Do you increase calories on longer work days?


I know this may seem like a silly question, and maybe obvious, however I am interested in what you do?

I am a figure skating coach and 2 mornings a week we skate early morning ice. So I am up and eat my breakfast 2-3 hours earlier on those days. These days I am HUNGRY all day and of course my meal times are earlier.

Would you increase your calories these days?

I eat extremely clean and am doing a cut 50/30/20 Marco diet at about 1200 calories a day. Which I am very strict with. I am not trying to lose much weight, just really want to tone and build lean muscle. My diet is a little restricted as I have 2 children with allergies so grabbing a handful of almonds is not an option for me.

Would love your opinion.



  • mrscarolbernard
    mrscarolbernard Posts: 32 Member
    I've been wondering this myself and I don't know the answer. I get up at 5:00 am for work, get home at 6:00 pm after work and go to bed at 10:00. It's such long day. I eat an English muffin and coffee at 6 am, then cottage cheese or yogurt at 9:00 am, then a piece of fruit at 10am. I consider that my breakfast, spread out. Then I have a normal lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. But it's nearly impossible to stick to my calorie goal without feeling hungry.
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    On the days that you do your early morning skating I would increase your calories to at least 1500 calories. You also have to take consideration that on these days you will be burning more calories just from the activities that you are doing. Especially since your body is telling you that its hungry I would feed it. I completely understand about food allergies. I would keep some snacks with you so that you can grab one when you start getting hungry. I have found some super yummy recipes for roasted chickpeas as I am allergic to nuts as well. Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber. Another snack might be carrots and hummus.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Longer days don't have an impact on my eating (even working 12+ hour days) unless I am abnormally active. 1200 calories sounds low for someone spending a lot of time on the ice. I don't think the issue is that you are up earlier, I think the issue is that you are burning calories that may not be accounted for on skate days. Are you tracking your exercise calories and eating extra on workout days? If not, you are definitely undereating and that is the source of your hunger on longer days. At a minimum, you should be eating more on skate days (if not just more in general). The below links might help you obtain a more realistic calorie goal.

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I am no really sure how you're expecting to build any muscle with 1200 calories. It's no wonder you are starving either.

    But anyway, no, I don't increase calories, I just focus on making better choices instead.
  • kconforti
    On the days that you do your early morning skating I would increase your calories to at least 1500 calories. You also have to take consideration that on these days you will be burning more calories just from the activities that you are doing. Especially since your body is telling you that its hungry I would feed it. I completely understand about food allergies. I would keep some snacks with you so that you can grab one when you start getting hungry. I have found some super yummy recipes for roasted chickpeas as I am allergic to nuts as well. Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber. Another snack might be carrots and hummus.

    I am a coach, so actually am not doing a lot of skating (unless choreographing something). I do count a few extra calories, but am on the ice 7 days a week and sometimes twice a day. I don't really consider coaching burning calories from exercise. It is different than actually going it and getting your heart rate up. So that is why it is tough. I agree...hungry body...feed it!

    I will have to look into the roasted chickpeas. My boys would like those too. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • kconforti
    Longer days don't have an impact on my eating (even working 12+ hour days) unless I am abnormally active. 1200 calories sounds low for someone spending a lot of time on the ice. I don't think the issue is that you are up earlier, I think the issue is that you are burning calories that may not be accounted for on skate days. Are you tracking your exercise calories and eating extra on workout days? If not, you are definitely undereating and that is the source of your hunger on longer days. At a minimum, you should be eating more on skate days (if not just more in general). The below links might help you obtain a more realistic calorie goal.

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets

    As I mentioned below. I am a coach so not out there actually getting my heart rate up and burning calories for exercise. I do count a few calories for skating, but really it is no more burned than a person with an office job getting up and walking to the printer. Lol.

    Thank you for the links. I have been to many many sites and they all suggest for my weight and height between 1200-1300. :)
  • kconforti
    I am no really sure how you're expecting to build any muscle with 1200 calories. It's no wonder you are starving either.

    But anyway, no, I don't increase calories, I just focus on making better choices instead.

    I have had huge success with weight lose and an increase in muscle. I am very short and have been very good at checking and calculating my calorie intake. All of the calculations suggest I be between 1200-1300 calories a day.

    Good to know you don't increase your calories. I eat very very clean and choose to make good choices as well. :)
  • kconforti
    On the days that you do your early morning skating I would increase your calories to at least 1500 calories. You also have to take consideration that on these days you will be burning more calories just from the activities that you are doing. Especially since your body is telling you that its hungry I would feed it. I completely understand about food allergies. I would keep some snacks with you so that you can grab one when you start getting hungry. I have found some super yummy recipes for roasted chickpeas as I am allergic to nuts as well. Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber. Another snack might be carrots and hummus.

    I forgot to mention that the 1500 on those days might be a good idea...... :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Are you using MFP's calorie goals or TDEE or some other method. If you're doing MFP, you're supposed to eat back an estimate of exercise calories...thus, you would eat more on high intensity workout days.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Longer days don't have an impact on my eating (even working 12+ hour days) unless I am abnormally active. 1200 calories sounds low for someone spending a lot of time on the ice. I don't think the issue is that you are up earlier, I think the issue is that you are burning calories that may not be accounted for on skate days. Are you tracking your exercise calories and eating extra on workout days? If not, you are definitely undereating and that is the source of your hunger on longer days. At a minimum, you should be eating more on skate days (if not just more in general). The below links might help you obtain a more realistic calorie goal.

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets

    As I mentioned below. I am a coach so not out there actually getting my heart rate up and burning calories for exercise. I do count a few calories for skating, but really it is no more burned than a person with an office job getting up and walking to the printer. Lol.

    Thank you for the links. I have been to many many sites and they all suggest for my weight and height between 1200-1300. :)

    1200 is as low as MFP will go .... and at 1200 you have recieved ZERO credit for a higher activity level or exercise. 1200 is just a product of ....."I want to lose XX pounds per week."

    1200 has been around since the stone ages (OK not that long) .... but weight loss is not one size fits all. People with naturally active lifestyles need more than 1200 .....taller people need more than 1200 .... while on a diet.

    Find your BMR & your TDEE ...... these numbers are really helpful to find "your" minimum

    (BMR are the calories your body would use if you slept for 24 hours).
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm very active on most days because I broke two bones in my ankle back in Feb 2013. Since I have permanent plates and screws in the left leg I need to keep moving to keep from limping and becoming stiff. I was eating about 1200 calories a day, when I visted my doctor this weekend, they said I should increase my calories to 1500 a day.