New here, looking to get back to highscool weight

Hey guys & gals,

I just signed up here a few days ago. I've been trying to find the right motivation, and system to help my lose weight and manage my health for a while now. I've been so busy the past few years between running a full-time business, freelancing on the side, and just generally staying stressed and working 7 days a week that I have had very little time to take care of myself.

I've always been a big guy, but I used to be much more energetic, athletic, and felt good in my own body. I'm between 6'2" - 6'3" tall, and currently weigh right around 315lbs, I'm 24 years old. When I was in highschool I was same height, but more muscular and leaner build, still big but comfortable at 240-250lbs. Of course a lot has changed in the past 7 years since highschool, I'm now living a very sedentary lifestyle working in a cubicle all day, and my metabolism has obviously fallen off in recent years... Problem is up until now I've been eating like my highschool self but with none of the the activity from before.

So for starters, I've gotten signed up on here to track and manager my health and weight, and am shooting for a first goal of 250lbs. This is still "overweight" by medical standards but is a goal that I think is manageable over the next 6mos - 1 year and will give me something to shoot for.

Here's a picture showing me at my lowest weight and most active point (end of senior year highschool), and now at my heightest weight and least active point.


For diet I'm doing a pretty easy low-carb diet, exercise for starters I'm going on cardio walks 3-4 for times a week for 30+mins, and will eventually (once I've lost enough weight and built up some strength) start running. (I ran for a while in highschool).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to tracking my progress and being apart of this community!


  • Fkika3131
    Fkika3131 Posts: 208 Member
    Good Morning Jethan, Welcome to MFP where you will find tones of awesome ppl that will help you keep motivated in our new journey to losing weight. Start adding ppl to your list to help you stay motivated. Sounds like your doing a pretty job right now in exercising. Keep up the good work :)
  • jeannie55
    jeannie55 Posts: 22 Member
    You can add me, I am here off and on all day and love to give and take support.
  • You can add me, as well. That goes for everyone! We're a group, right? We're all in this together. :)
  • bobby1048
    bobby1048 Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome to the club Jethan. I'm Bob and live in South Carolina and have been with MFP for 60 days and lost, so far, 7.8 pounds. Doesn't seem like much but we have to start somewhere. Good luck on your journey. Take care
  • Thanks for the kind introductions everyone! My name is just "Ethan" btw, the "j" up front is just an initial for the username.
    I'm looking forward to keeping this up and being active in my life and our here haha
  • e_hayes
    e_hayes Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This community really helps motivate me, and I'm sure it will do the same for you! Everyone is super supportive. I kinda fell off the bandwagon, myself, so I'm starting up again. Good luck!
  • Sounds like you're on the road to success already!
  • Thanks for all the words of encouragement and support so far! I'm a few days in now eating low carb and it's definitely taking some getting used to, there's not a whole lot of zero or low-prep meals to do quickly that I've found yet, but I'm staying focused and sticking with it! I'm going tonight to my apartments gym to see if there's a scale so I can get an accurate weigh in (my start weight wasn't exact, just a close estimate from previous weigh-in).