Anyone Breastfeeding?

So I used MFP last summer and did great!!!! I was so pleased and it really wasn't hard. Then I became pregnant, so while pregnant I did not count calories. I was huge, but it was all belly and I was okay with that. My baby is now 8 weeks old and I have lost every bit of the pregnancy weight. So now I feel like it's time to get back on the wagon and start losing my weight I had before pregnancy.

I started MFP weighing 169 lbs.
My goal was 130 lbs.
When I got to 143 lbs. I found out that "Surprise! You're pregnant!"
I am now back to 143 and want to finish my goal of getting to 130 lbs.

My problem? I am starving!!!!! I have tried off and on for about 2 weeks to count calories but I am hungry all day long. It's discouraging when I have used all my calories by early afternoon! I did account for breastfeeding when calculating my calories.

When I eat like I want (all day long), I am not gaining anything, so that's good. But I'm wondering if anyone else has struggled with this. Is it just too early to try and lose weight or what? My milk supply doesn't seem to be fluctuating.


  • jezebel74
    jezebel74 Posts: 2 Member
    I have finished breastfeeding now but it helped me get from 188lbs down to 130lbs (ish) which I have held onto for well over a year with MFP. How many extra calories is it giving you? I kept mine at 500 until I had stopped and I did not shy away from carbs at all. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do it in a rush as it will go. Even if you go over with MFP it is still helping you eat mindfully. Avoid eating sugary rubbish as much as possible and get filling calories from proper food.
  • alytris
    alytris Posts: 1 Member
    When I was nursing and exercising I was always starving. I stopped counting calories and just ate to make sure to keep my milk. However I didn't eat junk food, I ate quite clean. And during the whole time nursing I stayed at 120 at 5 foot 10. I weber once I stopped nursing and started watching calories I went back up to 135 and have stayed there. In short at if you are nursing, just eat healthy.
  • BlessedMystique
    BlessedMystique Posts: 108 Member
    Bump....because I'm in the same exact situation and i hope we can get more answers/suggestions. My son is a little over one so i only breastfeed now 2-4x a day, but the weight's not budging. I was eating 1400-1500 net cals. This week I've lowered the exercise and uppedmy cals to 1600...hopefully that helps.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    My advice (as a fellow BFing mama): don't cut calories too low - your body is making food for another human, plus trying to heal and nourish itself. This is not the time for an aggressive weight loss strategy. Slowly does it. Cutting calories too far down can lead to low supply. I would stick around the 1400-1500ish mark if you can. BFing full-time burns at least 500cals per day, you can add these back to your diary (so you get some extra to eat!) Search Breastfeeding in Foods and choose the one which best suits you.

    Depending on how long ago it is since you've given birth, take it easy on the exercise - breastfeeding keeps the ligament loosening hormones around a lot longer and can make you injury prone. Get your HR up with low impact cardio, swimming, weight training if you have access to the equipment/a gym.

    I didn't start loosing weight until May this year (and my daughter was nearly 2 but still feeding). I was eating around 1800cals per day (inc the breastfeeding ones - she was still feeding a fair bit) and losing consistently.

    Best of luck, feel free to add me if you need support!