What foods boost your metabolism?



  • None that have been proven.

    Just work on eating healthier all together :smile: Fruits, veggies, grilled lean meats, etc.

    Impressive 130 lbs!! Well i'm more than inspired today.. I had raw almonds an apple and some chicken breast.. So getting back on track!
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I drink green tea every morning. Maybe i'll have it through the day as well. :)
    I read 3 - 5 cups of the stuff is suppose to be the amount to boost ur metabolism? Not sure if this is right but it seemed to help me at the beginning on my journey. But to be fair I also ate properly and exercised so that was probably what worked! :smile:
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    If there were foods we could eat to raise metabolism, hypothyroidism would be on my medical record. Exercise can help some, but there is no magic pill or food. Green tea does not make an appreciable difference in metabolism.
  • jjeddy
    jjeddy Posts: 26 Member
    Crap, I used a fork instead of chopsticks. No wonder it didn't work!
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