Love Handles

Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

Suggestions are welcome!


  • GingerAmigo
    I really want to know this too >.<
  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    you can start strength training!
    I lost mine doing circuit training like 30 day shred and ripped in 30 with lighter weights (5lbs-10lbs dumbbells)!
  • confused_truffle
    confused_truffle Posts: 38 Member
    Only success I've had was to cut carbs. Sometimes, depending on your hormonal situation (more estrogen or more progesterone), you can change the effects of estrogen and lower the amount of body fat that gets stored around that area.

    Works for me, but I'm estrogen dominant. Best way to know? Do you carry excess weight in your thighs, hips and bum? Estrogen dominant. Do you carry your weight in your arms, bust, and stomach? Progesterone dominant. There are always exceptions though. :) Hope this helps.
  • CantStopWontStop92
    Bane of my existence my friend. Any weight I put on goes *poof* right onto my hips. A few things that help me:
    1) strength training focused on your core
    2) cut carbs
    3) cut sugar, particularly pop. This makes you feel bloaty and will show in that area!
    4) keep up on the cardio bit. This might just be me though, I quite like running:)
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fat is decreased by eating LESS fat..... remember, abs are made in the kitchen
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Just keep doing cardio to loose the fat. Eventually they will go away. When i put on extra weight, its the first place it packs on, and when cutting weight its the last place to go. It sucks but i dont think theres any other way to get rid of them.
  • rllewell
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    Loosing your love handles starts in the kitchen not with weight lifting. Weight lifting while eating at a deficit allows you to maintain and sculpt muscles.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    Fat is going to disappear from different areas of your body whenever it feels like it, honestly. If you aren't strength training and ONLY eating at a deficit, you will lose excess fat from different areas at different times. In my opinion, those who have success in losing their love handles by avoiding certain foods are simply losing fat from their torso faster than other areas.

    Is there any reason why you don't want to weight lift? I'm honestly just curious. :flowerforyou:
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm so glad you said that you don't believe in spot reduction, that is the most irritating fitness myth...

    So to answer your question, yes you can loose the handles without any exercise at all actually, of any kind. The best way to think about all this, is the following:

    Diet = Weight Loss
    Cardio = Conditioning/Heart Health (and burns the most calories per minute)
    Heavy Weight Lifting = Muscle Building/Maintenance/Strength Building/Promotes Bone Density

    You can weight lift to your heart's content, or run for ten miles a day, but if you don't diet, you'll keep the handles.

    Please keep in mind that without some form of significant weight lifting, your body will also catabolize (break down) your existing muscle for fuel along with the fat.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I thought this was going to be a thread about chick's hair styles. :grumble:
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    I call my love handles - butt ears. That´s how it looks to me, like my butt grew ears on each side. LOL Anyway, I finally don´t have butt ears anymore. At one point they were huge and so unattractive. Almost 30 lbs later, I finally got rid of them! I think the biggest contribution to the process was losing weight overall. I am finally closer to the lower side of normal range. I also do lots of stairs running and kickboxing. I heard squats help too, but I´m pear shaped, so I don´t want to have massive thighs. I never did lifting and most likely never will. It´s just not my thing, so I can´t help with that.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    looks like you just answered your question. eat less, move more. and eat less bad fats/refined carbs and more protein/healthy carbs/fats. cardio will do a lot but in the end, lifting will help transform your body and WILL NOT MAKE YOU BULKY.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Fat is decreased by eating LESS calories..... remember, abs are made in the kitchen
    Fixed it for you.

    And oh another one of those, I know you can spot reduce but how do I spot reduce?
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    Loosing your love handles starts in the kitchen not with weight lifting. Weight lifting while eating at a deficit allows you to maintain and sculpt muscles.

    All of this! It ALL happens in the kitchen I've found... for me everything is shrinking away. I've cut out bread pasta rice and grains (and now I'm going to sporadically add back in if I wish) but it's made a big difference. I've gotten down to a size now that I WANT to do weights, but everything I've learned points at the fact that it's ALL in the kitchen that you'll lose this, even begin on your six-pack too! :flowerforyou:
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    you can start strength training!
    I lost mine doing circuit training like 30 day shred and ripped in 30 with lighter weights (5lbs-10lbs dumbbells)!

    30 DS is what I should be hoing for! Thanks! :)
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    Only success I've had was to cut carbs. Sometimes, depending on your hormonal situation (more estrogen or more progesterone), you can change the effects of estrogen and lower the amount of body fat that gets stored around that area.

    Works for me, but I'm estrogen dominant. Best way to know? Do you carry excess weight in your thighs, hips and bum? Estrogen dominant. Do you carry your weight in your arms, bust, and stomach? Progesterone dominant. There are always exceptions though. :) Hope this helps.

    Ahh.. I dunno what I am.. I am having nice thighs arms.. its only the mid section.. ergghh!
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    Fat is going to disappear from different areas of your body whenever it feels like it, honestly. If you aren't strength training and ONLY eating at a deficit, you will lose excess fat from different areas at different times. In my opinion, those who have success in losing their love handles by avoiding certain foods are simply losing fat from their torso faster than other areas.

    Is there any reason why you don't want to weight lift? I'm honestly just curious. :flowerforyou:

    I can't manage myself till gym.. till the time trainer thinks that I might be able to start lifting in few days.. I m sore enough to quiit , and along with this full time job, time management is difficult too..
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    I'm so glad you said that you don't believe in spot reduction, that is the most irritating fitness myth...

    So to answer your question, yes you can loose the handles without any exercise at all actually, of any kind. The best way to think about all this, is the following:

    Diet = Weight Loss
    Cardio = Conditioning/Heart Health (and burns the most calories per minute)
    Heavy Weight Lifting = Muscle Building/Maintenance/Strength Building/Promotes Bone Density

    You can weight lift to your heart's content, or run for ten miles a day, but if you don't diet, you'll keep the handles.

    Please keep in mind that without some form of significant weight lifting, your body will also catabolize (break down) your existing muscle for fuel along with the fat.

    hmm.. considering!
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    Fat is decreased by eating LESS calories..... remember, abs are made in the kitchen
    Fixed it for you.

    And oh another one of those, I know you can spot reduce but how do I spot reduce?

    People were talking about losing love handles which is a deposition of fat, by reducing over all fat of body and not the love handles only!
  • Richa_S
    Richa_S Posts: 78 Member
    Can love handles be reduced without weight lifting?

    I know we can't spot reduce the fat but is there any means to lose the ft without lifting?

    Suggestions are welcome!

    Loosing your love handles starts in the kitchen not with weight lifting. Weight lifting while eating at a deficit allows you to maintain and sculpt muscles.

    All of this! It ALL happens in the kitchen I've found... for me everything is shrinking away. I've cut out bread pasta rice and grains (and now I'm going to sporadically add back in if I wish) but it's made a big difference. I've gotten down to a size now that I WANT to do weights, but everything I've learned points at the fact that it's ALL in the kitchen that you'll lose this, even begin on your six-pack too! :flowerforyou:

    Ahh. but after cutting all these.. I can't find what would I eat.. I am vegetarian..