30 Day Shred: Am I doing something wrong?

Blue10845 Posts: 4 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I'm on day ten of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, I heard how effective it was and I was eager to begin. Today was my first day of level two, and I'm sad to say the inches haven't been coming off. I drink a lot of water, I eat clean 80% of the time and I stay within 1500 calories. It's still early so I'm not going lose hope just yet. I am to scared to weigh myself though.D: I usually have sweat running down my face by the end of the video so I think I am doing it right. I was planning on incorporating two five mile hikes a week and jogging every evening too. Is there any advice you can give? When should I see results? Anything is appreciated.<3


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You're only 10 days in. Just keep doing it.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I saw the biggest change in measurements at the end of level 2. I went for a walk every night after I did the video.. but I'm not sure I could have jogged every night! lol Those lunges killed me. :tongue:
  • Blue10845
    Blue10845 Posts: 4 Member
    You guys have such perfect bodies >.< I am going to keep at it and Level Two hurts..
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    It's been awhile since I did it, but I think I saw slight results during level 1, and more dramatic midway through level 3. The second time I did it, didn't notice any difference till I finished and looked at pictures.
  • modernshieldmaiden
    The last time I went through it, about half-way through/at the end of level 2 was when I started actually noticing a difference. Level 2 is killer. Just stick with it! Even if you don't see as many inches come off as you'd hoped while doing it, it's definitely a great means to kickstart those inches coming off from regular exercise.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    I didn't see results 'til the end and I compared photos. I lost 7 inches and 2lbs over the 30 days- most noticeably around my back.
    Just keep at it- i'm 20lbs from my ideal weight so it is possible for bigger people to see results with this DVD. Most people in other forums said inches went rather than pounds.
    Well done for doing it- Jillian can be tough!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I finished it 2 weeks ago and I was pretty worried mid-way that I'm not shrinking at all. I did feel changes (bigger muscles, less abdomen fat, higher bum etc) but they weren't particularly visible. It felt like I was changing from the inside towards the outside and probably that's exactly what happened. I could see the difference towards the end, once I had lost a bit more weight.
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    I'm so happy to have come across this thread. I am on L2D7 and feel a lot stronger but the scale has only moved up and I don't see a difference. The first week I stayed at 1200 calories and was doing the Shred plus another short video or running every night, but I'm just back to he shred now. I'm going back to low carb ( the only way I ever see weightless) to see if that helps. Thanks for the insights.
  • cara2801
    cara2801 Posts: 5 Member
    I did 30 day shred over 6 wks earlier this and didn't see any changes for a couple of wks but felt much stronger (if that makes sense). Only lost a couple of lbs by the end but toned up a lot. Stick with it.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    Take the before and after photos and you will see the difference after 30 days
  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    I noticed a difference halfway through level 2. I didn't lose a lot of weight though, but i did drop a ton of inches!! So on day 30 the best way to figure out your results is to measure or compare before and after pics!
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I could see results at 2 weeks (not drastic, but buttons weren't popping off my pants or pulling in the crotch as badly). My hubby could see a difference by 3 weeks. The rest of the free world didn't really notice until about 5 weeks. By 5 weeks I had lost 12 lbs. You're only 10 days in, give it time.

    Two questions: Which of her "examples" do you follow more, her advanced or her beginner? Also, what size weights are you using as you do her workout? I pushed myself to follow the advanced gal (Natalie) as much as possible and I was using 5 lb weights for most of it (a few exercises I used 8 lbs and a couple of the shoulder ones I used 2 lbs)
  • nicoleisback
    How much size you will lose with a program like this also depends on what you were doing before you started. If, for example, a couch potato started and stuck to it they would see a much bigger result than someone who runs 3 miles every night anyway
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member

    Here's my data. I'm just posting it to show you that during 30DS I had a water retention issue because of the sore muscles. This was NOT a plateau, because that water disappeared overnight (lost 2-3 pounds overnight to never see them again). So don't despair, it's normal. Muscles retain water to heal themselves.
    This doesn't only affect weight, but measurements also. Inflamed muscles are bigger, literally, and drive your measurements up.
  • jmath911
    jmath911 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sorry I'm a little off topic but I thought someone in this this thread would know- How do you count your 30 day shred workout in your MFP exercise diary? I'm thinking of starting but I want to count it!
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    As circuit training- general, based on what people with HRMs said :)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm sorry I'm a little off topic but I thought someone in this this thread would know- How do you count your 30 day shred workout in your MFP exercise diary? I'm thinking of starting but I want to count it!

    This (taken from another thread) is supposed to be a fairly accurate calculation:

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out
  • zudana
    I did the 30 Day Shred for 30 days on level one about a year ago. I was eating to maintain weight, and I did not lose any weight during the Shred. However, I lost inches! A lot of inches! I looked great and was feeling great! So don't step on the scale for a while, and just stick with it! The shred is honestly to tone up rather than to lose weight. But if you are eating to lose weight, then you'll see your weight go down slowly, as well as your body becoming more fit. Keep it up! Don't let the scale discourage you!
  • frmrdtr
    frmrdtr Posts: 39 Member
    I didn't go through the whole 30 days, but just wasn't burning the calories I needed. It was under 200 ( I have a BMF armband and find that pretty accurate on my calorie burns). I did get up to level three and for the first week it was hard, but then I got annoyed with Jillian and stopped. P90X was much more intense and demanding for me. I now run 5-7 miles and do CrossFit workouts, which are pretty intense...

    I think it was said earlier that if you are a runner or someone who works out a lot, the 30 Day Shred won't do much for ya, compared to someone who doesn't regularly work out. I find that happened to me.

    That's just my opinion though.

    Good luck!

    And to all those who did see results, congratulations!
  • michybeans
    If you're sweatin', it's workin'!
    Just keep eating well, working out and you will see results - whether it's in pounds lost or inches lost. Trust your body to work for ya. :)
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