Starting over - 2 weeks in - No progress

beverlyann1726 Posts: 31 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
So I "started over" on my quest for weight loss a few weeks ago. I lost 8 pounds, then two weeks ago I started exercising regularly, and I haven't lost a pound since. I've been staying under my calorie goal, so what's going on? I feel like giving up. Should I just be patient and keep doing what I've been doing, or should I change something?


  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    Hard to know without seeing your diary. Are you eating back exercise cals? Honestly in any case I'd go 4 weeks at least before I started getting too concerned about it.
  • Khoes
    Khoes Posts: 14 Member
    Could be that a lot of the initial weight was water weight! Switch up your schedule a bit? Look into your nutrition and meal plans. Are you getting enough water? Doing cardio and strength training? Depending on what your specific calorie goal is and you staying under it that could also be affecting you too. I'm not sure your stats on everything, but I wouldn't also worry too much. If you've just started again don't feel like giving up! Change takes some serious time and it'll definitely take more than a few weeks.

    Keep at your hard work! Look into all different angles of what you're doing. Add some strength training in and make sure your nutrition is spot on to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs!
  • benjicloverdale
    benjicloverdale Posts: 92 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!

    This seems to happen to a lot of folks. I'm not sure why, but I think if you keep doing all the right things, the desired results will eventually come. This happened to me a few years ago: counted every calorie that went in my mouth, obeyed my calorie limit, and worked hard at the gym. I did not see any significant results for what seemed like a month. I was so stressed about it that I almost broke down in tears on the treadmill once. But, eventually, the results happened.

    If you've ever watched The Biggest Loser, you'll know that even the most dedicated hardworking contestants, who did all the right things, would have weeks they lost a lot, then sometimes 1-2 weeks when they lost nothing. They were confused and frustrated...the trainers were confused and frustrated; some weeks it wasn't just a matter of calories in and calories out. But what they all had in common was that they stuck with the program and didn't quit, and in the end, they had great results.
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    Agree with above. Don't give up. Read the stickies and as long as you have a reasonable plan in place keep at it. I stalled a few weeks in too but I kept at it and started losing again.
  • Hi, when I was on another diet, the group told me to keep track of my body measurments becuase when your doing it RIGHT an your NOT loosing pounds, your loosing inches. It was true for me as well as many others. I guess your body is just shifting, your in transformation. Then you go back into lbs lost again if you just keep at it.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I agree with all the above. what would you tell someone you're coaching?

    Take pictures, take measurements. Its not all about the scale. not knowing how you're eating we can't tell a lot either.

    two weeks isn't long! if you have a 500 calorie deficit a day that is still only a pound plus that you would lose, and you had already lost that water weight before.

    Good luck! Keep it up! it didn't go on in a day, it doesn't come off in a day
  • beverlyann1726
    beverlyann1726 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm never giving up, just needed some input. The pounds have always come off when I'm not exercising (I lost 22 pounds before using MFP, with no exercise), and as soon as I started, the weight loss stopped. I will be taking my measurements again on October 3rd, so we will see what happens then. I've never really incorporated diet AND exercise at the same time into my weight loss efforts, so, as a coach, I need to be able to have these experiences and answers so I can set an example.
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