Weekends can be so hard!

I admit I have more time to workout on the weekend, but it is also so easy to get swayed by hubby and other functions!


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Weekends ARE hard! The kids are home, you've got FUN things to go to and in my case I have LESS time to workout because I'm taking care of everybody. I"ve really started planning ahead for them in terms of workouts and eating. I have a wedding to go to next Sunday. I will be drinking and I will eat wedding cake (from the bottom layer-according to the bride that's where the best filling is!) and I don't have a clue what the dinner menu will be. So, I will eat less on Saturday, work out harder on Saturday (take care of yourself boys!) and eat a light breakfast on Sunday. This is a LIFESTYLE change so I think as long as we plan for things like going out to dinner, we can still enjoy our lives. It's a new day and week and the weekend is behind us.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've managed to get a weekend routine down pretty well for normal weekends (no houseguests or anything). As soon as I wake up, I put on my workout clothes, have a light breakfast, and workout. That way it's done first thing and you don't have to worry about fitting it into the rest of your day. Usually I'll do a longer workout too because I'm more refreshed from sleeping and I have the time. I do a workout DVD or two, or run/walk 5K around the lake next to my apartment. In terms of eating, just try to plan your meals around your activities. If I'm going out somewhere, I'll eat something healthy before hand so I'm not starving and I order a smaller meal. Or I'll workout a little longer to earn some extra calories.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yea, I am with you on this one. This summer was very hard for me. We go sailing
    every weekend and there is eating and drinking going on with our friends.:drinker:
    I was so good during the week and I would start to lose and then the weekend came
    and sabotaged everything I did. But now, I am on the MFP program and I have lost
    14 lbs. since my journey started. I allow for parties, weddings and such and really
    watch what I eat all day and then exercise. It seems to be working so far. :bigsmile:
    If I drink wine I add some mineral water and make a spritzer and it goes a long way.
    I take in less calories. I have stopped eating all breads, rolls, and really watch my
    desserts if I have any. So far it is working and I hope you will be able to do this too.
    Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I agree with the previous posts. I have lost about 35 pounds in just over 9 months (from 190 down to 155). Some of you may not think that is fast enough, but I am happy with it.:happy: Most weeks I lose less than a pound, but with very few exceptions, I have lost weight every week. What has kept me on track is that I still allow myself my "splurges" ....but not "binges". :drinker: There is a difference, in my mind anyway. I still track my calories, and eat really well MOST of the time. I have increased my exercise, but I am not a fanatic about it. The real test for me will be the holiday season, although I am pretty confident that if I stick to what I have been doing, I'll be OK. Anyway, weekends ARE a challenge, but if you remember that moderation is the key, and you are content to "make a lifestyle change" rather than see instant results, then you will be fine. :flowerforyou:
  • saninmer
    Thank you, I needed a reminder about splurging and NOT binging.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Weekends are hard for me because I don't eat enough. I normally skip lunch and snacks and that slows down my metabolism. I can get in all my meals and snacks when I go to work because I keep snacks in my cabinet at work.