Growling Stomach

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone can help me. Since I was a teenager I have always had a rumbling stomach. I have been to the docs about a million times about it and they have ran all sorts of tests, which all came back negative and although this is good news that nothing is wrong with me but at the same time it still leaves me with a growling stomach. I have also tried numerous pills etc. Their conclusion was that there is nothing wrong with my stomach and it's just noisy and that was that!!

I would say I have a normal diet and exercise daily. I try and eat the right foods, drink plenty of water. I don't drink much alcohol and have cut out fizzy drinks. I can cope with the rumbling during the day as I am usually busy anyway so don't hear it much but my main problem is at night when I am sleeping or before going to bed. The growling is soo loud it wakes me up or if I know that if I dont fill my stomach with food before bed I will not get to sleep. I have tired all sorts of foods, drinks etc but I have found that the only think that helps a little is bread with some cheese and ham before going to bed or anything to help fill my stomach so that it won't wake me up. Obviously I cannot have all these foods every night before going to bed as they are full or carbs which means I am struggling to lose weight.

I am at the end of my tether a wee bit with this as all I want to do it go to bed every night and not worry about what my stomach is going to do. I also know if I can get this sorted that I will start losing the weight. I did do a search online and someone suggested I try night protein foods before bed and it's harder to digest therefore should stay with me during the night and not wake me up. Does anyone have any ideas of what foods to try that don't have many carbs in them as I know they work in the opposite what they protein does? I am willing to try anything but I am not sure a protein bar and some boiled eggs would cut it tbh.

thanks for your time



  • kdubby22
    kdubby22 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Jonny,

    I've had a similar issue and it's actually related to my mild IBS. The rumbling in your stomach area is actually gas/air. This sounds weird, by my rumbling and bubbling noises come from my intestines when I'm trying to digest. It seems to be much worse when I eat something really fatty and creates a lot of air. It usually goes away within a few hours, I tend to digest very quickly which is probably why I get so much air. Since I usually just let it pass, I've never paid any mind to it. I've spoken to my doctor about it and she's suggested OTC Gas-X to help break down the gas. I've taken it when it was really bad, and it worked fine. Plus there's 0 side effects. So try that and see if that provides any relief!

    Hope this helps :)
