hoshimotos/hyperthyrod & nutrional shakes as breakfast

Hello all:

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on what to eat/ not eat if you have hoshimotos disease. I also just purchased a nutritional shake that is plant based (Vega One). I wanted to try drinking this in the morning an hour after taking my armour thyroid. Any suggestions? My calculated calorie intake is 1900 calories, but I am shooting for 1600 calories and I go to the gym 4-5 days a week and burn 300+ calories doing cardio. I have been on this workout schedule for over a month and eating under 1600 calories and have lost no weight. I read yesterday that with my disease I should cut out glutton. I am starting that today! I am open to any suggestions, help and tips :)


  • My daughter has Hashimoto's and we've had huge success with her going gluten free. To support her has a family I cook following the Paleo lifestyle. Good luck!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Just make sure your shake is not high in soy. It tends not to be good for thyroid problems.
  • ezconklin- I am great to hear that your daughter has had success going gluten free. I too was actually looking at a few Paleo cookbooks the other day. After starting Armour thyroid replacement my energy levels have been up, but my weight still has not dropped with intensive cario 4-5 days a week. Did your daughter seem to loose weight with the Paleo/gluten free lifestyle? Is she on thyroid hormone replacement? Sorry for so many questions.....I just haven't had the chance to talk to anyone personally who has hashimotos. :)
  • She is on synthriod meds daily. She was already a tiny thing so I haven't seen any weight change with her. But since I'm doing it with her I've lost 10 pounds this past month.

    The meds and diet have really helped her energy levels and overall outlook on life. She previously had body aches, upset stomach, constipation, headaches and was in a general foul mood everyday. All that has changed. Another thing to keep in mind is that Hashimoto's, gluten intolerance AND depression all go hand in hand. We seem to have stabilized it all with the meds and diet.
  • This gives me hope! The meds have also given me more energy...... I will start the gluten free diet! Thank you for all of your help :) and congrats on the 10lb loss :)