MFP VS. TDEE-%....FOR ME.......

I guess i am venting, perhaps just complaining. I am open to advice like anyone else but in all reality i am just struggling and i want to vent and see what people have to say. Whatever.......................

I have been on MFP for a long time. Much longer than just my current account would lead you to believe. All the weight that i have lost i did very early on and i did it using MFP method.
Since that point i have learned a lot in regard to metabolism, body fat, BMR/TDEE and much more. I have spent nearly six months trying to bust through my recent platue. I am very patient. I have never been in a hurry. I want to lose weight but losing body fat and liking what i see in the mirror has always been my priority. I have done TDEE-20%, TDEE-30%, i have tried various calorie ranges.

I am now admitting that i am becoming very frustrated. My overall body fat, and weight, has not changed since i started this current account. I have only been in the same 5 pound, or 3% body fat range. Just a never ending cycle of up and then down. I want to see some success.

I have decided to go back to the original MFP system. It throws all my gained knowledge about many different things aside. However it is the only way that i have seen success and i really don't know why. I guess i am just growing weary of not seeing success. Typically i am the one on here recommending to people to be patient and just keep doing what they are doing. Like i said, i am very patient. However there comes a point where i just need to see some success. I have to do what worked for me in the beginning. I have been patient and trying real hard. I have not seen real success in nearly 6 months. It is frustrating.

Once again, i have no idea why i typed this or what i am looking for. I just needed to say this and i am intrigued to see what is said.


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    For me, TDEE-% and mfp (eating exercise calories) works out to the same number. I follow mfp because my exercise isn't always the same, so I'm wary of following a method that assumes I do certain amount of exercise when I may do more or less at any given time. But I wish you luck with whatever you do. I was plateaued for months because I was just eating too much.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Good point. My exercise is a bit sporadic. I work out as often as i can but working night makes it difficult to set a planned schedule. At least for me it does. Perhaps reverting back to the MFP method will alleviate me eating to much during the times that i am unable to work out as i often as i try to do. Who knows............ I just don't like seeing my daily calorie goal so low.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I get that. The biggest motivation for losing weight is losing weight, in my opinion.

    I would stick with what works for you, especially if as you say, your exercise is not regular. My guess is you are probably eating too much overall.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    It can be very frustrating. Like you I lost quick and fast when I first started. 100 pounds in about 10 months and the year since then about 22 pounds. I do not think it is MFP vs TDEE but more of you body adjusting to what you are doing. Adaptive Thermogenisis:

    This being said. I could not do TDEE simply because like you I can not seem to set up a consistant workout schedeule and as such I can not figure out a true TDEE. So on advice from some pretty smart dudes on my FL I simply follow MFP and change it around from time to time to keep from adjusting.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    It's good to hear from you all. I have been a strong supporter for TDEE for some time. I just am not seeing results. I thought i would eventuelly but i think over 6 months is to long. It is just frustrating.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
  • stormygirl_82
    you will be succesful
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    What are you eating now? what sort of activity are you doing? I know you said you work third shift why can't you work out after work? (so like 6, 7 8 am.. gyms are open) Can't really tell you what steps might help if you don't give us some info.. and MFP you will be about the same calorie wise if you eat back exercise calories.. Unless you do 2lbs a week then you get 1200 calories..
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why does going back to MPF throw out everything you've learned?
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    I am using TDEE even though my exercise is not the same each week. It doesn't vary from 6 days of sports a week to couch-potato or something. The odd extra (or less) exercise here and there, I don't stress about it. Works for me.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    What are you eating now? what sort of activity are you doing? I know you said you work third shift why can't you work out after work? (so like 6, 7 8 am.. gyms are open) Can't really tell you what steps might help if you don't give us some info.. and MFP you will be about the same calorie wise if you eat back exercise calories.. Unless you do 2lbs a week then you get 1200 calories..

    I work graveyard, not third shift. (i guess some people might call graveyard 3rd shift but not where i am) I have tried on a few different occasions to go after work. (I mean tried it for a couple weeks, 3 different times) I just can't go after staying up all night. I still make it 3-4 times a week but sometimes life makes me have to miss a day here and there. I go often just not on set days. Graveyard does that to some people.

    I was set at 2100 calories a day. I do a split weight training routine very similar to the video i have on my profile page.

    p.s. i hate to sound like one of those that make a lot of excuses, i am not, but working out after graveyard just does not work for me.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Why does going back to MPF throw out everything you've learned?

    It's just that i don't like the low number for a set calorie goal. I realise i eat more when i workout but just having the number set below my BMR makes me not feel comfortable with it.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why does going back to MPF throw out everything you've learned?

    It's just that i don't like the low number for a set calorie goal. I realise i eat more when i workout but just having the number set below my BMR makes me not feel comfortable with it.

    Is your weight loss goal appropriate? A lot of people get low numbers because they set their weight loss goal very aggressively (2lbs per week when they've only got 10lbs to lose).
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Why does going back to MPF throw out everything you've learned?

    It's just that i don't like the low number for a set calorie goal. I realise i eat more when i workout but just having the number set below my BMR makes me not feel comfortable with it.

    Is your weight loss goal appropriate? A lot of people get low numbers because they set their weight loss goal very aggressively (2lbs per week when they've only got 10lbs to lose).

    1 pound a week is 1810 calories. My bmr is 2100ish.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    1 pound a week is 1810 calories. My bmr is 2100ish.

    Have you tried 1950? or 1900? Not sure how tall you are or what your current weight is (maybe I missed that) but that BMR is high so unless your BF% is 15 and your over 180 and 5'6 then its questionable.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why does going back to MPF throw out everything you've learned?

    It's just that i don't like the low number for a set calorie goal. I realise i eat more when i workout but just having the number set below my BMR makes me not feel comfortable with it.

    Is your weight loss goal appropriate? A lot of people get low numbers because they set their weight loss goal very aggressively (2lbs per week when they've only got 10lbs to lose).

    1 pound a week is 1810 calories. My bmr is 2100ish.

    So, BMR = 2100
    BMR + TEF + NEAT = 2310... you only burn 200 calories all day doing "lifestyle" stuff? i.e. working, running errands, chasing kids around, housework, etc etc.

    I assume that's based on a sedentary setting? very few people actually are sedentary. Is that you child with you in your profile pic? I dont' know anyone with kids who is really sedentary.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Ok, so I have been the number crunching helper many of times. Sorry to you both. I have not looked up my tdee for awhile and I was just guessing because I was leaving work and in a hurry. I am at home getting ready to go to bed now. I will check your responses later when I get up.

    My actual BMR is 2070.
    My TDEE calculated as lightly active is 2847.

    My ht is 5' 11'', my current weight is 212. I would like to get to at least 200 but my "healthy weight" is estimated to be closer to 180ish. (I don't care about weight as much as body fat, I currently stand at aprox. 24% body fat.)

    (I calculated my numbers just now on tdee calculator if you need to know that.)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Ok, so I have been the number crunching helper many of times. Sorry to you both. I have not looked up my tdee for awhile and I was just guessing because I was leaving work and in a hurry. I am at home getting ready to go to bed now. I will check your responses later when I get up.

    My actual BMR is 2070.
    My TDEE calculated as lightly active is 2847.

    My ht is 5' 11'', my current weight is 212. I would like to get to at least 200 but my "healthy weight" is estimated to be closer to 180ish. (I don't care about weight as much as body fat, I currently stand at aprox. 24% body fat.)

    (I calculated my numbers just now on tdee calculator if you need to know that.)

    Those numbers sound pretty reasonable, but are WAY different than what MFP gave you, no? Or do you need to re-do MFP's numbers as well?
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Using the Fat2Fit calculator (which I have found to be very accurate) and guessing your age (that is the 1 stat you didn't give) it says your BMR is 1770. Below is where you should be eating (again, according to the F2F calculator):

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1957
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2243
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2528
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2813
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.) 3099

    I also just did an estimate at the site you listed below, and it is close to what F2F provided. I'm thinking maybe the numbers are a little off, or maybe you are eating a bit more then you think you are (that is what I found my issue to be).

    HOWEVER, if you find the MFP calculations are better for you.... Do what works best for you. In the end, this is what is best for you to follow for a full lifestyle change. Best of luck! :drinker: