Will this become a routine? Success?



  • lbritton3
    I've been putting on my "Game of Thrones" Dvd's and watching one episode at a time while walking on the treadmill every night. I usually do it while the husbands in the other room watching a program I don't like. lol So far this is working for me. (I started a six week challenge four weeks ago with two friends but one has already given up.) But I have a lot of weight to lose so I'm just going to hang in there and get through each day one day at a time. :D I think the idea is as other people have said, do something you don't mind doing and work around that otherwise your more likely to give up. I'm going to have to get some new DVD's! lol
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    Today was my first day dieting, and exercising. I wouldn't really call it dieting, I am going by the calorie counter on here and proportions. Can anyone tell me that the exercising becomes a routine after awhile, just like brushing your teeth. Also, has anyone us just counted calories and exercised and has had success?

    I started off at 224lbs and only calorie counted and lost, got to 180 lbs and needed to do more. Over the next few years I did a few bits here and there and lost around 7 lbs each year. I am now down to 153 lbs and exercise every morning which is a routine after just 15 days. I feel guilty if I try to stay in bed. I make sure I am up before my other half so I get my own time to work out and I am using the Jillian 30 Day Shred to help.

    Everyone is different and you have had some great advise on here but you have to be honest with yourself and make your changes. Picture yourself at a smaller dress size and aim for that, then again and again till you reach GW. Don't fixate on the scales too much and try to weigh yourself once every 4-6 weeks.

    I wish you the very best and all journey start with one step xxx
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Today was my first day dieting, and exercising. I wouldn't really call it dieting, I am going by the calorie counter on here and proportions. Can anyone tell me that the exercising becomes a routine after awhile, just like brushing your teeth. Also, has anyone us just counted calories and exercised and has had success?

    Yes, it takes a couple of weeks but then you will think to exercise just like you think you have to brush your teeth.

    Counting calories (to hit your specific goal) and exercising is what MFP is about! Note that with other methods of losing weight, it's about avoiding food. MFP is about eating the right amount of food.
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    Here is why you will learn to like it. It won't always feel like it feels right now. As you keep going, your muscles will get stronger. It won't be as hard on your body to do it. You won't keep running into that feeling that you need to quit. If you can't do a full sit up today, keep trying. One day, you'll just come up. It's a progressive thing. I've found that once I get back into it (about 6 weeks) and can get past the point of wanting to quit and watching the clock all the time, I can get into it. Went to Zumba and had fun yesterday. Was dancing without pain. Was fun!

    And if you try spinning, your butt will probably be sore the first time. It took me 3 times before that went away. Just know it going in so you're not shocked. But after the 3rd time, that should go away. I love spinning. Easier on the knees, no high impact, loud music and you burn cals fast.
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    For me exercising became more routine and less tedious - you'll still get aggravated and have days where you don't want to do it but force yourself to bc you have the willpower - when I started signing up for group sporting events. They really help take your mind out of obsessive diet mode, where all you think about is food and feeling deprived, into a more I know I can control myself so I can eat what I want in moderation type of consciousness.

    For example EVERY Tuesday I meet up with a group of people to run in the early evening. Tuesday & Thursday nights I play roller derby. Friday night I'm in a softball league. Finding activities that I like and are active has made a huge difference. I know it makes me feel more positive about the entire process and has encouraged me to branch out - I now go to the gym on days I have off, I try new running groups on different nights of the week, and I eat healthier.

    FYI I def. did NOT start all of these activities at once. One led to another to another just by virtue of meeting friends at events. I started by using the app MeetUp to find local athletic groups.

    Good luck! Things get easier!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Not only has it become routine, it seems weird that I used to eat whatever and whenever my impulses directed me and not move very much. I was taking better care of my car than my body.
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    Congrats on getting started! If you set yourself up for success, you'll have success. One of the best things I've done for myself is planning for error. For instance, I know that if I go on an overnight trip to see family or friends, I'm probably going to wind up eating different than I normally do and I might even eat too much of it. But instead of calling it bad or letting myself spiral back to where I started, I accept that it was, and move on. Same thing with workouts. If I miss a workout for whatever reason, I do that workout the very next chance I get. I remind myself that missing one workout or eating one big meal won't make me fat just like one workout or one healthy meal won't make me thin. So seeing the big picture, it's really easy to stay on track and because of how good I feel, it's a habit. When I first started going back to the gym, taking that time for myself was the only thing I did for me and so it was like a treat, like I was spoiling myself! And I deserve that and so do you, so rock on, girl!
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