Getting over that stupid plateau

Hi all,
I joined this site years ago and never used it. This year I turned 29 but my husband is only 25 so I decided I needed to make myself look better to keep up with him (he's also in the military). He's very supportive but its not always in a way I find helpful because he's never been fat.

I started going to the gym back in Jan and I have lost a significant amount of weight (no numbers because I was afraid of the scale) but I went from a size 24 to a 18ish but i wasn't dieting.
I'm currently 254lbs and 5'4 I'm very curvy (I have a big butt like not excatly fat ether its perky and BIG and I wear a 38 H for a bra so my breasts are huge) so its a struggle to find clothing that fits and I really love clothing.
Now I've hit a plateau and need something to get over it I do on average 8-14 hours a week at the gym (a mix of Zumba, Full body fusion (which is high intensity weight training), Core & more (which is all core work and light weights), Spin, Yoga, and I've recently added a kettle bell class.)
Eating well has always been a problem for me and I tend to drink my calories (I have given up pop (soda for my American friends) and recently dropped out light cranberry juice because I found out how bad it is).

So that's basically why I'm here to keep myself on track and get this fat off my body.


    SUSANSIZZY Posts: 16 Member
    You absolutely have to monitor your eating, and eating healthier will make the difference. You didn't state how many calories you are eating each day, but with all that exercise i'm guessing it's probably more than you should. Get serious about the eating and that plateau will be a thing of the past. You need to eat a BALANCE of FAT, PROTEIN, and CARBS for long term weight loss. Get rid of all sugar in your diet, unless it is a "natural" sugar and that alone will be huge. Good luck!
  • slb573
    slb573 Posts: 18 Member
    Well till today I wasn't counting calories but I've never been a big eater but I'm a big drinker (juice and formerly pop). I'm aiming now at about 1400-1500 with at least 100g of protein. I never realized how much sugar was in light cranberry raspberry juice so I've cut that and started to drink more water and cutting my diet cran cherry juice (0 sugars + only 10 calories per 250) I'm also taking cinnamon bark, and R-ala to help manage blood sugar levels.
  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    Well till today I wasn't counting calories but I've never been a big eater but I'm a big drinker (juice and formerly pop). I'm aiming now at about 1400-1500 with at least 100g of protein. I never realized how much sugar was in light cranberry raspberry juice so I've cut that and started to drink more water and cutting my diet cran cherry juice (0 sugars + only 10 calories per 250) I'm also taking cinnamon bark, and R-ala to help manage blood sugar levels.

    This is what I said to my friend who is losing some weight with me: You are eating more than you think. I challenge you, for two days, to log literally everything that is going in your mouth. Do not estimate. Measure and weigh everything. I think you will be shocked that it's not just your juice; I'm 95% certain it's what you're eating too. Believe me, I know, I used to weigh 246 lb at 5'2" and to get that big I ate A LOT.

    That same friend realized, after this little exercise, that she thought she ate healthy, but was completely in denial of/ignoring how she would eat a relatively healthy dinner and then go out to fast food later with her family.

    I just see "I've never been a big eater" as a warning sign. I think its denial, and I firmly believe (and this includes myself!) that everyone on this site trying to lose weight has been, at one point in their life, in denial or clueless about what they're eating.
  • yanks333
    I started using the website awhile back. The I realized I needed to make a change it seems every time I weight at the gym I'm the same maybe one pound up or down. I started writing everything down watching the calories. Recently, I went to have my cholesterol checked. It has shot way up. I NEED TO TAKE CONTROL NOW. I have high pressure almost 50 years old and don't want to be placed on cholesterol medicine. Please provide some good advise.
  • slb573
    slb573 Posts: 18 Member
    Well I should have said I don't eat a lot of things but I eat horribly. I'm aware of this. I would rather a bowl of chips then a full dinner (more calories less nutrients I know) and I'd fill up on fluids. If i was hungry I'd have a can of pop rather then eat something (again HORRIBLE I know.) I could have 8-12 cans of pop a day at one point. And I've been known to drink a full 2L bottle of juice in a day and go 18 hours without putting any food into my mouth and just having a hamburger at like 9 at night. Normally it wouldn't even be a burger i cooked I'd just get a take out burger (not fries i hate fries) but I'd take a XL drink with it to fill up.
    I'm working on modifying this behavior by eating 3-4 times a day.

    I've have kept food logs in the past and have nutritionists tell me I'm not a big eater that I do drink my calories, which makes it hard for me to eat consistently.
  • dawndovell
    dawndovell Posts: 48 Member
    Only drinking water will really help you if you're a drink junky. Empty calories. GRAZE. Eat many good foods throughout the day. Your metabolism needs to know it can count on you to fuel your body. Or it stores the energy (calories) as fat. You can do this!!!