MFP member looking for help with Former Fat boy syndrome

What's up everybody been on here for quite some time now it's part of my normal routine everyday. I used to be a big boy I weighed 290 pounds I did some soul searching and decided on a mixture of the Atkins diet and P90X. I really went balls to the wall and got my self down to 159 pounds. Which was way to small for my frame being I'm 6'0 tall. It's been a few years since I lost all the weight. Now I am a big beachbody guy i.e. all the P90X's /Insanity's and misc other beachbody programs.

The moral of the story is I am stuck at 175 pounds I want to get bigger but I will not let myself eat enough to get there I usually eat around 2000 calories a day and I workout hard 5 days a week. But everytime I put on weight I freak out and start reducing calories or I'm just not sure what to eat to get where I wanna be.

I'm looking for some friends who can help guide and give feedback from time to time


  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I was never as big as you were, but I am a pretty small framed guy. Dieting didn't scare me, bulking up scares the hell out of me.
  • samammay
    Put the scale in the closet for a month, only use a tape measure to check your progress. You know if you are close to TDEE you arent gaining fat. Weight is just a number and is largely meaningless out of context. The context you need to give it is Body Fat Percentage.

    Dont let a tool (scale) scare you. You got this!
  • Grenon
    Grenon Posts: 228 Member
    Wow you went a long way, how long did it take to lose all that weight? Did you have any problem with loose skin or did it naturally just tighten?

    I guess you will just have to do some research to find the ways to get the proper nutrition to put on more muscle than fat. Which should not be too hard I'd imagine with a high protein diet. Don't let the scale scare you as said before, hide it and just measure your frame changing because you are bound to put on weight if you are going after muscle, also if you put on a little bit of fat that is nothing to worry about because you will not just blow up to where you were, just means once you get to your peak that you want to be you can take a cut and get to the body fat percentage you want to be!

    Amazing work so far, hope you ditch the scale and go hard!
  • djenvision
    djenvision Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice everybody I usually only try to weigh myself 1 time a month or so it's more of a subconscious thing for me.

    Grenon I don't have problems with loose skin and such I wasnt huge just kinda looked like a football lineman I shrank nicely LOL