Does this work for weightloss?!

Hey everyone! I'm a 20 year old female that weighs about 272 pounds! This month I decided to change my life and I've already lost 15 pounds! I jut wanted some advice, or tips! And wanted to see if what I've been doing sounds healthy and a good way to keep my weight loss steady! Breakfast: oatmeal, cereal with lowfat milk, or a slimfast shake. Lunch or dinner: whole wheat pasta with light sauce, whole wheat tortilla wrap with boiled skinless chicken and avacado, 15 grain sandwhich with chicken deli meat and spinach. Snacks: fruit, nuts or yogurt. And I've been working out mon thru Friday! Either walking, swimming or my biggest loser dvd! Is this a good weightloss plan?? And any tips for me?! Thanks so much!


  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 356 Member
    well if you have lost 15 pounds already and your watching the amount of your food (measuring) it sounds like it is working for you and I wouldn't change it right now.....
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    Do whats easiest for you. I usually eat the same stuff everyday at work. It tastes good and its healthy and also looks good on my calories.

    So if it fits in well with your calories go for it. Keep up the exercising as it will give you more energy and just make you feel better over all.

    Just remember that weight loss is more about diet. Abs are built in the gym but sculpted in the kitchen!
  • Misskayluh
    Misskayluh Posts: 4 Member
    Okay, thanks so much for the advice! That's really all I wanted to hear. At least I know I've been doing something right! Haha, I just want optimal weightloss! And I wanna do it as healthy as possible!
  • Misskayluh
    Misskayluh Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I agree about working out making you feel better! I love working out now, I never did it a day in my life before! And now I love the feeling of waking up and feeling a burn knowing i worked hard!
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Regardless of what you eat when you eat it, for weight loss it all boils down to wether you're in a caloric deficit or not. Google to find your TDEE then subtract 500cals per cay from that number and you should lose a pound a week, subtract lore and you'll lose more. There's no need to guess, especially when there's apps like MFP