Logging miles, Too many calories burned woes

momma2azoo Posts: 50 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I think this subject has probably been about beat to death, but maybe I'm missing something anyway.

I walk between 2.5-6 miles a day, usually at least 6 days a week. I know MFP over estimates calories burned so I've been entering a much shorter time duration at the pace I walk at to lower the calorie count. I'd like to keep an accurate log of my miles walked though. Is there a way to keep track of miles walked without having MFP stupidly over estimate calories burned? Maybe I just need to log miles somewhere else.



  • weavemyway
    weavemyway Posts: 24 Member
    Perhaps when entering the time, adjust the calories to equate to about 100 calories/mile. I've heard that's a pretty accurate and generalized amount to burn.
  • RyanDryFly
    RyanDryFly Posts: 92 Member
    Use the Runtastic App. It will keep track of your miles and upload calories burn to MFP. The cal calcs seem to be quite a bit less than whats on MFP. Also tracts your routes and other stats about your run. They have a free version and a pro verions. The Pro version cost 4.99 (i think).
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Perhaps when entering the time, adjust the calories to equate to about 100 calories/mile. I've heard that's a pretty accurate and generalized amount to burn.

    Just an fyi...when I wear my heart rate monitor for a brisk walk I only burn 50 calories per mile. Its really dependant on the pace, how much you currently weigh and your heart rate. I walk 4 miles in an hour, for a total burn of between 200 and 225.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Just don't pay attention to the cals and eat according to what your real maintenance. When I lift AND do cardio I burn about 700 cals. On top of my deficit that means I would be losing over 2lbs a week but that's not the case. Since lifting is apart of my norm routine I ignore the cals burned, I imagine you could do the same.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I use the Nike+ running app built into my iPod to track my actual miles. I don't eat my exercise calories back, though, so I don't care what MFP reports my calorie burn as.

    Manually adjusting the calories to a lower amount is a good idea. I've done that in the past.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Yeah the 100 calorie per mile is an ok suggestion but not to be relied upon too heavily. It's not the correct way to go for sure but I estimate 5 calories per minute at my pace for me PERSONALLY. I certainly wouldn't advise you to do it that way but I wouldn't imagine it would be THAT far wrong so that's why I think of it that way.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    when im pushing really hard, i can burn 600 cals an hr. im a distance runner so often plod, therefore estimate my cals to be 450-500 an hour. and thats not walking, and im still fat. if youre very unfit then yes, you could burn 100 cals a mile walking. but everyone is different.
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member
    nike + app is good it calculates your distance and cals burned according to how fast you were really walking/jogging/running. also gives you a map of where you ran =)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't use MFP to record anything for exercise..I'm old school and use a notebook. It's way easier to keep track of my times and make adjustments to reach my goals and whatnot...hard to track all of that just with MfP. If all I was concerned with was calories, that would be one thing...but calories are actually the least of my concern.
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