the scales

hi all as im new to this when do you get on the scales every day, every week every two weeks, and also is anyone else scared of the disappointment if you do get on the scale. cheers Neil


  • spinndiva
    Hey there! :)

    I weigh myself every morning, but I do not worry about it. Your weight can fluctuate quite a bit from day to day! I just like to have a routine. I pick one day a week to "weigh in" . (The same day every week.) That is the day I count and the day I log it in here on the site.
    A much better way of keeping track if you lost anything is to measure yourself. You may not see it on a scale, but you may notice inches! :)
    Don't worry too much about the scale! Just enjoy that you are doing something for yourself! I look at the weight loss as a cherry on top of getting fit and healthy! (It took me a while to change my views though... I was so bummed out when I did not loose "enough" weight in the shortest amount of time...)
    Don't stress the scale! Enjoy the journey!
  • mindymoe1
    i weigh myself once a week. if i did it every day i would get discouraged bc it fluctuates.
  • dpuig
    dpuig Posts: 5
    I get on the scale everyday to help me stay motivated. when I am a pound heavier than the previous day it makes me work that much harder towards my goal. I do have a cheat day, for me that day is Sunday. One meal of what I like without feeling bad about it; only drawback is you may not loose weight that weekend or you may gain a pound, but it keeps me motivated. I love to eat and this helps me keep count of my calories, weight, and exercise. One good thing is that this website can help you plan out your meals for the day, as well as your workout. Key thing is to not bring yourself down when you cheat, it's a compensation for the hard work you have done all week, as long as you don't overindulge you are there, one day at a time.

  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I weigh myself every Monday. I also pay attention to the way my clothes fit me. I don't trip too much
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    I weigh daily to keep me on track.
    I keep a food diary, so if my weight goes up I can look at the day before to see if it was something with my calorie or sodium intake or if it is just hormonal. Just a way to stay on top of things and be held accountable to myself.
    Writing it down on paper makes it more real to me than just tracking it online.
    I don't get too upset over the number one the scales.
    I use it as a positive tool to keep me in the right direction.
    The scales are my friend!
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh myself everyday it keeps me motivated and keeps my eye on the prize. i dont flip out when it goes up bc ur weight will change everyday depending on what u ate or if u havent eaten or how much water u drank or didnt drink. this weekend it went from 152 sat to 146 sunday uhh yeah 6 pounds in one day really lol n today its at 148 the body is a crazy compicated machine. dont freak urself out about i dont i love my scale its a great tool in helping u stay focused. so if u think it will bring u down then just weigh urself once a week. good luck and dont let a number bring u down