Question about weight loss/emotions...maybe correlated?

I will preface all of this by saying I had gastric bypass in June 2009. I lost from 300 lb to 112 (so, I lost way too much). I was 5'3, I'm now a hair under 5'4 due to spinal decompression from the loss. I have maintained most of my loss except for the regain that I'm currently trying to get off again. I regained 40 and I'm trying to lose 30, because 112 was horrible on me. As a result of the surgery, I am (diagnosed) reactive hypoglycemic, lactose intolerant (anything more than a string cheese or a few oz of milk in a modified latte I have Sbux make gives me stomach cramps so bad I feel like I'm dying), and have issues with gluten. I have to eat low carb or I literally have a hard time getting out of bed, I pass out from the reactive hypoglycemia, it sucks. Anyway, complaining about the surgery is a whole `nother post.
When I was first post-op in 2009 they warned us that our emotions could and would get crazy, that losing weight so quickly releases estrogen and other hormones from the depleting fat stores, and some other things I can't recall from memory right now. And it was true- everyone in my support group had the "crazies" for about 6 months or so, then the volatile-ness went away. I had it, maybe for a few months, and then it faded out.
I'm not typically a cyclical emotions kind of person, and I've noticed that since I cracked back down on losing weight and got serious about my low carb again, spacing meals out, moving more, etc. I am crying a lot more, sad a lot more, all of it. My husband is noticing it. I should add I am losing weight at a ridiculous clip- I'm down about 22.6 lb in about 4 weeks. Since the surgery it is always like that, though, I lose it quickly and can put it back on quickly as well, albeit not as fast as losing. Went to the doctor- I'm not diagnosed with depression and the surgeon seems to think it's related to the quick weight loss.

Any ideas? I'm almost 31 (next month), 1 child who's almost 2 if that helps, I'm a hair under 5'4 and weigh 136. Pretty sure I need to slow the loss down, but not sure how to really, I tried adding carbs in yesterday a bit (from 2 apples and a half mini bagel) and feel awful this morning and am getting the typical reactive junky feeling. I drink a lot of protein shakes and eat Quest bars (which I know is bad right there) because it's a decent amount of protein for the volume, i.e. I can drink a shake a lot easier than I can handle 3 oz of meat in my stomach to get the equivalent protein. I simple can't handle a lot of volume in my stomach.

I do TDEE-% and according to my Fitbit my TDEE is anywhere from 1850-2100/day. My calories are about 1200-1400/day.


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Honestly? Talk to your doctor. That's pretty much the only advice I can give you. It sounds like a doctor would be better suited to helping you figure out things and/or refer you to another doctor that can.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I went to my surgeon and my general practitioner- both think it's from rapid weight loss and I was basically told, "Deal with the extra weight or deal with the hormones til it evens out". I'm just picking people's brains to see if they have any middle ground suggestions. I don't want the extra weight ("extra" being relative, I'm in a healthy BMI now and was 5 lb ago too) but I'm not liking the crazy hormonal surge either :/
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Agree with above comment 100%, see a doctor - or at least someone from the weight-loss surgery team (nurse practitioner?) who can advise you on how to manage the diet and the unhappy feelings.

    I have no idea what's expected after WLS but losing 20 pounds in a month and crying all the time is not a nice place to be.

    Best of luck xx
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's pretty simple, eat more. If your low end TDEE is 1850 and you take a 10% deficit (which is the most you should be going for) that still leaves you at 1650. You're eating 200 to 400 calories less than that. Back the bus up and eat more of the things you can eat.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    Your deficit is quite aggressive, which is why you're losing weight so quickly. A more moderate deficit (say, TDEE - 10%, or even TDEE - 20%) should help slow down your weight loss to a reasonable pace and hopefully that will even out your mood.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks guys; that's kinda what I was thinking- increase cals, and slow the loss. I'm ok with eating more and not being unhappy. Works better to transition into maintenance anyway.

    But then I run into the capacity issue. The 6 small meals a day recommended turns into like 10, because I can't do much at any given time, and I have to chew/eat slowly. That's why I've been averaging what I have been. I get tired of eating so often but if I can get in 2 oz of meat at a meal without getting sick I'm doing really well. Probably need to invest in higher density nutrients for less volume? Nuts generally don't do well in my stomach, either. I could add more fats in when I cook? Coconut oil and all that? Cheese is more caloric, but it irritates my stomach from the lactose issue. Hmm... just talking out loud I guess.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You changed the rules by having a surgery so most of the advice here isn't really applied unless someone has specifically had this and knows whats going on..

    Talk to your Dr or a specialist in the area about your mood swings and what to eat..
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I'm not sure what kind of restrictions you have from your surgery, but generally adding more healthy fats is the easiest way to boost calories without adding a lot of volume. Drizzle some olive oil on your steamed veggies. Cook your eggs in coconut oil. Switch from turkey bacon to the real deal. If you're buying processed foods, avoid the low-fat versions when possible.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks Jess; I think I'll end up trying to do that and work calories in that way. I appreciate the help :)