I have a confession..

I'm mike, I have a confession to make.... I'm fat.

I am quite frankly fed up with my situation and myself for letting me get into this situation. Roughly a year and a half ago, at the beginning of 2012, I was 6ft, 272 pounds. 6 months prior, when school just started from summer break, some random guy walked up to me, with a big stupid smirk on his face. Initially I was concerned for my well being, then he seemed a little familiar, then he spoke and my jaw dropped. It was an acquaintance of many years that had just lost some major poundage (about 60 pounds over 3 months). I watched in awe as he did this to at least a dozen more people before heading to the next hall, each with a reaction similar to mine. I envied him, not that he was skinny but that he was able to do what I had tried many times to do.

Fast forward back to the first days of February 2012, school just ended and everyone is at their lockers, as the school empties out, it is just me and this guy, we'll call him Jacob. Not to protect his identity or anything like that, but because its his name. I see him putting on his long johns, and his hat when he turned to me, and before he was able to say anything, I said yes. Yes I do want to go running with you, it was in the back of my mind to start running for months, since the beginning of summer, its like he read my mind. However, he wasn't a mind reader because he was asking me for the time, but I did end up running with him, with all of my school clothes on in sub zero temperatures. I ended up making it about a block and a half before my ankles wouldn't carry me any further, he walked with me the rest of the way towards the place he does one kilometer laps, every few minutes encouraging me to run for as long as I can, be it only a few seconds.

This blossomed into a new found friendship, where we began running together on a regular basis. So much so, that between early February where I ran for roughly a minute before being able to go no further I completed a half marathon on October 12th, 2012. My finishing time was 2 hours and 49 minutes. I was 255 pounds by this point, so I lost a mere 17 pounds but I felt like a new person. By the end of the year I had just passed my goal of 250, at 249 pounds. Over the next four months I struggled to maintain my weight, fell apart and between March 18th, and September 18th, exactly 6 months I have put on 60 pounds. I currently stand (sit preferably, my back hurts when I stand for too long) at 310 pounds, or 141KG. I realize that I haven't made a change over 6 months, and seeing the success here I want to give it my all and get back to where I was at before, surpass it and get below 200 pounds for once in my life, (I am 6"3 now). Starting today, my new life begins. "There are no bad pictures; that's just how your face looks sometimes."


  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Good luck...you can do this....you did it before, you can do it again...just look at you in that picture....so full of life!! :drinker:
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    You've done it once, you know how to do it again. Good luck to you!
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    Face up to why you didn't quit, don't deny yourself the answer no matter how hard it is to see and you will find freedom in that to acknowledge and be able to move towards the goal of the true measure of yourself.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    You got this!
  • whitebeard28
    I do not think that you need luck buddy, I believe you are going to get under 200 Lbs., because you are determined to. The key is...."How bad do you want it?" I think that you want it bad enough that with each pound you lose you will gain more determination and you will succeed. Set small goals which are easy to reach, then another and another. Small steps on this road is how you do it.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: you can do it again! get healthy by eating the right foods with lots of exercise! start tomorrow making a list of foods to buy at the store for breakfast, lunch , dinner & snacks! throw away all foods that are not good for you! drink lots of water, fresh veggies & fresh fruit! i am sending a friend request your way because you can never have to many friends for support & encouragement! stick with me & you will get the support you need!
  • despected
    You're almost at the end of your journey I can see :P
  • GreysonGriggs
    GreysonGriggs Posts: 3 Member
    I know the feeling. I lost a significant amount of weight a few years ago (100ish pounds) and here I am again. We can both do this.
  • despected
    There must be more to losing weight, you can see through the success of majority of people on here that it is because you have motivation and people supporting you instead of doing it on your own
  • ithina
    You can do this =) Keep your calories in check and get back to running. With your back, it may just be walking depending on what you can handle, but movement is movement. Do what you can and work towards your goals. 60 lbs in 6 months is a ton of food. I know when I've put on weight like that before it was due to emotional/stress eating. If that's you, figure out other ways to deal with those emotions, like exercise ^_^. Send me a friend request if you'd like.
  • despected
    Its not a medical thing or anything like that, its just because of the extreme weight gain my back muscles get sore.

    Definitely to the finding a different way to deal with stress/emotions. I would say the eating is more or less out of boredom.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    You can do it, bro! Just take it a step at a time. My method was to add things in slowly. I'm not good at multi tasking an I thought if I started exercising and dieting at the same time I'd fail one or both, so I worked out for a month and created my own workout regime before I started counting calories.
    Started counting from the beginning of September and dropped 11lbs already. I think the initial exercise actually helped jump start it, despite not losing anything during the first month.
    Don't limit what you can eat, ONLY limit your calories. When you read other people's calorie numbers on here don't forget to factor in your height. You shouldn't eat under 2000 considering your size.
    Just keep it in a deficit by at least 500 per day and you'll make it.
    Are you doing the couch to 5k program?
    A girl on here recommended it to me and it's awesome. If you want to run its a great start. It's free.
  • despected
    I am signed up for the 5k Scotiabank Waterfront race, which is in roughly a month. I have no problem going distance and I know I can do the 5k even at my weight it will just take me exceptionally longer than usual, usually about 35 minutes I am looking at roughly 50 minutes
  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    So here's the deal. Log your food, can't say it enough. It's amazying how much we eat and really don't realize the amount of cals we have consumed - that is why logging is soooo super duper important. Secondly - it comes down to the basics of calories consumed and calories burnt. If you work on a negative - the pounds will start to come off, sounds simple doesn't it?? Thirdly - remember it took a long while for you to get to this weight - you need to be just as patient with your body while you loose. Generally - people will make short term changes, and they don't see the number drop on the scales, or see ripped muscle definition - they chuck in the towel! That's why gyms sell year memberships so much cheaper than monthly memberships - because the majoirty will use the facilities for a couple of months and they are never seen again - money in the gym's pocket! So setting reasonable and obtainable goals - that reinforce the positives that you're doing will be key. As one other MFP wrote - figuring out why your here - is a question you need to ask - as this is such a mental commitment. Be kind to yourself & keep it simple and yes running is the best from one marathonh/half marathon runner to another :)! You should facebook John Stanton - owner of the Running Room Retail Stores - he posts very motivational running quotes everyday. Friend me if you would like.
  • despected
    I met John at the half marathon pickup kit area in Toronto during an autograph signing xD
  • Im a typical yo-yo dieter, lose it, put it back on, go on another diet....everyone says "Not again, why bother, you will put it back on again" blah blah blah. As I say now, while I am trying then I am doing something, if I spend my whole life trying then its better than giving up and never making a change.

    Good for you, you CAN do it, and Im sure you will :)