Calories burned and my heart rate monitor

I was curious to see how many calories I would burn in an 8 hour day at work as a child care teacher. So, this is what my heart rate monitor said and I'm not so sure it's accurate. That seems like a lot!! I do lift weights and I know the more muscle you have, the more fat and calories you burn even while resting, but this is A LOT!! Of course, I was working and NOT resting, but still. What do y'all think?


  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    Depending on the type of HRM, you may need to subtract what you would normally be burning during that time (tdee for the 8 hrs) to get a more accurate count. It does sound like you get quite the workout there!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I wouldn't put much stock in this number as I don't think HRMs are to be used that way.
    Your Heart Rate Monitor is used to well.. monitor your heart rate: give you an idea of how hard you're working when doing cardiovascular activities, namely steady-state cardio.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    HRMs don't work like that. They measure steady state exercise reasonably accurate, nothing else.

    If you want something reasonably accurate that measures full day calorie expenditure, get a fitbit or something along those lines.

    Neither is perfect but at least you'd be using them for their intended purpose.