned veggies are cheap and have very few calories..even one step is a good step
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Definitely start by changing what's in the fridge. Ramen, etc has tons of sodium. You might be surprised by how much water you are retaining. Change your sodas to flavored water.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Walking will help you get A's so I would start with that. They did a study that showed children who walk to school perform better in all areas of study. Even the walkers who didn't eat breakfast did better than the general student population who didn't walk to school.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Logging your food and being aware is a great first start. I agree with others in reducing the amount of high sodium foods and switch out the pop to water. There is nothing wrong with having 1 can of soda a day but try to make up the rest with herbal tea or water.

    In college I used to like taking my text books to the gym and do my reading assignments while on an exercise bike. Get a workout in and I found the retention for what I was reading went up.

    Good Luck.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    If you've got any kind of game system, you can buy a dance program, sports program, etc. Then just do that for 15 or 20 minutes in your room and you've got a great workout.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    when you say you can't cook, do you mean that you don't have anywhere to cook or that you don't know how to cook?

    if you don't know how you could learn. I am sure that if you search youtube on how to cook soup or rice or grilled meat or fish, you can find step by step instruction videos. If you don't have a place to cook (a stove top etc) you could invest in a microwave and try to find healthier options of ready meals that you could just heat up (soups) or check out the salad option.

    If you chose the food due to financial constraints then you could check out vegetables that are in season and how to cook them on the various sites on the internet.

    If you chose the food due to time constraints there is the option of precooking a large batch of something (like soup or stew) and keep portions that only need to be heated up.

    Sadly, good nutrition isn't just going to walk up to you, you'll need to make an effort. It's a bit like hunting and gathering :-)
  • sar00sh
    sar00sh Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there,

    Being in school makes it hard to find time for yourself. Check out you school and see if they have a gym facility for free, my school did but I didn't take advantage of it. Try getting up early and hitting the gym for 30 min, this will clear you head and allow you to enjoy the day. Take some tunes and have some fun :)

    Also, use this site!!! It has been an amazing tool for me and I would recommend it to anyone!!!

    Add me if you like :)

    Cheers and good luck!!
  • JMMac121
    JMMac121 Posts: 37 Member
    Many people will tell you to cut the processed right out, but if you find that too difficult right away, try substituting things until eventually you cut the bad stuff out. If you like soda, try to switch out one for a carbonate water if you like them until you are just drinking the water. Then try switching to Crystal light flavored water instead of carbonated until eventually you are just drinking plain water. Remember, it is suppose to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix!! Same with exercise, start off small, like a ten minute walk to break from studying until you build up stamina. I did that when I first started running on the treadmill. I did a three minute warm up at 3.0mph, then upped the speed to 5mph and jogged for atleast five minutes and if I needed to, bring it back down to 3.0mph. Eventually, I reduced my warm up and ran longer at 5mph. A lot of people will tell you that the hour they spend exercising is a great break from their everyday lives to just decompress and spend some 'you' time.
  • I just set up my ticker tape. Entered my info into profile which shows I want to lose ticker only shows 69#. I also chose to loose 2# per week but when system calculated it showed 1.4# a week. Something doesn't seem right. I checked and double-checked and my entries for current weight and desired weight, etc are correct. How can I fix my ticker and goal info?
  • Hey! I'm a college girl and I'm just starting out too. I read that if you're craving a soda, to have cucumber instead. That's where I started. I used to drink at least 1 Pepsi a day, now I put a few slices of cucumber in my water and I don't have any cravings. Also, get a crock pot. You can throw some veggies and chicken broth in there, leave it all day while you're in class, and come back to an awesome healthy soup! There's a few crock pot recipe threads on here. Tracking what you eat on here is a great way to stay on track! I've only been doing it for a few days, but it's already been super helpful.

    You can add me if you need any help :) Good luck!
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