How long do you usually run your bulking cycle?

If the past I've had difficulty really commiting to a bulking cycle mostly b/c I hate the added body fat - but I'm stick this bs out this time.

Currently, I'm in week 5 of a 500 calorie surplus. My maintance is 3500, I'm eating 4000 which is tough. I've planned to take this 14 weeks. Starting weight was 180+, current weight is 190 (but that includes start of creatine cycle as well...)

Just wondering, how long do you do your cycles? do you have a bodyfat amount when you throw in the towel, etc?

Thanks in advance


  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Heck, I'm probably going to be stuck in this "bulk mode" a long time. As long as it takes...and I'd say that's at least a year.
  • jacksprat7
    I'm just at the start of this journey but I only lasted twelve weeks bulking. I couldn't handle the fact that the body fat wasn't coming off fast enough while I was eating heavy, yet clean.

    For the next twelve, I'm just going to focus on getting the bf down - currently at 15%.
  • Noam3k
    First time bulking after a long cut.
    Started with 2400kcal(500kcal surplus) for a week and creatine monohydrate (5g mornings / 5g mornings and after workouts on training days) but i upped it to 2600kcal as there were not even slight changes in weight
    Probably going to need to up it to 3000kcal soon.

    I plan on doing this for ~2 months, then do a short maintenance for 1-2 weeks and (probably by then i won't have any creatine monohydrate left) jump on tri creatine malate.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Literally been bulking for a year this month.

    Still going.
  • M1KEEC
    M1KEEC Posts: 4 Member
    Bulking normally lasts as long as you want it to, set a target weight and aim for that but obviously trying not to add to much fat. I find high intensity weight training keeps some of the fat a bay if that helps.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    I started about 2-3 weeks ago and I'm gonna run it until Feb or March.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    How long do you usually run your bulking cycle?

    I'm still going to shoot for around 40 miles a week and a longer run on the weekend. I think I'll run a 13+ mile on Sunday. That just means I need even more calories.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    How long do you usually run your bulking cycle?

    I'm still going to shoot for around 40 miles a week and a longer run on the weekend. I think I'll run a 13+ mile on Sunday. That just means I need even more calories.

    :laugh: :laugh:
    40 miles/week. Wow!

    OP: I don't really know a lot about bulking... but if the extra body fat bothers you so much... why wouldn't you choose to do a lean bulk (only 250 calories or so above TDEE) for a longer time, instead? I would think you'd see more of what you want that way... I'd also agree with setting a goal weight though, and making the bulk last until you hit that weight. Then cut down to your goal body fat %...
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    My ideal would be to start the bulk at 10%bf and start my cut at 15% but what really happens is I get to around 14% and get sick of cutting then bulk back to around 18% before I start to feel a little soft. =slow to no gains. LOL
  • TheRealBruceWayne
    Bare minimum 6 months but I'd aim for a year. Muscle goes in much slower than fat goes on or off. If you want to add serious LBM you need to be dedicated for a serious amount of time.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Use body fat percentage as your goal. Once you reach that upper limit, end the bulk. I started at 8% and finished at 13% last time using a 300 calorie surplus.
  • Live4theLift
    Mine is gonna last me....8 months i believe
  • 2-3 days and then i panick and go into maintenance.
    I dont recommend this route.
  • CometMeebru
    creatine... not even once
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Without reverse dieting, you're just going to get fat while bulking. If your maintenance is at 3000 calories and you were eating at a deficit of 500 which is 2500 calories and just jump into a 500 calories surplus above your maintenance which is 3500 calories, thats 1000 calories your body has to deal with and most likey store more than you want of it as fat.
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Without reverse dieting, you're just going to get fat while bulking. If your maintenance is at 3000 calories and you were eating at a deficit of 500 which is 2500 calories and just jump into a 500 calories surplus above your maintenance which is 3500 calories, thats 1000 calories your body has to deal with and most likey store more than you want of it as fat.

    I want to share my experience. I was eating around 2200 per day in the past back when I didn't know about maintenance intakes. I bumped to 2600 as soon as I started using MFP (maintenance). Didn't know about doing it gradually back then (plus I was still losing weight unintentionally and wanted it to stop since I was at a very low weight and had no extra fat reserves). No fat gain after a few weeks of this. Then I started adding calories slowly. It's worked out great. Very minimal fat gains so far.