New here.

Hi everyone.

I am new here. Just wanting to track my progress and possibly make some friends while doing it. I am trying to adapt a healthier eating life style and not just a diet. My goal is to loose and then maintain a healthy weight. I am a mom of 3 daughters and want what's best for them and change the eating habits of my whole family.

Looking to eat clean by starting out slow and eliminating my problem foods from my diet week by week, till its all been eliminated. And adapting a workout plan from there. I hope all goes well and I don't give up, like I usually end up doing.


  • Hi and welcome and may I say you have a beautiful family. I am sorta new to this. I was doing WW for a long time, but have gotten into a rut and needed a change. Seems like I wasnt going anywhere on it this time. I too am just trying to get into a healthier lifestyle and away from all the prepackaged foods and more into cooking. And if this extra 20 wants to go while Im trying the happier I will be:) I would love an extra friend so feel free to add me if you like.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I think I got here to use this system as a tool to getting healthy and to lose alot of weight. So far so good. Lost 20+ lbs in less then two months. This is a good learning tool for me. Not only do I track my calories but what those calories break down to (fats, carbs, proteins). Its helped me stop the mindless eating that became my habit. Sure I get cravings but it's kinda like controlling your anger and counting to 10. I stop and think before I just open the refrigerator to see what leftovers are in there.
  • brendamueller37
    brendamueller37 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I'm new too - so if you like you can add me - I did ww too then hit a stop sign and ended up gaining it back - I also give up when its not happening for me quick enough - but now that I turned 50 I figure I better get my butt in gear and change those bad habits. So we can use each other as a crutch for when we feel like we are going to give up! Hi my new friend :>)
  • Hey Bee!

    Your goals are similar to mine. I am not here only to lose weight, I am learning to change my eating & exercise habits.
    I do not "eat clean" as I have at other times in my life when I have lost weight and then gained it back. This time around, I try to stay within my daily calories, but allow myself the occasional treat and enjoy cheeseburgers when my family is having them! I like your slow approach to changing your life, that has been helpful to me as well.
    You can do this, the support on MFP is a great help!
    Add me as a friend if you like!
  • I am also a new member. I have never really had a weight problem, or that's what everyone thinks. I have been able to keep my weight at around 105, this is what I weighed when I graduated High School 39 yrs ago. But I have to watch what I eat as I tend to put on weight very easily. I quit smoking in January and put on 13lbs. I am going on a cruise with a group of 10 ladies and want to be back to my prior wight. My problem is exercising, by the time I get home I can not get my butt out the door to walk or pull out the yoga mat. I hope being a part of this group I will get moving.