Guys and Gals between 18 and 30!

Hey there!
My name ist Carolin and I am still looking for support buddies in that range. (:
I've struggled with my weight all my life and am determined to make this my last struggle.
Let's do this together!



  • lizzumsbb
    Hey Carolin and welcome aboard!
    I'm 21.. 22 in a few weeks.. I've struggled since I fell ill with ME in 2006, I used to be mega thin before then, I was sports mad! I don't want to be thin like I was, I just want to be as healthy as I can be, to be comfortable with myself.. and to stop binging on delicious baked goods!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like! x
  • cdh5068
    Hello! I can definitely relate to this being a life long struggle. I was a chubby child, teenager, and now a chubby 24 year old, but that's not going to continue. I've always been active and athletic, but struggle with my diet (major sweet tooth!!). Feel free to add me :)
  • mlasis
    Hey Carolin! I'm Meg! I would definitely like support group within that range as well! At 21 I'm at my heaviest weight and I'm tired of being unhealthy. I want this to be my last struggle as well! Onward to a new healthy lifestyle!
  • Asheriee
    Hey, there! I'm 20 years old and my name is Ashley.

    Feel free to add me. Along with everyone else here of course. :)
  • coldwishes
    Hi! I would deffo like some people around my own age to add me :)
  • Mindfreak1999
    Sorry I am not in your age group. This site has some amazing people, good luck on your journey to be healthy. :smile:
  • anorwegian
    anorwegian Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! :)

    I'm 20 years old
    It would be awesome to have people in my agegroup around me :) So feel free to add me