So many questions, do you have the answers??????

Hi,my name is Sara and I need help. I am a terrible yo-yo dieter, always have been. I am 30 years old, 4'9", weigh around 120 and carry all of my weight in my butt hips and thighs. Last spring I weighed 135. I lost most of my weight by only eating one meal a day. I know it is horrible! I still only eat once or twice a day but the food choices are horrible. I work at a pizzeria during the evening till we close at 10. We take a break at 8 pm and that is where the trouble is. First of all it is late at night and second the food is not at all healthy.

I have found myself to be very lazy and tired the last couple of months and I am pretty sure it has to do with my eating habits.

My husband and I want to start eating healthy home cooked meals again and try and get away from the processed foods but i am just not sure where to start. I know I need to be eating more meals and snacks throughout the day but i have pretty much trained my body for one meal. How do I get back to eating more meals without feeling sick?

I need some wonderful advice from you about where to start, where to go for recipes, how to introduce this type of lifestyle to myself and the kids cuz I know it will be a challenge and how to do it without gaining weight!


  • Hey, You too!!, Finally I have made it two weeks on my new program. MFP is the best little helper. I thought I was doing okay until I started putting my diet down on my phone. I thought active job, somewhat healthy diet, and weekend warrior was alright. Until you find yourself on an elliptical trainer and find what you put in is a whole lot harder to take off.

    Earlier this year I started good, then my buddy went to school and I fell apart. Now he's out, still took me most of the year to change my attitude, started researching on Slowly, I found a plan, started it and got more motivated, started picking up supplements. Read transformation stories on their site, food plans, vitamins. Remembered I had this app, and added more motivation. Now I'm looking for web support, It's sucks when your the only posting on your app, lol.

    People become, who they surround themselves with. Being in the trades, if everyone goes for beers or what not, I was going for beers and what not. Fun at first but, years down the road I'm overweight and not happy. I'm feeling great about my new lifestyle changes. Sure my peers hassle me about it but, I didn't feel like this after a night partying either.
  • Khoes
    Khoes Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Sara! The first thing I would definitely try to do is eat more throughout the day, which you said you wanted to help your body adjust to. Just take small steps, you know? Small snacking, don't gorge on snacks all the time, but introduce your body to some natural foods like bananas or apple slices or a small sandwich. Take time to allow your body to get used to these foods that will definitely reenergize you!

    Eating once or twice a day is really bad for your body especially because your body clings to whatever nutrients you're giving it. I feel ya though, pizza is probably the only food I can't resist, which is why I try not to be around it... :sad:

    It's hard getting started because there is so much out there, but I mean take some time to research things and start reading the ingredients on boxes! Learn the difference between 'high fructose corn syrup' and 'enriched whole wheat flour' and 'sucrose' and things like that. Switch some foods out, make small changes. Instead of apple juice, buy apples. Cut out all the bad sugars in your life. A lot of people gain weight from all the hidden sugars that can be found, especially in juices.

    It's great that your husband and you are doing this together. Having a partner, friend, just someone to hold you accountable and back you up will get you going.

    There are different sites to get great recipes! Pinterest even helps. I've gone to foodnetwork, allrecipes, eatingwell, and fitsugar. You'll find more great sites out there and go by the recipe too! There are so many creative ways to introduce your kids to healthy eating! I have a real big issues with vegetables, we just don't mix well together, but I've learned that baked sweet potato fries are so very tasty, spinach in a banana-strawberry smoothie is good for you and tastes great and instead of buttery mashed potatoes you can make mashed cauliflower with garlic--it's to die for. :love:

    Overall, you'll learn. It'll be a bit difficult especially with young kids, but cut some junk out. You don't want to go too authoritarian or you could face serious rebellions. I had a really strict mom when I was young and she hated that I was really overweight and it just drove me to food more and more. Bring in new ideas and show them that food can taste good AND be good for you. :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!
  • Thank you for the great advice. I am trying to start out small by eating breakfast since I never do. I used to cook all the time when I was a stay at home mom and now that I work my husband has been doing the cooking while I am at work. I am going to start doing the dinner cooking before I go to work now. I meal plan every week so hoping to find some awesome healthy recipes to make that everyone in the house will like so it doesn't go to waste.
    The hardest part for me is knowing what is actually healthy and what is not. I can look at labels but sometimes they are really confusing.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    When it comes to labels, if you can't pronounce it, its probably not good for you. Try to stick with whole foods-fruit, veggies, lean meats, beans. Try some crock pot recipes, they are such a time saver. Plus cooking several meals at once and dividing them up into portion size containers and freezing is a great way to make "microwave dinners/lunches" that are easy to grab and take to work or eat when you are in a rush. When you make soups or sauces, make a large batch and freeze half for later. If you have some time to dedicate to preping a lot of ingredients, you can throw meals together in no time.

    Good luck. And everyone is right, small changes are great. You will find those small things becoming habits and then you can make a few more small changes. Before you know it, you will have awesome new healthy habits and be feeling great!

    Some good small snacks- handful of almonds, slice(1oz) of good quality cheese, cheese stick, small serving of whole grain cereal-with or without milk, piece of fruit, carrot/celery sticks with hummus, piece of whole grain bread with almond/peanut butter, small serving of cooked chicken, apple with cheese or peanut butter.
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Blogs are where I'm getting a lot of my recipes. I love recipe websites, but a lot of them are not real-world foods. As in...a lot of them have ingredients I've never heard of or have access too. Or take 3 hours to prep. Or have 30 ingredients.

    I also enjoy the storytelling part of blogs, as most of them started off like one of 'us' and then gradually became a healthy eater.


    I've loved this woman's website. She talks about a lot of ingredients and has a lot of recipes (this particular site is vegetarian) that are really healthy to try. There are a ton of blogs out there that have amazing recipes. Not everyone will eat in a particular way, but these blogs are a good way to scour for recipes, quick tips on a variety of things, and several of them clearly explain the ingredients list and what it really means for you.

    This was another one that eats healthy and had a 100 day challenge of eating all organic for $125/week.

    This one is of a woman who struggles with eating well on a tiny budget. What like about this one is that she has $25/bag blogs. Where she visits various places and gets $25 worth of food. Then has accompanying recipes, most of which are extremely easy.

    Others: - she has a lot of ingredients breakdowns too.