
Hi Guys,

restarted again after another failed attempt. Just wondered where you's all get the willpower to stay on track cos i'm hopeless. thinking of joining weight watchers on Monday to keep me motivated. Does anyone else follow weight watchers and also track on here?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Willpower comes from within and when you want it bad enough you don't have to fight it. No one else can motivate you or get you moving. When you're ready it will come but it sounds like you aren't ready yet to make the commitment.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Agree with above - gotta figure out what makes you motivated, looks, health, fitness level? In the end you just have to decide to do it and stick with it. Someitmes getting friends on here helps, then you can see how well other people are doing and it can keep you going, some people love that and some people don't
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi Guys,

    restarted again after another failed attempt. Just wondered where you's all get the willpower to stay on track cos i'm hopeless. thinking of joining weight watchers on Monday to keep me motivated. Does anyone else follow weight watchers and also track on here?

    stand in front of a full length mirror in your underwear... happy? no? put down the cake and go work out!
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    some days I have the willpower and others I don't. my motivation comes from the people on here who weighed so much more than me and lost it. now if they can do it anybody can but then ill have days where im like just forget it and eat what I want. food definitely controls me but you have to learn to control it. its a learning process. this is my third attempt and im not one to give up so no matter what anyone says just keep fighting. add me if you like
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    It's pretty simple, if you want something bad enough you'll go ahead and make it happen. There are times where I go off the reservation a bit, but I know that I can course correct quickly because it's something I really want.
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I too am struggling with consistent motivation. However I am beginning today ....again. I honestly don't think weight watchers or whatever plan you go with is going to motivate you. The truth is we all know what we need to do to lose weight and get in shape, so the motivation needs to come from within. I love the definition of integrity. I read this in a book. ( Integrity is fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It's our ability to make and keep commitments to ourselves, to "walk our talk". It's honor with self, the essence of proactive growth. Feel free to add me, maybe we can help keep each other accountable.
  • agressre
    agressre Posts: 24 Member
    I found that I needed some exterior products to help me stay motivated. MFP and the Fitbit work for me. They force me to be honest with myself in terms of what I am eating and how much I am moving. When I don't use them I tend to stumble. When I do use them, it is easier for me to stay on track.

    If you think Weight Watchers meetins will help you then go for it. Nothing says that developing a healkthy lifestyle is 1) easy or 2) a solo project. If checking in with other people once a week helps you then do it. If working with a trainer or a training group or a training buddy helps you get motivated, then do it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't have motivation every day. Some days I'm lazy and don't work out. Some days I eat too much, or don't eat well (nutrition wise). But ultimately, I'm vain and scared of being sick and old. So, I workout and eat right because these are the two things most within my control that will keep me looking good and lower my risk of disease.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Start with whats most important, dont worry about working out, right now, get a food scale, get use to doing a tiny bit extra work with your food in controlling portions. When i say controlling portions i mean knowing what is going on your plate and working it out so you have your daily calorie goal met. It does't mean you have to just start eating carrot sticks and lettuce. This is a calorie controlled lifestyle, not a diet. Eat what makes you happy, just learn to eat less of it. I look at calories as $ now. I have so much to spend in a day, therefore i am going to be careful on how i spend it to get the most out of it. Just don't try and change your world in 1 day.
  • kat239
    kat239 Posts: 92 Member
    WOW guys you are all right with what you are saying, STUFF weight watchers i'm staying here with you lot. one post and I already feel so motivated. I'm sure we can all work together.
  • CarolineMason42
    I have to say it is easier to stay motivated when I am loosing, the biggest struggle is when I stay the same or go up when I have been very good with my eating but I try to take the view....at least i am not constantly going up and as long as the weight trend if down then I can at least stay a little motivated to keep going
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I do use Weight Watchers to track my food. It's easier to calculate points than calories, and I like the idea of free fruits and veggies, and an alotment of "weekly" points in case I go over my daily.

    I don't use the WW calculator - I just divide the number of calories by 40 to obtain the points.

    For me, it was never a matter of willpower, as I was always pretty satisfied and found I enjoyed my food more when I cleaned up my diet. I was no longer tired all the time, and no longer got headaches. Little aches and pains went away, especially as I lost the weight. Instead of feeling like I was denying myself something, I was adding healthy foods to my diet that I wasn't eating before. For all the junk I cut out, I added so much more.

    Plus, fitting into small clothes is so much more enjoyable than a greasy plate of junk will ever be again.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    I had to get into the mindset that I would workout whether at home or at the gym. As I am getting used to moving my body again, my next step is changing the foods I eat. Some people do the revers and change their eating habits and then work out and others do it all at once. Find out what works best for you and stick with it. Also, don't get hung up on the scale. I check by the fact that my cloths have gotten loose and it motivates me to move forward.
  • XxCaz89xX
    If you want it bad enough you will do it.... nothing anybody else says or does will change the way you look at weight loss it needs to come from within
  • AprilMae1975
    Seeing the numbers on the scale and tape measure go down keeps me going.
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    First of all, you haven't failed until you've given up... You're still trying, so good for you! Secondly, I agree that you've got to find what motivates you. Weight watchers did work for me the first time I got serious about losing weight. Having accountability and having to face the scale each week whether I wanted to or not kept me going and I lost all that I wanted to. Fast forward a few years and another baby later, and weight watchers was not the answer for me. I had to dig a little deeper to get going again. I still go up and down, but I am on my 5th year of consistently exercising and I am on a downward trend as far as my extra fluff is concerned. It has become a matter of fitness and small goals for me. Good luck!
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    For me, I just didn't want to be fat and unhealthy anymore. I couldn't keep up with my little one, I had back pain everyday, I felt unattractive, tired, headaches, etc..... I started at 190 size 12/13 and I "dieted" to get the bulk of the weight off with lots of walking. Lots and lots of walking: with my husband, daughter, trips to the park, dog walks. Now, I'm 132 size 4 and I find myself not looking for the closest parking spot, taking the stairs, no back pain at all. I feel great. Have reasonable mini goals for yourself: like .5-1 lb a week and don't get discouraged if you don't make your mini goals. Log all your food and drinks so you can assess what you consume on a whole. Read about nutrition/fitness/health; the more knowledgable you are the better. It's so hard at first but it gets easier as time goes on. Try a mutli-vitamin or fish oil/omega 3 capsules (I take these everyday) . It's all about what you eat, how much you eat and how you exercise. I was surprised that after a while I just couldn't eat nearly as much as I could before. I get full on a lot less food now. Try to eat more slowly if you're a fast eatter, so your brain has time to tell the rest of your body that you are full before you actually overeat! I get involved with everything I can to keep motivated and diversify my exercise. Try signing up for walks; esp the ones that involve a benefit or walks for a cure!!! Buy veggies and fruits that you can cut up quickly and take with you everywhere. Like bell peppers, cucumbers, fresh string beans, etc..... veggies have very few calories so you can eat LOTS of those!!!! Switch em up so you don't get tired of the same things. Try some strength training! Gets some free weights and bands, jump rope. The band with the handles are great because you can do lots of different exercises with them. Try stretching as well.... this with some core exercises (you can look these up on the internet) have completely eliminated all of the pain that I was having on a daily basis for the last 8 years. I have no pain now other than sore muscles from exercising. I also signed up for women's league volleyball. Lots of fun and great exercise! Try doing that, signing up for an activity or sport.

    It takes you being committed and just doing it. Even on the days when you tell yourself, I'm tired and I just want to sit and watch some tv..... DON'T! Make yourself do something, even if it's just 15-20 mins before you sit down. I had so many days and still do occasionally where all I want to do it veg out, but I force myself to get some exercise in and I feel so much better afterwards. It's a great feeling to know that you are doing this for yourself and this is something that you can do for you and your health right now! It doesn't take time to prepare. You can start today and doing this for yourself that will make you healthier and likely lead to a longer, happier life. Do it for you, try lots of different things to find what fits you best! Don't give up.... push through it. When you find yourself losing motivation, join a walk or fun exercise class like Zumba, try a different set of weights/exercise, sign up for the gym, see a personal trainer. Do something different that gets you excited again! Good luck!!!!!!!
    BHKLEIN Posts: 104
    Sorry that was so long! :wink:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My willpower kicked in when I started seeing the results of all my hard work.

    Also, if I don't buy the junk, I don't eat it. Simple.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    stand in front of a full length mirror in your underwear... happy? no? put down the cake and go work out!
