Petite girls (5'0-5'4) struggling with those last 10 pounds



  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I'm 5'1.5 and currently 98 lbs down from 130, I have never been this weight my entire adult life so didn't choose 98 as a goal weight but went more by how I felt. I have a small frame but still hold weight on my lower half - currently working on body composition. For me getting to this weight was through sheer determination, lots of research and this fantastic site. Personally I feel that if you keep up the healthy eating, do exercise that you enjoy and listen to your body you will succeed. I do some form of exercise every day, don't really have 'cheat' days, I just make what I want fit into my macros. Creating a lifestyle that is maintainable is the trick and I'm still not there yet after over a year but I'm learning more everyday and hope to maintain my new weight and healthy lifestyle.

    Best of luck to all my fellow shorties, it can be hard work but it's so worth it :smile:

    From reviewing your other posts, your calorie intake was 1200 without eating exercise, right? Congratulations to you for great success. I have been here for almost a year struggling to lose 10 lbs I gained 1.5 years ago, highest I weight. Struggling to hit 100 for a 40 yo 5'1..Thank you for your feebkack greatly appreciate it!
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I saw this post and it spoke to me. I am 5'4 and weight 138. My goal is to be 127-130...but it is not happening!! Help!

    Same exact stats here. I upped my calories a bit and changed up some workouts. My mom said I looked thin today, but the scale says no dice. I am trying my hardest to not pay attention to the scale because I physically feel like I am in the best shape of my life, even if the numbers don't agree.
  • rvhorsburgh
    rvhorsburgh Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'4" was 139 now 128/129 in 80 days and 6 inches. My goal was 130 and 10 inches lost. The little fat spots like back fat where my bra hits and belly are smaller, but now flabby - not the fix all I thought it would be. I workout regularly, but need to push a little harder.

    It came off pretty easy at about a pound a week, slow and study. I eat predominately meat and vegetables and fruit smoothies (just fruit, spinach, milk, ice). I am a big eater so I have to workout to earn more than my 1200 calorie setting. Very little processed or prepackaged food. I don't use any protein shakes or premixed diet plan crap. I work out 30- 60 minutes 4-6 days a week almost all cardio. I think stepping up my strength training will tone this flab and naturally clear the remaining flab.

    So - yup - diet and exercise :0)
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    Hi , I just find its time. Still got 3 llbs to go til first goal but its all been hard going. I love food and think you must eat enough! I hate exercise ( not a good combination there). But do a DVD like 30 ds 4 x a week. So not loads. Am 5' 2" and 36 and feel its harder now to lose weight. I don't restrict what I want , if I feel the need for chocolate or wine I have in but to fit in my day. I find that's easier than thinking " you can't have that" . Wish we all had a magic wand!!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I've ditched the scale. Doubt I'll see the mid to high 50 kg range that I thought I wanted for so long. I got to about 58 kg and was around 58 for a good 9 months. In the past 9 weeks I've put on 3 kg's and look thinner at 61 kg. Improve your body composition and dont worry about what the scale says. When you are that close to goal concentrate on sculpting and shaping your body with weights.

    I highly recommend reading Tom Venuto's book Burn the fat feed the muscle. You could be a 110 pound woman who is 33 % body fat or a 130 pound women with a low body fat. (with the same height) but look a hell of a lot leaner than the 110 pound women.

    Or would you rather weigh less on the scale, look fatter.

    As an example there is a lady at work that is my height but weighs a good 6 kg less than me at 55 kg. She looks chubby whereas I'm a lot leaner and defined. People who haven't seen me comment that i've lost more weight when in fact i put on 3 kg.

    My advise. Dont get so caught up with a silly number on a scale. Have your body fat % tested regurlarly, take measurements, take photos, take note of how you feel and look in your clothes.

    This obsession with the scale is pure nonsence. I'm 5 foot 2 and weigh 61 kg, currently working on lowering my body fat % which is currently 22%. I want it down to 20% and then see how I go from there. I couldn't care less if I ended up weighing 63 kg if I were able to end up with a body fat % of 17% and look athletic and ripped ! :)

    Currently I'm maintaining on 2150 net calories and In a few weeks time I plan to cut again just at a small defecit of around 5-10% below tdee. I'll start off eating at 1800 net and see how I go at that range for a month. :) I want my tummy a little flatter and more defined.
  • tigsi
    tigsi Posts: 36
    I was 62 kilos in January, now I'm 56 aiming 50... It is taking me FOREVER :grumble: , but I think doing it my way is the best thing I could do at the moment(I just get realistic of what I can and can't maintain).
    62 kg = 136 lbs
    56 kg = 123.4 lbs
    50 kg = 110 lbs
    Edit: I'm 5'1.5 (156 cm) forgot to mention
  • Bethann680
    Bethann680 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'2 and was stuck at 136 for a couple of months. I started at 238.8 in Jan. 2012 and was down to 136 in Dec. by eating around 1200 calories, exercising, and not eating back my exercise calories. But then I got stuck at 136. My goal was 130 so it was very frustrating to be sooo close but so far from my goal. In Feb. I decided that maybe I should pay attention to the other numbers in my diary besides calories, since all that I paid attention to was calories. I upped my protein and tried to stay under on my sugar intake and all of a sudden the pounds dropped off. I am now 128!

    Good luck to everyone! You can do it just keep going and it will come off.
  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5'1.5 and currently 98 lbs down from 130, I have never been this weight my entire adult life so didn't choose 98 as a goal weight but went more by how I felt. I have a small frame but still hold weight on my lower half - currently working on body composition. For me getting to this weight was through sheer determination, lots of research and this fantastic site. Personally I feel that if you keep up the healthy eating, do exercise that you enjoy and listen to your body you will succeed. I do some form of exercise every day, don't really have 'cheat' days, I just make what I want fit into my macros. Creating a lifestyle that is maintainable is the trick and I'm still not there yet after over a year but I'm learning more everyday and hope to maintain my new weight and healthy lifestyle.

    Best of luck to all my fellow shorties, it can be hard work but it's so worth it :smile:

    Well done, congrats!!!
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I am 5ft2 I my SW was 143lbs and I THOUGHT I wanted to be 112lbs.

    However I too got stuck at around 123lbs-122lbs mark. I have been there for ages, at first getting frustrated and trying everything I budge them last lbs.

    However, the more I went to the gym and started losing inches I sort of forgot about the scales, and though "hey I am an OK size now, let's trim up and get in shape!" As I am working harder in the gym now I have upped my calories and guess what... LOST 3LBS!

    I think because I am not so bothered about the number on scale anymore but more my shape it has re-focused me on what is important and why I wanted to lose weight in the first place.

    I did not want to lose weight just to tell people a number, I wanted to look and feel good, so now reaching my original goal is no longer of any importance to me. If I lose a few more lbs on the way GREAT, if not, but I get a better shape GREAT also.
  • shelliboo73
    I just joined this site today so hopefully I'm posting this correctly. I'm 5'4" and 142. My weight has stayed the same since January. I lost 6 pounds and then it just stopped. I have joined a gym and still nothing. I wasn't sure if I was eating enough calories or what so I joined here hoping to get help. I'm 39 years old with three kids. The big 40 is coming up in September and I want to be at my goal of 130!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would really like some help getting this last 12 off.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I've found that my weight stays the same +/- 2lbs for about a month and then it suddenly drops 3lbs and does the same thing all over again. I have about 10lbs I want to lose and it's for sure going slow. But slow loss means easier to maintain loss, right?? I mean, a year from now we're gonna be way hotter than we are today. We can be patient!
  • shayleac
    shayleac Posts: 76 Member
    I am 5'1" and 115lbs give or take.
    My goal weight is 105ish. I'll see how I feel when the time comes.
    I eat 1200+exercise calories.

    I was seeing the exact 115.6lbs everyday for about 2 months.
    I increased my water intake and reduced sodium (under 2500mg). Also changing your workout routine is important. I started doing gym classes where they switch it up for you instead of my cardio and weight routine. As well as adding in 20 minutes of 30DS before or after the class.
    And for the first time in 2 months I saw 114.2! :smile:

    Feel free to add me, I keep my diary open, and would like to see others as well.
  • skyazures
    I'm 5'3", current weight is 121 lbs. My goal weight is 112 - 110 lbs.
    I've only been on MFP for like a week or two. But I seem to have gained more weight since I started working out (about a few months ago) I've been swimming, doing yoga and recently just joined the gym. But the more I exercise, the more I get heavier. I have noticed that I've become leaner somehow though. I eat around 1200 calories a day although I've already had a few bad days but I stay on the 1200 on most days. I'm starting to get very frustrated although I know it's probably the muscles that are making me heavy, but I was at 118 lbs before I started exercising and my eating habits are pretty much the same. I hope that I get down to 115 at the very least.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I'm trying to lose those last few pounds, too. I'm 5'2. It seems like I'm so close, but these last 10 lbs just love me too much. I've been hanging around 120 lbs and would like to be closer to 110 and have a flatter stomach.
