
Starting to get really frustrated but not ready to give up yet. I joined MFP August 22, 2010 at the urging of my daughter and I have been pretty faithful to the food intake and exercising, however instead of losing weight I am at the highest I have ever been in my life. I lose a pound one day and the next day I gain a pound and a half. My largest loss was two pounds in one week and my biggest gain was 5lbs in one day.

I do not obsess over the number on the scale but geez I would like to see a little drop. Do my clothes feel any different?? No...there is absolutely no change occuring whatsoever!

I am 5' 5" and I weigh approximately 190lbs. My daily calorie goal is 1350 plus any I gain from exercise and I use most of them daily and rarely go over. I am walking approximately 30 mins a day with 30-35 mins of weight lifting. I usally do this 6 days a week.

Anyone else have this type of issue or have had this issue? I certainly am open to any suggestions to get the scale to move just a little.



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I know it took me about 6-8 weeks before I really saw anything go on with clothes or the scale. I'd like to say be patient but it does totally suck doesn't it? You might consider increasing your calories by 200 every three or four weeks and see if that makes a difference.
  • plifsey
    plifsey Posts: 24
    You might want to drop the weight training to 3 days a week instead of 6 days. Muscle weighs more than when you are lifting weights, you burn calories for up to 48 hours after a work out.
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    OMG I know!!!! One thing is not to go on the scale two days in a row. Fix it to once a week. I weighed myself Sunday (usual day) and no change from the week before despite eating less than the calorie goal most days. Then I weighed myself Tuesday on the scale at the gym and i was UP!!!! So I know I'm not supposed to do that. Also I know you have to eat to lose. People are saying I LOOK thinner. Even my hubby says my face looks thinner. But no change on the scale. And I don't know what to think about a 4-5 pound difference between 2 scales. Ugh. Does my home scale always lie? I can't stand it if it's weighing low and I pretty much have to go back to the beginning :C
    A lot of us have spent a lifetime yoyo-ing so it could take a while for our metabolisms to wake up and smell the coffee. I think I'll try eating more veggies and less other kinds of stuff. I have to be super careful though not to let myself start feeling deprived. That's just a trainwreck waiting to happen.
    I do share your frustration. But we mustn't give up. We must support ourselves and each other and KEEP TRYING!
  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    OMG I know!!!! One thing is not to go on the scale two days in a row. Fix it to once a week. I weighed myself Sunday (usual day) and no change from the week before despite eating less than the calorie goal most days. Then I weighed myself Tuesday on the scale at the gym and i was UP!!!! So I know I'm not supposed to do that. Also I know you have to eat to lose. People are saying I LOOK thinner. Even my hubby says my face looks thinner. But no change on the scale. And I don't know what to think about a 4-5 pound difference between 2 scales. Ugh. Does my home scale always lie? I can't stand it if it's weighing low and I pretty much have to go back to the beginning :C
    A lot of us have spent a lifetime yoyo-ing so it could take a while for our metabolisms to wake up and smell the coffee. I think I'll try eating more veggies and less other kinds of stuff. I have to be super careful though not to let myself start feeling deprived. That's just a trainwreck waiting to happen.
    I do share your frustration. But we mustn't give up. We must support ourselves and each other and KEEP TRYING!
  • strongerthanb4
    i agree, you are adding muscle, you may want to more reps at a lesser weight so you will tone and not just bulk up! you are doing a good job just keep plugging at it!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    are you tracking your sodium?? Such drastic fluctuations are usually down to water weight ie sodium intake.

    Perhaps you should open your diary so you can get a few opinions on what you're eating?

  • clangtry
    I have heard from more than one place that you can actually gain weight from too little calories or fat. You body starts to hold on to what it is beig deprived of, so I agree with above to try adding a few hundred calories and see if it makes a difference. Strength trainging is the best way to get slimmer and burn more calories, but your body does need to rest and repair any damage to the muscle from your workout. Try alternating your days with cardio like zumba, brisk walking and pilates/yoga 3 days a week and the odd days do weights and strength training. Include a day of rest. Being too worried about the number on the scale can release stress hormones that cause your body to retain weight and water. Also, from personal experience, watch your frozen entre intake. They are tasty and convenient but pack a LOT of sodium. You may be retaining water weight too. Lastly, only weight yourself in the morning, as close to naked as you are comfortable with. This is your true weight. What you "pack on" durning the day is not your actual weight so don't get disappointed if you're say 185 at 7am and 193 after dinner. I hope this has helped but ask your doctor or nutritionist for the most reliable information.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey there hunny!

    I completely understand. I am speaking from experience here. I started this journey with another girl thinking how amazing it would be to loose weight together. It wasn't. Instead, she lost weight and I didn't. I counted calories and exercised as much my body could handle (walking, yoga and cardio) but saw no change. Literally I wondered if my scale was broken.

    One thing that changed things around for me was cutting out any after dinner eating. No late night snacking. Its obviously different for each person but that did a lot for me. It wasn't the complete answer, but once I started that it started making the needle move...and in the right direction. After that I started examining more careful the choice of calories that I was putting in my mouth. Even if it was just a small amount of the wrong choice, I eliminated it.

    So there you have it. I remember how completely FRUSTRATING this was for me. I also have PCOS and several autoimmune issues so that made everything so much worse!

  • health4me
    health4me Posts: 6 Member
    You didn't say anything about water. I know if I don't drink much water I have wee weight loss, if I drink at "least" 64 oz of water I see bigger weight loss.
    Just a thought
  • losergirl78
    I had the exact same problem and I ended up going to my doctor after 9 weeks of no change at all. Come to find out there was a medical issue. Once I knew that and we started treating it the weight started to come off, just last week I lost 4 pounds!!

    First I do recommend making changes in your diet and exercise like everyone has mentioned, if you still aren't seeing results you may look into having a blood test done. It could be your thyroid or something else.

    Good luck and stick with it, you will start to see the weight come off!!
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Make sure you are accurately measuring all of your food. It is amazing how far off you can be when you estimate. I know i can be way off! Also make sure you are eating lots of lean protein and fibre filled vegetables. And drink heaps of water.

    At 5'5 and 190lb, your BMR is around 1650 so at 1350 you will lose around 2/3 pound each week. If you are using the MFP exercise calories estimations then that may be your problem. You are only on a 300 cal defecit so an incorrect exercise calories intake will throw you out. Whatever MFP says you have burnt only assume half of those cals have actually been burnt.

    Try that for a 2 weeks and only weigh in once per week on the same day at the same time (as soon as you wake up after using the bathroom)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Just DROP the Extra Exercise Calories you have "theoretically" earned. Also, watch your Sodium and Sugar Intake.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I find that my weight shifts tons in a single day. i make sure that when i weigh myself it is in my birthday suit only and that it is the same time (one of the first things i do when i wake up). My focus has been cardio with muscle toning (30 day shred is a favorite) then i just relax. soon i will up my weights but i wanted to burn fat and see my progress first. i have only one set of pants that show how i have changed so i am right there with you. I gave myself a year to see progress and while by the numbers i can see change the body type/shape/blubbery spots are still there and just the same as before. it will take time and when you have a job and kids and family it may even take longer. there are a few things that get me through:
    1) i have both short term and long term goals with rewards planned out
    2) I have had to learn to forgive myself for bad days
    3) weight is a number, spot reduction doesn't exist and i want a long term change
    4) weigh yourself once a day or else you will go crazy
    5) consider how you feel now compared to a month ago - i feel less self concious and am more willing to get off the couch and work out. I still hate working out and going for a mile long run almost had me throwing up but a month ago i wouldn't have even tried
    all these things are signs of progress too and don't get discouraged because the end goal is a healthier you!
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I would rule out any medical issues it really sounds like fluid retention as well as bulking up on muscle. Talk to your doctor and go over your diary with him/her so you can get sound advice as well as see if there is a medical issue. Best wishes.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Oh! And here is an article about another friend of mine...very interesting read but kind of tells you a little bit more about making sure you aren't starving yourself... :o)'+the+goal
  • Skunkroaster
    Skunkroaster Posts: 12 Member
    First want to thank everyone for the suggestions...did a quick read through but will get back to them this evening. 1. My weight training is split into upper and lower body on alternate days, so not really over doing it according to the personal trainer. (not my own, just asked question of one at the gym). My sodium intake at this time is high as I am currently eating Weight Watchers, and Lean Cusine for lunch and dinner and a normal breakfast. I am drinking 5-6 glasses of water a day. I resorted to the packaged food because even though I was watching everything I ate including lots of salads with low cal dressing the same thing no changes. I thought for a few weeks I would try the meals to see if that made any difference. This is week three...going to finish up the meals I have purchased then will resort back to preparing my own meals.

    Thanks Again everyone :smile:
  • waterworkout
    waterworkout Posts: 1 Member
    You've gotten lots of good advice here. The best thing to do is choose your weigh-in day; it's one day a week around the same time of day. Your weight can fluctuation up to 5 pounds a day! So, don't drive yourself crazy being a slave to that number. Next, most trainers and medical weight loss experts will tell you to stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime (I used to say "nothing to eat or drink after 6 p.m.", and when I stick to that rule, I wake up feeling good). Other than that, watch your starchy carbs...avoid all the white stuff during your evening meal; move those carbs to earlier in the day.

    Good luck, and stick with it. At my gym, the people who successfully lose and maintain weight are the ones who are consistent, and it doesn't matter what exercises they're just matters that they keep sticking with it.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Wow! I started Sept 22. I have lost 3 lbs since then. For some reason, today I am up those 3 lbs. I haven't used my calories from exercise. I bicycled in the gym 40 mins and did strength training too, today. I have this problem, alot. I have been told its an adrenal problem. If I get stressed, I can go up 5lbs in a day and not eat anything. I would let people see my diary. I don't have anything to hide. So some of you people who have lost weight that has had a problem like this, you keep talking to those like us. I am like this person, I need the cheerleading.
    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Wow! I started Sept 22. I have lost 3 lbs since then. For some reason, today I am up those 3 lbs. I haven't used my calories from exercise. I bicycled in the gym 40 mins and did strength training too, today. I have this problem, alot. I have been told its an adrenal problem. If I get stressed, I can go up 5lbs in a day and not eat anything. I would let people see my diary. I don't have anything to hide. So some of you people who have lost weight that has had a problem like this, you keep talking to those like us. I am like this person, I need the cheerleading.
    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Hey there hunny!

    I completely understand. I am speaking from experience here. I started this journey with another girl thinking how amazing it would be to loose weight together. It wasn't. Instead, she lost weight and I didn't. I counted calories and exercised as much my body could handle (walking, yoga and cardio) but saw no change. Literally I wondered if my scale was broken.

    One thing that changed things around for me was cutting out any after dinner eating. No late night snacking. Its obviously different for each person but that did a lot for me. It wasn't the complete answer, but once I started that it started making the needle move...and in the right direction. After that I started examining more careful the choice of calories that I was putting in my mouth. Even if it was just a small amount of the wrong choice, I eliminated it.

    So there you have it. I remember how completely FRUSTRATING this was for me. I also have PCOS and several autoimmune issues so that made everything so much worse!


    Is this the reason you don't like that friend anymore? How awful of you.

    Loosing weight is very frustrating, especially when there isn't much movement on a scale. But everyone's body is different. Sometimes you need to measure inches. Sometimes you need to work a little harder, and sometimes you need to ease up. In any case, I wish you the best of luck.