To meal plan or not to meal plan?



  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    I also plan:
    - log my meals for the next day in the evening, that's when I work out my breakfast and lunch (which I prepare and take with me to work)
    - and have made up a dinner plan over 3 weeks to get varied nutritious and good meals (my 3 kids aren't on a diet so it needs to taste nice too!)

    good luck!
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    Every evening I pack my lunch and snacks for the next day of work. I include a morning and afternoon snack and lunch. I drink Shakeology for breakfast along with my coffee. Then my evening meal is generally a piece of lean meat that I have prepared over the weekend, paired with a salad, veggie, mashed cauliflower, brown rice, or something along those lines. I vary what I have for my evening meal based on how many calories, carbs, etc. I consumed during the day. First thing in the morning I go ahead and log in all my food for breakfast through my afternoon snack and see how many calories I have left. Then I base my evening meal on that. So yes, planning is best for me. Good luck!
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    I try to plan a little for dinner. I know I'll make chicken on one day and then wrap or taco's with the left over chicken, baked fish one night, soup another, and one pasta night a week. I just throw whatever veggies I have as a side and usually add a salad. I don't plan out my lunches, but I eat a lot of the same things so it's either a protein shake with frozen fruit, cereal, hard boiled eggs, salad, pb and j sandwich. Lunches I add raw veggies and breakfasts add a fruit as a side. Hope this helps.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I plan out the day and then make an occasional exchange of a different protein, veggie, or carb for dinner or I make changes to the snacks I have during the day... It does keep me from going over and I also plan my exercise and try to get it all in. Basketball is on the plan for this evening... It may not happen but I suspect it will because I have planned to do it... Planned to do stairs and walk and I have... It just works better for me. I'm Lew. Married, dad of two soon to be three... Down 185 in 14 months... Anyone is welcome to add me!
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    I try my best to meal plan. On the days I don't plan or pack enough food - those are the days I end up buying & eating crap and going over and regretting it! Esecially if I don't have my usual breakfast ready! It's bad for my wallet and my waits :( I try to spend one day (preferably sunday) and make a bunch of food to last me through at least most of the week. Any prep I can do the better. I like to make big batches of things - chilis, pastas, rice & veggies, etc. - and break them into tupperwares right then and there.

    I may not plan out each exact meal though, like once I have all that food made, then each day I'll choose an item for lunch, snack, dinner... (i have the same breakfast everyday preferably!).
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    If you want to lose fat, read this article about it:

    Very interesting article. Reinforces a lot of stuff the last trainer I worked with said, except I didn't know why he was saying it ... now I do. Thanks
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