New, looking for support

Inutaru Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I've finally had it with being over weight. Especially at my age. I'm finally getting disguisted with my appearance and not being able to fit into the clothes I want to. My friends don't believe I weigh as much as I do cause according to them I don't look that big, but the scales don't lie. I'm severly overweight for being 18 and I'm cutting my life too short too fast. My family has history of diabetes and heart disease on both sides of my family and I don't want to wake up one morning knowing it's too late. I honestly used to be okay with being this size, I had boyfriends and girlfriends who loved me for the size I was. My friends like my size, I'm "comfertable" to lay on. Ya a big portable couch :P no wonder I'm comfy. I'm still in highschool and I can't remember a time where I was on the small side. Looking back at family photos I've always been chubby or big. I was very thin in kindergarten through grade 2, but who isn't? I started to put on the weight around grade three. Nothing I did would get it off. I was an advent hockey and baseball player- to this date I'd played over 15 years of both. I didn't eat a terrible lot of food and I was a active kid. Nothing should've kept me from getting the weight off and putting it off. My Oma says that my body type comes a lot from my dad's side of the family. We're all Big, hefty german woman with large thighs, small breast and huge butts. (thhannkk-youuu genetics) so i'm very pear shaped to say the least. I was also molested by a close family friend just after I started grade 3 for four years, my mom thinks that I'm still traumatized about that and it could be contributing to my weight....but I'm not too sure about that myself. I've just been so disguisted lately at myself and the way I look. I used to be fine with it, but now I can't stand my own body. It's finally time to get the 170 pounds off that I need to, to be the healthy weight for my height.

I'm here looking for friends and support, I'm doing this with my mom- but she's been known to flake on me more than once over the years for this kind of stuff. I know you're all online- but I feel that you'll help. Even if its just a little.



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    You've come to the right place for advice and support!
    Good luck with loosing the weight.
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome! I think you will find that everyone here is very supportive and motivating! Feel free to add me for support! :)
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member
    You have come to the right place for support - I have been on since June and would have quit if it hadn't of been for all of the support you get here. Please add me if you want.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Good for you! You are doing an amazing thing for yourself - you should be proud. You've come to a great place for motivation and support! Best of luck , I know you can do it - feel free to add me as a friend for support:)
  • Thank-you all! I will for sure be adding you :3
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Welcome to MFP.... this is a great website and it has really worked for me. Feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Good luck you can do this! Support and friendship are key for this site and everyone is so nice. I have also been big my whole life but so are the rest of me family right???? No more excuses I am going to stick at this so I am no longer the comfy friend but the friend who used to be fat and now is fit and skinny!
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    :flowerforyou: GO Kristen GO!!!! You can do this! You'll be so glad you did!! Like everyone has said, you've come to the right place for motivation and support!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Use this site. Stick with it. It will change the way you eat and drink. Since I have been using this site, i have realized there is nothing i care to eat in most conveinience stores! It's all carbs or sugar. Start exercising, even if it's just a walk around the block. You can do it-the time is NOW. Remember, this isn't a diet, it's a life-style change. It took you 10 years to get where you are, with hard work and perseverance you can get to where you want to be much faster than that.
  • Yay. Welcome. Add me if you're looking for friends. I have been on this site, and seeing my nutritionist for 40 days. 0.425 lbs a day is my average.
  • This is day one for me too good luck hun i have a long way to go xxx

    Feel free to add me
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. I've been on here since July and have definitely benefited from the pages and forums and endless support advice and motivation from the online community.
    Everyone on here got "big" for different reading but we are all here for the same reason.
    You can totally do it. We will all be here doing it with you. You're welcome to add me.
    Good luck with your journey
    Gem x
  • glad you joined!!! this site is awesome! we can all keep you encouraged and motivated! please add me to help you on your journey!
    you should be proud of yourself to take this step!
  • You have exactly the right 'no more excuses. This time it's all down to me' kind of attitude. That's the only key. You can totally do this:-). Feel free to friend me. Happy to support you!
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step, You just have to stick with it, I know it is hard but as long as you stick with it the end result will be totally worth it. There are some really cool and supportive people on here. Feel free to add me and good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome :)
    Feel free to add me as a friend. We can support each other.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi Kristen and welcome! I think that making the first step and making the commitment to lose weight is always the hardest. Just make sure you focus on small goals instead of the overall weight loss so it will make this easier. If I look at the total weight I have to lose (which isn't a huge amount, but it's still daunting to me) it seems overwhelming, but if I look at my mini-goals of 5lbs a month or burning x amount of calories a week it seems a lot more doable. Also make sure you are ready to accept failure. You won't always lose your 1lb a week goal (or whatever your weight loss goal is) due to fluctuations in your body and a million other things going on, just make sure you don't let it get you down or make you give up. Some weeks or months it will seem like you aren't making any progress, just don't give up because if you stick to your calorie and exercise goals, you will lose weight and be healthier! Sorry if I'm being preachy, I just want to let you know what has helped me and that it's important to stick with it!

    Feel free to add me :)
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