Beginners/Need to lose more than 100lbs

I have just started using my fitness pal a week ago and I have already lost 3lbs, so happy but got a long ways to go. I would really like to find people who are on the same boat! Sick of not being successful with weight loss. Well not this time, time to say buh bye to all those extra lbs.


  • gabrielasrz
    Hi my name is Gabby, what is your name? what motivated you join this website?
    hope to hear back from you soon.
  • mdorisi
    mdorisi Posts: 69 Member
    I am starting up again. I did MFP for my wedding and ended up losing about 20 lbs and a few inches here and there in 3 months. Now I'm starting back up and need some friends. I have about 150 lbs to actually lose before hitting goal and would love to find some friends in the same boat. feel free to add me! :)
  • nita405
    I am just getting back on MFP , it was very helpful to me before when I used it. So now I have gained 25pounds so I figured I better get back on here & get back on track. I also have over 100 pounds to lose....
  • tuckerl1988
    Hello, my name is LaShanna. I have been blessed two have to wonderful college professors(they are married) and I have both of them. Well anyway they came to me one day and explained how they feared that I would have a hard time finding a job after college because of my weight, and sadly they are right. Also I have been wanting to lose weight and be healthy, but I think it took them actually coming to me with concern that got me moving. So I reached out on my phone looking for apps that would help with weight loss and here I am!!! Thanks for asking!
  • nanci35
    I'm new to this website and so excited to start my journey to a new ME. I'm a single mom of 3, full time student and works part time. So I'm like everyone else who is busy and I make myself find time to work out. I have to, I'm tired of being miserable with my body, tired of wishing I could buy that cute outfit, tired of being tired from not doing nothing. I'm on Day 2 of Insanity. It's very hard but I just tell myself that I can do this and I have to do this. If you are like me, send me a friend invite or message me, we can motivate and push each other.
  • ironworkerWifey
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Well, I'm not a beginner, and I only have about 60 pounds left to lose. I've lost about 140 so far.
  • ssmileygirll
    Here to help if you need it :)
    I'm in the same boat
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Good for you and welcome (all of you)!! I too was sick of not being successful and my son set up an account for me here at MFP. I have lost 18 lbs since July 1st. I attribute it to MFP being the difference by tracking EVERYTHING for me so I can really see what I am doing and eating and how it all adds up at the end of the day.

    Good luck to you and remember ... one day at a time!! Eventually the days add up to weeks and the weeks add up to months. My first goal was to commit to 12 weeks of this. As I reach the 12 week mark, I can look back on my success over the last three months as compared to the last several years, and I am so motivated to keep going. Hope you have the same experience!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member
    Hello My name is Sashoi, I been at this since July first and I still got 96lbs to go. So feel free to add me, I'm on here daily.
  • smccauley87
    My name is Staci and I joined myfitnesspal about a week ago after a visit with my doctor. She let me know that I am at a very unhealthy weight for my size and that I need to get it under control. I have about 60 pounds to lose to be at an okay weight but not ideal, ideal for her would be a total lose in 80 pounds. I am working toward the 60 pound goal first and then the extra 20 after that. I have been over weight my whole life and not a lot of time to hit the gym. I am just looking for a support group to get me through the hard time and not turn to food like always. Some people that can push me and encourage me to get the job done. Is there anyone out there that is will to help?
  • julielast
    julielast Posts: 2 Member
    Started MFP on June 17th and have lost 41 pounds, I am soooo excited. 52 more to go!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I am new to MFP - been on here about a week. Love the app for my phone as it makes it really easy for me to journal my food. I've been on and off the weight loss bandwagon since about 2006. Back then I grew disgusted with myself when I got on the scale and weighed somewhere around 225 (my ideal weight is about 140 - 145.) I lost all but 30 lbs of my goal using Weight Watchers. I stopped going to meetings because they were costing too much money and I really didn't need the rah-rah from them or the supposed accountability ...what I needed was more discipline to track my food. Over the years my weight crept back up to about 243. So I needed to lose about 100 lbs. I've lost about 13 of it so far, and that was slow, lol. I lost about 8 lbs then stopped. LOL. I lost several pounds this week after going on My Fitness Pal to track my food and I've been exercising a lot too....riding my bike 3 or 4 days a week.
    That is a challenge for me being so many lbs overweight - getting my fat butt on a bike and riding down the road is a bit skeery. BUT...I can't afford to continue on the path I've been going.
  • julesyb1982
    I need to lose darn close to 100 lbs. I was doing well for two weeks and then was bad for two weeks... back on it!
  • greenclagg
    Brand new at mfp but not to weight loss (and gain).... going to be 40 and I want to be on the right track and feeling good about myself when I do....need to lose 80 lbs!
  • smccauley87
    I am having issue picking the right foods to eat. I guess I have been on so many diets over the years that I don't know what is good for you any more. I felt that eating fruit was good but then noticed that after eating a yogurt and a banana this morning that I was over my sugar count. Looking for breakfast ideas if anyone has any?
  • tamievice155
    tamievice155 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi guys my names Tameisha I'm just jumping back on here again this time I'm staying i had a lot going on last time but we all can be eachothers motivation idk about yall but i sure can use so friends feel free to add my please and congrats for taking a step forward!!
  • kissylee2001
    kissylee2001 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, welcome. Stick to it, it works. I have lost 73 pounds since last December and am aiming to lose another 50 to 70 pounds. Take the good days with the bad and take one day at a time. No matter what, record EVERYTHING you eat, healthy or not. That is key for me. Also, exercise has been integral to my weight loss, and my overall well-being both physically and mentally. I started in January with only being able to barely do 20 minutes of light Elliptical and now I am running a minimum of 3 miles a day, if not 5 plus weight training. I make sure I eat all my calories (net that is - base calories that MFP allows you plus those I burn exercising) otherwise I don't do anything fad-like or fancy. Persistence. It will work.
  • brandnewkindame
    Hi I'm Koko, I am single mom of a pre-teen. I have been on this journey for so long that I have gotten so disgusted with myself. But I am not beating myself up, I now realize I needed my mind to get involved in this :-) I am taking it one meal at a time and one day at a time...

    And if need any additional motivation the fact that I just caught a leg cramp at my desk as I type this, is all the motivation I need!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend