sugar goal: 35

korinnabauer Posts: 14
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am 116 pound woman, doing a semi active live style, yoga 2 a week, teaching 1st grade. My sugar level goal is 35g - the thing is, i am doing quite good with my limits. I am trying to eat well but also right for me, my body type and probably gaining a little weight, but also muscles.

Could you just give me a food plan where i do not go over my sugar limits? I love to eat lean protein but i am not a big chicken/ meat person. I do eat vegetables with every meal and 2-3 choices of fruit daily. My almost daily apple already comes in with 23g :-/


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member

    2-3 items of fruit will take you over the standard limit I guess. You could switch one to a vegetable or nuts, or simply change the limit.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Unless you have a medical condition to limit sugar intake, my suggestion is to ignore the sugar objective.

    I changed mine to "Fiber". It is more important to me

    I do not use processed sugar in my nutrition plan. I try to have raw fruit as my sugar contribution of the day.

    Good luck in your journey
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I think in terms of net carbs rather than 'sugar' per se. you're eating fruit so why not measure carbs, drop 'sugar' from your MFP and stick with carbs. add 'fiber' to your mfp in your set up and shoot for 35 net grams of carbs (i.e. carbs - fiber = net grams of carbs) you'll probably find this easier to do and it's more atkins like if you're shooting for a low carb lifestyle. does that make any sense? doesn't sound like you're using sugar or corn syrup in your diet now, you sound like you're eating pretty healthy.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am finding the same thing ... I am WAY over on my sugar. Like you said .. a couple pieces of fruit is too much. I am having a couple of smoothies a day and even the 2 bananas that I put in there is too much. But then again ... I just gave up drinking lots of Diet Pepsi, so I figure drinking a couple of smoothies should be better for me than drinking pop.

    I don't really know what to recommend .. as I don't think that a low sugar level like that is really obtainable. Sure you can probably do it .. but the thing you will replace your fruit with is probably worse for you.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Check out the keto, primal/Palos groups on mfp !!! I have no sugar cravings at all anymore !
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Banana is the highest sugar fruit by far, and has starch too

    It also has double the sucrose of its nearest rival. An avocado is an alternative smoothie ingredient for texture.
  • janimei
    janimei Posts: 105 Member
    I track sugar, carbs, and fiber because my focus is not only on calories but also on nutrition. Sugar has no nutritional value so I monitor it to keep myself on track nutritionally. Just a personal preference, knowing that bit of info.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    Me thinks I'm doomed. :smile: Love coffee and "must" have my sugar. I average 5lbs a month. Looked it up being I didn't know, and saw 36g/day for men. I'm then averaging 75.6g/day, and for many yrs at that. Wow. My blood labs are right where they are supposed to be. Lucky me. Based on what I've read. how did I ever manage to lose 49 lbs appx. 3yrs ago, and 19 so far since end of June? Ah well.
  • I think in terms of net carbs rather than 'sugar' per se. you're eating fruit so why not measure carbs, drop 'sugar' from your MFP and stick with carbs. add 'fiber' to your mfp in your set up and shoot for 35 net grams of carbs (i.e. carbs - fiber = net grams of carbs) you'll probably find this easier to do and it's more atkins like if you're shooting for a low carb lifestyle. does that make any sense? doesn't sound like you're using sugar or corn syrup in your diet now, you sound like you're eating pretty healthy.

    how do i change those things?
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