Great ground chicken taco recipe for Mexican food lovers lik

Hi everyone!!
I am new to this site and just started my low calorie diet yesterday. I was already starting to feel like I wouldn't make it. But I decided to find stuff that was fresh that I could cook at home. I refuse to live off of frozen dinners. They are good every once in a while but I need real food. So here is a recipe I created tonight. It is a little different than the tacos I usually make but just as good.

1 lb of ground chicken(170 for 4 oz)
2 tsp hot and spicy taco seasoning(15 cal)
1/4 cup 2% mozarella cheese(70 cal)
1 roma tomato diced(35 Cal)
2 tbsp Pace hot salsa(10 cal)
3 Mission crunchy taco shells
Total Calorie intake=415 calories

Brown ground chicken in pan, add seasoning and about 1/2 cup water. Once the chicken has cooked been seasoned, measure about 4 oz of the chicken and divide evenly into the 3 Mission hard taco shells. Then just place other toppings onto tacos. It may not seem like a lot but it is very filling. Hope everyone likes it!! :)


  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
  • cmadden89
    Looks great thanks!
  • dmcgee
    dmcgee Posts: 28 Member
    I love Mexican food! I make taco's with ground turkey also. Mission corn tortillias has extra thin tortillias, I use them for soft taco's. You can have two of these for 80 calories. Pan sprayed with Pam or whatever you use. Yum...thanks for posting.
  • knp1183
    Thanks everyone!! I was so excited to see that people liked the way the recipe sounded... I also have one for a pizza bagel if anyone is interested. I am not really trying to watch carbs as much as I am calories. I am really trying my hardest to follow through on this one so if I can find foods that aren't frozen, I will be good. I am just sick of frozen dinners, they are not tasty!!
    Thanks again guys!! :)